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Everything posted by Gui

  1. This is MacrossWorld, that's why It just wouldn't be the same place if everyone were nice, polite, courtious, and didn't judge books (or movies) by first impressions Also, it is not very often that Hollywood uses SF concepts/stories to their right values then it is a bit normal if people becomes 'circumspect' And honnestly I'm a bit tired to give my money to people who usually don't use it in a respectfull way: this doesn't encourage them into making 'quality' productions, it's the exact contrary in fact...
  2. Thanks for the infos
  3. Passing on RT.com, I found this but there's no mention of it in the Compendium and the Nanashi's Information Group website is currently unavailable... I couldn't even find any mention of it into the Shoji Kawamori's Macross Design Works book. Does anyone have infos about this particular type of VF or is it some anime error? Thanks in advance
  4. And what is your conclusion?
  5. Obviously, yes I certainly hope that you're joking, because this is turning into a Monty Python skit. You don't like the Monthy Python?
  6. I agree with you, Lt. Adamovic, this begins to look like some monomaniac obsessive thread... You see no problem with debating something you don't know anything about, nor feel any inclination towards researching? That is what you have stated. And why should there be a problem?
  7. I was agreeing with you, then pointing out that you came in, told me I was wrong about something, then reworded my own statement, changing none of the facts, and used it as your reasoning. I did not say you're wrong, I said that the statement there's only one trainer for the entire Macross looks weird, this was based on your post where you used the above-mentioned caps and number between brackets, the source of the 'misreading and/or misinterpretation' I already mentioned previously The fact remains that no one in the entire thread, except for you, has brought up the idea that anyone was even arguing that there existed only a single training fighter shared amongst the entire Macross fighter compliment. I indeed examined this possibility -for the reason given immediately above, the 'misreading and/or misinterpretation' thing- and refuted it with a reason you seem to agree with: where is the problem? Yet you have time to argue a point that you freely admit you do not have the time to research. Huh? Writing a post takes 5 mins, researching into the compendium requires far much more time (no offense to Egan, I really think he does an excellent job...), on the other hand I don't understand why you open such thread if you already know that the proof you look for doesn't exist... Unless you want a discussion instead of a proof... I don't see how I missed the entire point of the thread: you said that you agreed with me when I said that you'll very probably never find any 'solid evidence pointing either way'...
  8. And apparently, the response is 'no'... Basically the same question, worded differently. However, as Egan himself has not settled the VF-1D debate himself, we are left to assume that at this time there is no official answer, one way or the other. Exactly what I said at the very end of my previous post, with this: As for: But that's not the issue. No on, no one in this entire thread has even hinted that there may be only a single craft for training in all of SDF Macross. We are specifically discussing the D variant of the VF-1 Valkyrie. Is it, or is it not a dedicated trainer variant, with proof to back up the belief. Dude, I wrote a 6 lines paragraph to attempt to give an explanation to how this thread became a mess because of some sort of misreading and/or misinterpretation, if you pay attention to the first two ones only you'll obviously encounter difficulties to get the whole point You'd be surprised at just how many little details have been worked out by the show creators. Check out http://www.anime.net/macross/ sometime. Unfortunately, I have more important things to do of my time and this doesn't change anything to the fact that the info you look for is not present into this documentation, which tends to demonstrates that the show creators themselves didn't consider this detail as that important in the end... More or less what I said... But whatever...
  9. I stand by that statement, read it altogether in context. The questions was, "Are all VF-1D Valkyries training aircraft?", the only proof anyone has brought up to say that all VF-1D Valkyries are training aircraft is in that VT-102 from the first episode of SDF Macross was, in fact, a training aircraft. Actually, your question in the very first post is the following: And apparently, the response is 'no'... In all honnesty, if there's one trainer we can reasonably assume that there's several ones aswell, for the -obvious- reasons I stated previously, and yes these other trainers can be of a different model of VF (though this gives to me the feeling that such statement would be more fanfic material than anything else but whatever...), they also can be VF-1D too. And this doesn't prevent the possibility that VF-1D can also be used for different missions than pure training btw. Therefore the overall argument looks rather moot, for the simple and good reason that it seems there's no strict evidence at all in either way (that, to answer your very first question) but only speculations which all reasonably assume that there's several planes of this type serving the training purpose, as well as some others goals maybe... Finally, and as a personal note, I don't think that development teams in charge of such anime serie project have enough time to lose into working on such 'details' therefore I tend to think that you'll never find any 'solid evidence pointing either way'
