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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Watched the Gundam 00 movie yesterday: it wasn't bad but I didn't get how this story could be related with the TV series – this should have been a separate universe IMO...
  2. Saw it a few days ago: it was pretty but rather flat on the side of the ideas, contrarily to the original movie... Still a decent entertainment though.
  3. After having finished Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age (great reading: I strongly recommend this one!), I'm rereading Tomino's First Gundam novel between a bunch of more or less recent comics from all continents. Which mags?
  4. It has to be a typo. See? All it demanded was that we speak of it... It's a shy game: we just have to make it understand we really want it.
  5. I didn't watch the TV series yet, just read the original manga, and I've to say that To Terra is among the best SF manga I've ever read so far, and maybe the best SF altogether... And no, I didn't find any preach fest in. But maybe the anime is different. Otherwise, I finished watching Tomino's very first TV series Triton of the Sea yesterday: it's a more interesting series than it may look at first sight, and despite the "enemy of the week" syndrome it conveys an overall plot which doesn't lack of interest at all, particularly in its conclusion where the status of hero of the main protagonist becomes very discussable; I also like how Tomino proposed a very different story than the original Tezuka's manga. A very pleasant surprise, even if it is badly dated...
  6. Not a horror movie but a new way to repair burnt skin; pretty impressive: Although this looks like a huge fake, I couldn't find any evidence of dishonnesty...
  7. Arg... Oh well, I still have to play ZOE2, as well as the second ending of the GBA game: this will take some time and hopefully something positive will happen in the meanwhile.
  8. Didn't they announce a possible third game for the PS3 some months ago? Anyway, this toy looks awesome: really eager to get mine
  9. Still, one of the most brilliant ideas from Tomino: too bad they didn't keep it for the TV series... IIRC, these Gundams are built from spare parts of the RX-78... That's why they can't repair Karen's Gundam head in the latest eps of the series: they don't have any spare parts any more... A contemporary super über advanced japanese war boat. This show's a good uchrony: it gives you the urge to read the original manga...
  10. +1 And Yukinobu Hoshino's original manga counts among the best SF stories I know.
  11. I'm onto Umi no Triton since a few days, the very first TV series entirely directed by Tomino: it's very different than the original manga by Tezuka but enjoyable nonetheless
  12. Every word a person say reflects something about her personality But not always the first thing some people may think about though...
  13. At least, this guy will have what he'll need to get a very good lawyer... Still, what a waste of effort.
  14. Heroic Age is great: don't miss it!
  15. Be careful: ZZ begins very differently than Z, which may disappoints you; things get back to "normal" after around the first half though...
  16. These eps count amongst the most brilliant works of fiction I've ever watched: pure horror at its climax; and it all can be so possible.
  17. No problem, it simply looks weird to me that you wished to discuss personal opinions about an artistic creation: this looks impossible to me, because of tastes and everything... I posted my impressions about the work of this author without any back reasonning or whatever else; I didn' even attempt to troll: it was just an opinion given like it came to me. Of course, you rule buddy! I don't see anything here which prevents me to give my opinion on any subject. Besides, what would be the purpose of this forum if people couldn't express their opinion? Frankly, you'll give me lessons about life when you'll be my father, and tomorrow is not yesterday... Everyone knows that negative comments which take only one sentence and don't present any argument are supposed to be ignored: if you hadn't given any moral lessons in your very first reply to me, there wouldn't have been any exchange and I wouldn't be here explaining the obvious. ... Now, I've finished Sorry for the interruption, everyone.
  18. Where does it say in the TOS of this website that I haven't any? C'mon, dude... I wasn't talking to you... You'll always find worse, it isn't a reason to be pleased with anything... Seriously, what do you know about what I think? ... I'll leave it where it is: whiny fanboy is whiny...
  19. Characters' poses are far too much static and their facial expressions are too much forced to be convincing. 'Cause I'm not interested into drawing comics probably... And since when am I supposed to do better in order to get the right to have an opinion and to express it publicly? I've seen shoujo art drawn with better skills, from Riyoko Ikeda or Keiko Takemiya – amongst others. ... Sounds like someoneS can't handle criticism over a Macross product nowaday...
  20. It's a very good movie, yes, but I'd like to give a look to the Tarkovski version from 1972 too...
  21. You mean Alto has the happy end. At least judging by the second pic... And this mangaka should learn how to draw.
  22. Nothing to worry about, really... If it sucks, it will not ruin the Alien series more than it is already ruined since the sh1tty 3rd movie; and if it is great, Hollywood will get another franchise to screw up with sh1tty sequels. All is well in this perfect world
  23. Watched Arrietty a few days ago: a good movie but not the jewel that a lot of people announced; still a very enjoyable story though...
  24. Finished Final Fantasy Unlimited yesterday: the last pair of eps or so was rather interesting but they didn't suffice to save the rest; too bad because the base concept had potential... I plan to watch the Gundam 00 movie soon and after that to begin the Umi no Triton TV series as soon as I will have read the original manga: I'm onto writing a biography of Tomino atm.
  25. Looks really nice: /me wants ^^
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