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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Okay, I understand better what you meant now. But I don't think this dream scene makes a weaker film because it consolidates a point which was weakly made in the first version: I actually tend to dislike movies which are too much open ended or vague – but it's personnal...
  2. How many movies do they plan to do with Break Blade by the way?
  3. Sure, but it's an amazing coincidence that Deckard's dream shows an unicorn and that Gaff makes an origami of an unicorn... I mean, he could have dreamed about a fairy or anything else, or Gaff could have made an origami about anything except an unicorn, but these two characters have this one very particular thing in common: what else could this mean? And it isn't filmed like a trivial thing neither, or something you can simply ignore: the dream sequence lasts a long moment and makes a considerable break in the whole movie, and Gaff's origami is showed very closely during several seconds to make sure the audience understands what it represents... Hard to see anything else that Deckard's a replicant, or even a simple coincidence. On the other hand, we could interpret Vador's reply to Luke about being his father as, for example, a way to fool him: after all, as long as we didn't witness the gametes fecondating each other, we can't be sure of anything... I'm not sure to follow you here because I read the book a long time ago and I don't remember all the details but I don't see why a movie couldn't be different than the book it adapts – or, more precisely, different than your interpretation of the book.
  4. Ditto This can also be interpreted in many ways, for example that Deckard is an unique replicant because it was built to hunt other replicants...
  5. Never seen any Bluray of this movie but I remember having watched on TV a version called Final Cut something like last year or so: dunno if it's the same but I found it completely unnecessary – the Director's Cut from 1992 remains the best Blade Runner for me.
  6. True: Mazinger's a classic because it brought something new to the mecha genre, when Combattler V didn't expand onto anything... I plan to watch Zambot 3 soon, and Daitarn 3 just after. But I agree with you: most of the super robot shows are just as good as their best eps, and usually the last bunch of the total. I also tend to prefer the recent prods of the super robot subgenre: even if they don't have much more to say, they are at least pretty... 0080 is made of win and gold
  7. And a rather sh!tty side story: I had to read the Wikipedia article to remenber what this movie was about... As for the main news of the topic: meh... Scott already began to ruin his masterpiece with the unnecessary third version a few years ago, why not finishing it off now?
  8. Maybe the video game will be more entertaining...
  9. Don't know how I could forget to tell you that I began watching Combattler V a whiiile back: 35 eps in and I wonder how I can put up with such torture – every new episode is a carbon copy of any other one; I also wonder why they bothered numbering them because you can watch them in any order you want without changing anything... It's not that the show doesn't present any merits at all but every good and/or innovative (for the epoch) idea the scenario throws in is eradicate at the end of the ep, then preventing the whole series to orientate itself in a truly interesting direction. Less than 20 eps to finish this and I'll know why it is considered by some as a legend among the super robot shows from the 70s. Or not...
  10. Yep. Accepting a challenge is one thing, fighting on the ring is an entirely different one: you need the mind of a showoff for this – I don't think Lee was one in his "old" age, even if he once has been maybe...
  11. Back in the feudal era, shaolin monks used martial arts to protect people's offerings to the gods from thieves: there was no rings whatsoever and they killed fanatically whoever tried to take what belonged to the ones they worshipped – hence, noone tried to steal the offerings, at least noone who lived to tell... No, martial arts are not for the rings – great sports to get great physical shape though.
  12. IGLOO was good... as a showcase to sell models. True, but at least it's above average.
  13. I just put this here:
  14. You know they just wanted to sell more toys Maybe but at least it was somewhat refreshing
  15. And they developped it during an entire season, not only one movie... At least it sounds realistic, like the original Gundam credo was realistic in depicting the end of the One Year War as the beginning of the Grypps War, and peace as a simple period of transition between two wars – like it is the case since the beginning of real History. A way that you find conclusive, because personnally I find it very naive and also irresponsible: irresponsible because this means we can't understand each others without a superior threat above us (i.e. we are unable to solve our own problem ourselves), and naive because Macross was supposed to be a parody of the mecha genre at the beginning; then it evolved through years and additional shows made at sponsors requests toward some sort of metaphore which finds its climax in Macross 7 – but aliens were not more required in this TV series than in any others, Macross or Gundam: they're just an image for the stranger as a potential enemy, all the more as zentrans are simply some sort of cousins to humans... Fine, I admit being wrong on this point, but only this one: this movie still looks like a complete intellectual and narrative mess and not only it wasn't necessary but it also considerably bastardized one of the most interesting Gundam series to date – my congratulations to the director... ... And I'll leave it here now because we obviously are in complete disagreement and this conversation will not bring any of us anywhere: frankly, I have more important things to do – and I'm sure that you too...
  16. Frankly, I don't really care about this last sentence into ep 24: it's not an introduction, it isn't even cryptic, it's far too much awkward and fast and discrete to be really noticed, or to be considered as important – it is just one, isolated, simple sentence in a whole 25 eps TV series: if it was really an important point, they would have insisted on it during a while and several times all along the story; it's a basic storytelling technic: if it is important, make the audience notice. The events of the movie happen only two years after the end of the second season: do you seriously think it's enough to allow all humans to forget all their hatred and jealousy and sorrow and whatever else is at the roots of all wars just because there's only one nation now? C'mon: the end of season 2 is just the beginning of the work for the Celestial Beings – here is the opening toward a new direction: again, no aliens required... The more we discuss about this, and the more I think the staff of this movie developped this aliens concept to please the fans who demand extraterrestrials since quite some years now, or because they run out of ideas, or both, and certainly not because they planned it since the beginning: nothing wrong here of course, but don't ask me to buy this whole wannabe metaphysical stuff.