  10. Well, check out your second sentence in my quote... You used caps + a number between brackets...
  11. I don't get. Why would they all be assigned to Captain Dagger? It seems obvious to me he was the instructor assigned to that aircraft. Before I'm accused of saying all the 1D's are trainers I don't think they are, just that VT-102 is. That's exactly what I'm saying. We have an example of ONE(1) VF-1D that is a training craft. It is assigned to an instructer by the name of Captain Dagger, and one student pilot. It is labeled VT-102. The proof is the VT-102 stamped on the side of the Valkyrie, and the names labled on the cockpit seats. However, none of this is proof that the entire line of D variant VF-1 fighters are trainers, any more than it is proof that all VF-1D Valkyries have an instructor named Captain Dagger assigned to the back seat. All this evidence only really applies to that one(1) specific VF-1D. Not only that, but the only other VF-1D we see in the series is shown in a non-training role, and the only other training Valkyries we see are cannon fodders, including a cannon fodder VF-1J, and then the VT-1 from the movie. Yes, but having only one trainer VF for the entire pilots crew of the fortress looks a bit weird aswell IMO: I mean it makes sense they train several pilot recruits simultaneously (all the more as we can clearly see in the show Hikaru training with several other persons...) hence the 'necessity' to have several trainer planes and of course several instructors too As for the Cpt Dagger name thing: it's probably because the drawer had to put a name for the purpose of making his schema more realistical... I'd simply consider this as some sort of private joke -similar to a video-game easter egg- or even simply an 'error', something like that: it happens frequently in real-life with architecture or industrial plans so why not in an anime?
  12. That's because the Doctor's 'teh Ownzorz': his work inspired a lot of people and other authors all around the world But noone will be able to tell you who, between John Campbell and him, invented them...
  13. The worst thing with this is that Harlan Ellison -a very close friend of the doctor and also a SF writer who proved his quality a while ago- wrote a magnificent scenario to adapt the Robot cycle to the cinema: this is a truely faithfull script. Only one 'problem': he finished and proposed the scenario to Hollywood just a few weeks after the success of Episode4: A New Hope... No need to explain further I guess. This scenario has been made public into 3 of the issues of Isaac Asimov's Magazine of Science-Fiction at the end of 1987 under the title of I, Robot: if you have the opportunity to take a look at this, it's really worth the reading as a really original interpretation of this classic approved by Asimov himself On the other hand, I know that Spielberg posseses the rights of exploitation of the Foundation cycle: end or continuity of the nightmare?
  14. He he, I expected something like that... Then, the next logical question is 'Where can I find an accurately subbed version for my anime DVDs?' or more precisely 'In what forum am I supposed to post such question?' because I guess this doesn't really belong here...
  15. Thank for the reply Another question: I just got DYRL Perfect Edition at Valkyrie Exchange and noticed some weirdness in the subtitles (I understand crap about japanese and base my note on the comparison between the french version of the movie -pretty crappy translation btw- and the Clash of the Bionoïds version), weirdness such as when Hikaru tries to fight back the zentrans who attempt to capture him and Minmey during their fun trip into the Saturn rings, he press the button but the weapon doesn't fire and he says something like "Oh no ! It's military use"... I didn't get it... So my question is: how much these subs are faithfull to the original dialogues? Again, thanks in advance
  16. Ah... Internet boards... So much different people but always the same neverending debates... Let's see what happens if I reply I know crap about war as well as Macross7 but I do know for sure that difference between cultures (and I mean radical differences, not the sort of differences there is between occidental people and semi-occidental people, these ones are some sort of cousins and there's no comparison possible with human and zentrans or human and protodevilns if I got the summary of the story correctly...), these cultural differences, then, can very often bring on some crazy behaviour which can and did turn some wars into an unexpected way. Let's consider as an example, the aztec and inca people who saw the spanish conquistadors as some gods: Cortez and his soldiers were far much weaker than the natives -the result of the very first fights proved it and they became victorious because they transmitted some particular diseases to these people whose population has been decimated in a matter of weeks, pretty unusual weapon, neh?- but when the europeans arrived on this land it was approximately the same schedule as an ancient aztec prophecy said that the local God would come, therefore the natives welcomed their enemy and although the conquistadors immediately began to fight, ransack, rape, etc, the aztecs still thought they were gods and did not even try to protect themselves... Their king also offered himself and his life to the conquistadors: no need to precise that these last ones were pretty surprised and immediately thought these guys were completely retarded. They quickly changed their mind when they murdered the aztec king and his people began to take weapons against the invaders. The rest is History... There's very probably a lot of other examples but I don't have enough knowledge about History to tell you more, at least as precisely. I think you got my overall point though.
  17. That is the question...
  18. Internet's so small sometimes...
  19. In this thread, J A Dare talks about a Macross 20th Anniversary product: does it present any fiction besides the CGs, ads and video-game clips or is it just for the hardcorest of the fans? Thanks in advance
  20. The story takes place in a future where population has grown crazy and people are named following letters and numbers, hence the title of the movie which is the main character's name. In this society, a recent law declare babies as forbidden for about 30 years in order to jugulate this issue (this is not very different than some actual chinese laws btw). But THX1138 falls in love with a woman and together they make a kid... Nothing to do with Star Wars, fortunately
  21. One of the greatest SF movie ever IMO, far above the Star Wars crap (which isn't that difficult in the end...): a definitive must
  22. Yep, I expected such numbers: doing real-time modelings, low-poly is around 2000-2500 polys for me Good luck for the final: keep us informed
  23. Looks cool IMO Though, due to the amount of details, I'd really like to know what you consider as a high-poly version...
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