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Everything posted by Gui

  1. I love this idea
  2. Dunno: my rig cannot handle such game so I didn't even bother, but you should be able to find some clues in the FAQ. The link on the official site main page goes on the same page than the one I gave in the OP message though...
  3. The prequel wasn't exactly a "must see" to begin with Frankly, the only thing I remember from this show is one of the maids serving cookies to the heroes – dunno why this one in particular, maybe because of her voice actress... Oh, and the main mecha design being prety cool too, but I think I recall this one because I saw it in some trailers and thought the show was cool when it actually wasn't
  4. Began watching Lucky Star the day before yesterday: the first episode was a bit heavy but the second one was funnier; I think I'll go slowly with this one...
  5. A video game project by Red 5 Studios (ex Blizzard members) and Scott Youngblood, Lead Designer of Tribes 1 & 2, FireFall is an action shooter (ie. FPS/TPS + RTS) planned for fall 2011 and although it presents almost all the characteristics of an MMO, its developpers say it's not one... Official trailer: Gameplay footage (about 10 mins): Official site Project F.A.Q. Beta testing registration
  6. Indeed This show is great stuff all around: you'll not be disappointed...
  7. ??? This language looks like spanish to me...
  8. I have never been really fond of Perfect Blue, but I really liked all of his other productions – particularly Paranoia Agent Too bad the anime industry lost such a greatly talented director...
  9. Probably because their main target audience is in high school or right after... Something like that
  10. My thoughts exactly: I finished it yesterday and I was hooked. A great ending totally faithful to 0079 in the idea but far more actual on the "scientific" side than Seed was a few years ago – and as long as quantum physics are not very well known by current scientists Can't wait to see the movie of this autumn
  11. I'm currently at ep 15: it keeps going better and I'm in until the end
  12. After some weeks of pause, I finally came back to anime yesterday and watched the first five eps of Gundam 00 (season 2): a good start IMO
  13. No, it was the drowned city: all these pods appearing from below the water and all these narrow spaces were a pain in the ass... No room to maneuver and plenty of ennemies firing at me from everywhere at the same time I really enjoyed the game until this point, but I didn't use cheats until I encountered the mad female zentraedi in her power armor: the sky was far too low in this stage
  14. Personnaly, I really prefered Invasion to Battlecry: the Macross setting of Battlecry was charming but the gameplay of the title was seriously lacking (do you believe me if I say I spent an entire day of my life on a single stage?); in Invasion, on the other hand, once you have done the first levels and you get to beat some invids, the manual lock made the game far more enjoyable to me – I didn't even need to take a look to some walkthroughs or to use cheats
  15. It looks like your little brother is now beyond the stage of learning: then it's now time for him to build what he has in mind; it's a matter of culture, and not tools I mean by this that it's not a question of digital tablet and/or scanner, but a simple point of subject: he needs to find what turns him on and makes him want to draw The will is the main – if not the only – talent: if you lose will... Well you don't lose talent, but it becomes sort of useless (a way of speaking...) I don't know the laws of your country but maybe it is simply time for him to work, to get a job and let his mastering becomes useful Because of this, I'd suggest to buy a simple scanner, digitilize his works, put them online and send them to professionnals. And by professionnals, I mean do not hesitate to solicit big guys: a lot of people began at ILM or Walt Disney because they didn't know what to do... I'm very serious here Oh, and don't hesitate to show us some of his stuff: it looks like we'll see interesting things
  16. His face reminds me of Michael Jackson...
  17. It's one of my all time favorites, even if it can be considered as lacking in some ways but which shows aren't?
  18. Main comp', admin theme: Main comp', user theme: Secondary comp', admin theme: Secondary comp', user theme:
  19. Shouldn't the title be something like 20 years into the Past instead?
  20. Watched Power Dolls recently: it's watchable, but just that...
  21. Rewatched the first two MS Igloo lastly: I enjoyed the first more and the second less than at my very first viewing of the whole a few years back, but it was still a good moment...
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