  17. Man, I'm just a spectator, which means I'm not supposed to do the job of the scriptwriters instead of them: I'm just giving a simple but honest opinion – and not trying to do better than the guys who are paid for doing this job. Anyway, like I already said several times, I think the ending of season 2 was fine like it was and didn't require a movie to end anything: this latest season didn't end with any "to be continued..." or whatever else which said clearly that some plot points needed to be resolved. I just don't get why the guys at Sunrise felt the urge to end anything, especially in opening their tale into an entirely new direction. The "dialogues to come" you may reply? Fine, but with whom? Other terrestrial beings who will have some really hard times to understand each others like it's the case since dozens of thousands of years already, or with extraterrestrial aliens who devored worlds during centuries or millenias and will probably encounter some difficulties into changing their habits? My understanding of the conclusion of season 2 is that wars are ended because all nations are under only one banner now, and that each of these nations will have to learn to live with all the others – which, obviously, is not an easy task due to all the "dialogues to come" that such endeavour would demand... No aliens were required for this, that's all.
  18. Dude, "understanding" is the main point of the whole franchise, since the very first series with its newtypes: I don't have any problem with this at all, I also don't see any issue with having aliens in Gundam as long as it is not a rushed job like in this movie, and finally I'm not part of these haters who despise anything which is not UC – I just think these aliens have nothing to do with 00, at least in the way they are presented, and I don't really care about when the Sunrise staff began working on this movie: the final result displeases me because of an underuse of a totally new concept in the Gundam franchise, that's all... I'm very happy you liked this movie, but I simply didn't like this aspect of this production: so what? Is it really that of a big deal? Now, if Sunrise plans to develop this idea with a continuation of the 00 universe under one form or another, it's different. But as it is now, sorry, I don't like it, for all the reasons I already have given...
  19. In all honnesty, I didn't want any movie to begin with: the second season's end was fine as is. And I don't try to convince anyone of anything: I'm just stating my opinion, which is obviously discussable like all opinions. What I meant about continuity break is: there has never been aliens in Gundam so far, therefore introducing aliens is some sort of continuity break – and it would have been more welcome in another Gundam universe instead of the 00 which has never been based upon aliens after two entire seasons: why presenting aliens now? The other aspects of 00 didn't bug me at all: the war to end all wars, the innovators as the latest Newtypes,... all this already was present in various titles of the Gundam multiverse under one way or another – but not aliens. As for CCA: Tomino's objective, I think, was to put an end to the rivalry between Amuro and Char, which didn't require an entire TV series, therefore he wrote a simple movie. But in 00 these aliens don't end anything; in the contrary, they open this whole universe towards an entirely new direction – but one movie is not enough to explore this direction to its right value, because it's too short: that's my main problem with this movie...
  20. Frankly, there's far too much "maybe" and probably" in your latest reply to make it convincing, dude: for me this movie still looks like a complete narrative mess and a huge continuity break compared to the TV series, all the more as these ones sufficed to themselves very well while I'm at it – this movie was unnecessary to begin with and in its actual form not only it adds rather uninteresting things but it also adds them in a very discussable way... Sometimes, I wonder if anime creators don't spend too much time online: something tells me that all these fans discussions about bringing aliens into the Gundam franchise misleaded some people at Sunrise and made them think it was a good idea to orient the 00 movie in this direction when they actually didn't know what to do with it at the beginning of the project – such theme is far too much an entire reconsideration of the whole franchise to be treated in such a hasty and messy way... Just my 0.02$, bla-bla...
  21. Frankly, I don't remember any part about aliens, at least in the "extraterrestrial" meaning of the word, but for what I understood in the scenario of this movie, it's because Schenberg sent a space ship in Jupiter's orbit that these ELS were attracted to Earth: they may not have localized it without this mission beyond the asteroids belt... In other terms, it looks to me that everything here is the fault of Schenberg. Frankly, I didn't even care about the promotionnal campaign of this movie: I was sure to watch it simply because it was the conclusion of the 00 series, and nothing else. But this underlines what I meant previously: if you have to watch all trailers, read all interviews and check out all artworks in order to get the story right... Well, there's an obvious narrative problem, here... I wasn't thinking about an entire plot actually. Some isolated scenes could have suffice, or even simple shots maybe, like it has been done all along the whole X-Files series through various means: like this, authors could have introduce, then develop and maintain some sense of mystery which would have encourage the audience into wanting to watch more... If they really wanted to end their story like they did, that is.
  22. I don't remember even one thing about Descartes Shaman: at first sight, I thought it was Setsuna's mentor from his soldier child era who was resurrected/cloned/whatever... No, seriously, these ELS arrive like one hair in the soup: there was plenty ways to introduce them in the second season –for now it isn't even a surprise, it's simply out of subject.
  23. Yep, I was thinking the same but still, all this ELS thing looks far too much like some sort of Deus Ex Machina: if the creators of the show planned to introduce these aliens in the 00 story from the beginning, they should have given some hints to the audience during the second season at least –at the moment, it looks like a "we don't know what story we will tell in the movie so we come up with the first thing which comes to our minds" but unfortunately this thing has nothing to do with what 00 is about so far plotwise...
  24. Something to do with mechas, or its founders just thought it was a cool name?
  25. The first bunch of eps of Yuusha Raideen: so far, meh...
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