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Everything posted by Gui

  1. I didn't know this one but I like it... Well, more thant the previous one this stupid quizz gave to me (Shockwave, go figure... )
  2. Great movie: I really like it Lots of french people into the credits: glad to see that my compatriots produce such funny things. I want more now!
  3. They are? I sure hope so...I want my Gunbuster. Same here: I've been big Gunbuster fan since the very first episodes of the OAV released by USR
  4. Yep, I noticed this a few hours after having posted my previous message but I forgot to keep everyone informed
  5. After having seen Minority Report, I think this WotW project can turn great W8 and see
  6. Arg... I just took a bunch of days of vacation and it's down when I come back...
  7. OMG: what do Mulder and Scully do?
  8. Even if the only difference is that there's a 2 instead of a 7 into the title of the topic
  9. I think he got it now...
  10. Nanotechnologies own!!!
  11. I should really take the time and find the money to make something like this... Very nice btw
  12. Ooops... My apologies, man: I missed this one...
  13. Any infos about the people who live on the Zola planet, in M7 Dynamite? They look human but have strange ears and some hair on the forearms... Are they related to humans, zentrans (one of them becomes a giant...) or the Protoculture? Thanks in advance
  14. First thing I noticed was how much less blurry the picture was from my old VHS tape of DYRL?. I was so happy to be able to see the movie finally
  15. Obviously, simply making money...
  16. Yep, some of the character developments/complements and 'side-stories' presented in Encore, Dynamite and Galaxy are cool: more stuff like that could be welcome, it considerably helps to develop the Macross universe IMO
  17. I finished to watch the main show yesterday (remain Encore and Dynamite as well as Galaxy...) and it's great: indeed M7 is the true sequel to Macross IMO, pushing the original concept to its extreme while filling the holes into the History of the Protoculture in the same time I tend to agree with Gabriel about the length of the overall show though: some episodes look a bit 'useless' such as the one where Guravil has these sort of earplugs, or when Mylene encounter her fan Billy, or when Gamlin is possesed by Gabil... They don't really add to the atmosphere or the main story IMO Despite this and some other (very) minor details, I think it's great: it made me reconsider my impressions about SDF, this is why I recommend it to every Macross fan. For me, it is now an indispensable complement Oh, and Gubaba rulezzz!
  18. I think you put the finger on it, Keith: main problem of MacII is that it's a sequel who suffers of the comparison to the original, because as a stand-alone serie it works IMO, and very well Particularly concerning mechanical designs... Btw, I read in a very old issue of Protoculture Addict of around 1992 that Marduks are supposed to be some degenerated descendants of the Protoculture -and not the Supervision Army- anyone has additional infos about this?
  19. Nice: the perfect delay to save on some bucks Thanks
  20. Thanks for the info
  21. I received my FX sets a pair of days ago and already saw the first 2 discs: I really like it so far. Thanks to the forumers in there, I was warned that the beginning of the show is 'weird' but once the first instant of surprise is passed, it doesn't require real efforts to get in IMO I think the combination of music and Spiritia thing is really an interesting concept which fits well the Macross formula: I can't wait to see how this will be developped. Characters are all loveable IMO, with their strong and weak points but they all have their own personality though some of them look a bit 'cliche' (such as Gamlin who's slightly too much Top Gun-like, or Ray who's the usual 'I-did-war-and-was-traumatized-by-what-I-saw' character, etc,...), my favorites so far are Basara, Mylene and Viffida, as well as Gubaba btw. The 'bad' guys are pretty cool too, especially the leader. I'm not very fond of the mechanical designs so far, except the VF-17 and the VF-11, this is why I was pleasantly surprised to see Mirya coming back into the action with her red VF-1... More impressions coming 'soon' Btw, I've a question for the local experts. In the episode where there is this 'Lin Minmei Story' movie thing (I belive it's episode11), Max and Mirya are discussing and he says this: Is this 'Investigating team' supposed to be a bad translation for 'Supervision Army'?
  22. Good question: the answer really interests me too... Any news about the release date for Zeta ?
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