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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. the imai scale is wrong however. sadly. Is the IMAI sculping scale off or actually scale? I noticed that the IMAI model and the MPC are the same size. Does that mean the MPC Alphas or 1/48 scale? the iamai is 1/55.
  2. You mean like how some Robotechies treated the "Macross Purists" on RT.com at one time? What goes around comes around is correct. Either way this is NOT a spare vacation site for RT.com. There is no need for a "general discussion RT" thread. There's plenty RT discissions as it is form the new Shadowfarce to the MPC Alphas. If it continues I will post pics of Speedo Max Sterling!!! just because they lack inteligence does not excuse stooping to their level.
  3. the hostile responds of some people here is not very incouraging to people there. Somehow I'm beginning to think that's a good thing in this case. hostility and hate is never good. bad karma.
  4. the hostile responds of some people here is not very incouraging to people there.
  5. does not exist. only bandais where ko'd
  6. Ali Sama

    MW Con 5

    does my skull 1 super tv with hikaru count?
  7. LOL! One suggestion, perhaps Agent One should not be allowed to attend, or if he does, all door knobs should be removed prior to his arrival, to avoid any err....embarrasing incidents I can just see it now: - Mari: Eww...what is that guy doing to that door knob over there? OMG that's sick, I'm outta here". Graham nah. she will see the greatness that is agent 1 and wish she was the doorknob.
  8. So, Korea is only capable of making one anime production at a time? yeah blaim robotech for eveyrhing!!!! they caused the war in iraq too you know
  9. Sorry Milk Man X....have you been under a rock for the last couple of years. I do believe that the Tokyo Courts ruled that in fact Tatsunoko controls SDF Macross outside of Japan...hence Harmony Gold does have the rights to the show, including the merchandise and music (both affirmed in the original case). Well we will wait for more appeals then. At least the Macross fans that dont like the original creators being ripped off anyway. you know. if people wanted to not support hg they woudl buy region 2's isntead of the animeeigo set.
  10. the imai scale is wrong however. sadly.
  11. new setup for mg
  12. I haev the first two books. buy it here
  13. super threads are unproductive. you have to wade trough dozens of irrelvent stuff ot seee if you got a respnce or to see if somthing has been discussed before.
  14. in the daicloen toys ultra magnus was a powered up convoy mecha. in traansfomers any version. the original english or the japanese adaptation they are seperate characters.
  15. ko century beast. small ova. 4 or 6 eps. really funny scifi. lot sof slapstick
  16. hrt a vf1s roy and a super vf1j hukaru. trade pilots and put the super packs on roy.
  17. he shoudl get convoy versionof prime.
  18. escaflowne is more popualr in the states.
  19. the stripes are reveresed on a hikaru 1s and a jetfire.
  20. If you don't mind strange british humor I'd also recommend Red Dwarf. One of those great smart dumb series. Another good BBC series is Doctor Who. It ran for 26 years, includes many novels, audio adventures, and a new series starting this year. Low budget but a lot of fun. new doctor who is beign made
  21. instead of listing the obvviouse I will list the overlooked sereis thoguh some good ones which arre popular will be mentioned. fantasy: 3x3 eyes : acult fantasy story. pretty short anime though. manga is long!! Adeu's Legend: Ryu Knight TV : nice epic sereis with magic and armor which si liek mecha. I enjoyed this sereis. AZUMI: if you like fantasy based samurai live actgion. bastard: very short but very sweet series about an evil wizard who is trapped insdie a boy and the girl they both like scifi: back to the future(trilogy) awsome scifi sereis. aout time travel. Better man: dark scifi set in the same universe as gaogaigar. Bubblegum crisis: blade runner meets power armor. Casshern very story oriented live action movie which is set in a relaly mesed up future. Firefly: awsome western in space GaoGaiGar: if you like transformers and supe rrobots and sicifi you will ike this Geneshaft: often overlooked scifi sereis. good show. chekc out my list I haev them catagorized.
  22. robotech is nto a bootleg no matter how you dislike it. they paid for the right sto macross, hey ill believe what I want to believe haha ignorance is bliss
  23. they had boots of rt for years
  24. robotech is nto a bootleg no matter how you dislike it. they paid for the right sto macross,
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