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Everything posted by Gui

  1. It is, but it's also long and repetitive, with very minimal character development: you may find it hard to enjoy... Movies usually are better IMO
  2. Impressive And some nice photos too...
  3. Fire at will With sauces preferably: I may need them one day for an essay on the guy or on one of the many animes he worked on...
  4. ANBU released a fansub of this movie back in the beginning of October at least: that's when I got it but I never could find the time to check it out. I picked it because there was mechs' in...
  5. Began watching Final Fantasy Unlimited the day before yesterday, and after the first bunch of eps I begin to wonder if it really is worth keeping on: despite the exotic aspect in the exploration of the various inner worlds which adds a nice touch on the artistic side, it looks like an "enemy of the week" show with always the same plot repeating again and again... Someone knows if this gets better?
  6. Began watching the latest Cobra: The Animation OVA yesterday: the previous recent Cobra shows left me unsatisfied but I've been rather pleased with this one – the original spirit seems to be back...
  7. They talked about this in a live TV broadcast in my country a few weeks ago: what I recall is that it is not a "true" 3D hologram; it looks 3D only when you look at it from the front or from behind, but if you walk around it you see it is actually flat... Nice technical performance though, but only for shows
  8. Some good recommendations here for you, shiroth, but when you'll have finished reading "outdated" SF (Clarke, Asimov, Van Vogt & co.), you'll be ready for some real trips, such as: - by Robert Silverberg: Dying Inside (a telepath whose only quality resides into his ability to read minds sees this one collapsing), The World Inside (one planet and 70 billions of citizens living in tower of several kilometers high, in a total sexual freedom: madness is at every corner...) - by Norman Spinrad: The Iron Dream (ever wondered what sort of guy a science-fiction writer is? Here is the answer...), Bug Jack Barron (heavy criticism of the civilization of the mass media; still pertinent...) - by Brian Aldiss: Hothouse (in this faaar future, sun is almost a giant red and plants have gone crazy: what remains of humans live in this endless forest where everything can be a deadly trap...), Non-Stop (colonization of very distant worlds has produced strange results onto the ship crews...) - by Samuel Delanny: Babel 17 (the problem of communicating with aliens who think in a completely different way: explores the limits of language), Nova (one of the finest space opera ever) - by Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness (some great thoughts about difference between individuals) - by Thomas Disch: The Genocides (invasion of Earth by aliens can go really wrong for humans), Camp Concentration (here, the drug induces the greatest intelligence, right before madness then death) - by Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon (speaking of intelligence: here, a mentally impaired idiot is treated to become intelligent and become a true genius who makes amazing discoveries; then the treatment ceases to be effective and the guy feels the terror of becoming less than a beast again... Do NOT read the very latest sentence of the book before begining your reading) - by Frederik Pohl: Gateway (the twilight of space opera: Earth is now a hell because of global warming, poors embark into alien space ships discovered onto an asteroïd and go to unknown locations of the galaxy to get rare artifacts – they can find glory and fortune like madness, if not death) - by Dan Simmons: Hyperion (a masterpiece: all of the themes of the genre cross each other here, in a very surprisingly effective manner; you can avoid reading the sequels, but if you choose to read them, read them to the very last novel) - by Iain M. Banks: do not miss the Culture series which was a revolution for space opera; you can avoid beginning with Consider Phlebas and go directly for Player of Game then The Use of weapons – after these two, read the rest in whatever order you want although it'd make sense to read preferably in the publication order. - by Peter F. Hamilton: Fallen Dragon (you love mechas? Well, you'll get power armors, but they're cult in their own very way – very Guyver-esque...) - by Scott Westerfeld: Evolution's Darling (mind blowing in more ways than one...); if you're into military space op' then give a try to The Risen Empire and its sequel The Killing of Worlds: these two can be funny at times Well, I'll stop here for now: I still have a life...
  9. Hand drawn animation FTW!
  10. It still has its followers, most of them since the very first airing of the show back in the 90
  11. Frankly, I found the first movie even worse than the original TV show: I decided to watch it because I thought that maybe its director had found the time to think about his original concept in order to improve it and to imagine a way to represent it in a rather understandable manner, but it wasn't the case... This second movie, on the other hand, gave me the impression of an evolution in comparison to the original TV series: I'll see with the two other movies if it really is the case or not...
  12. Watched Evangelion 2.2: you can [not] advance yesterday: it was better than the first movie and also better than the same "segment" (sort of...) in the TV series. I'm surprised to see myself curious about the next movie...
  13. I'm not really into fantasy stories but with this director it may turn surprising: I'll wait patiently...
  14. Looks cult indeed: eager to see more
  15. FRANCE SDF Macross (DVD boxset; subbed) DYRL (VHS only, as Super Space Fotress Macross; dubbed; out of print) Macross II (VHS & DVD; subbed, dubbed; out of print) Macross Plus (VHS & DVD; subbed, dubbed; out of print) Macross 7: Trash (out of print) They're the only ones I can remember of...
  16. Nothing to do with Top Gun actually: it was an adaptation of a french TV series from the 60s
  17. Great news, indeed! Even if I'll never order this: I still remember my various setbacks about my order of the complete Z Gundam boxset, and I really don't feel like going through this again – especially if there's some compatibility issues with one or more disc again... I'll pass, though I'll order it if/when it is available in my country
  18. Impressive...
  19. I had forgotten this thread... Saw Inception about 2 weeks ago: after having heard very different opinions from many people, I decided to check out by myself It's a very good movie and I enjoyed it quite a lot. I wouldn't put it in the "best films ever" list but still in the "very worth to watch films" list anyway: not only it is smart and substantial, but it is entertaining aswell... Hat down Still, I don't buy the "it was all a dream" ending: such conclusion is one of the cardinal sins of litterature, and Nolan is too much of a good writer to fall in such easiness; but he sure likes to put the audience onto the wrong tracks, which makes people think and consider several options before building their own interpretation: it's an excellent way to make the public participate into the movie, and the sign of a great director DVD onto the "to buy" list as soon as it is released
  20. Develppers commentary on the already posted gameplay footage:
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