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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Someone knows the name of the original mecha for this one? I don't recognize it...
  2. Animeigo's release is planned for september, isn't it? Personnally, I love BGC: it's one of my all-time favorites but yes, it can be considered as cheesy sometimes... On the other hand, mechanical designs and battle scenes are awesome most of the time, scenarios/themes become very good from Moonlight Rambler (episode5 if memory serves...) and art is always better and better. If you can rent the rest of the OAV, go for it Otherwise, if you're interested into the BGC universe, you may want to give a try to the AD Police OAV (NOT the TV serie available from ADV...): sure you'll not find it cheesy
  3. The newtype concept is also more elaborated in the movie trilogy than in the serie
  4. I ordered a pair of DVDs from them through Amazon.com some months ago and got no problem at all: good delays, good shape for the discs and good prices... I think they're reliable
  5. I tend to agree with Radd personnally: Akira has been THE standard during a while and we could expect that GitS would be compared to it, but it's a bit difficult to do so IMO. Sure, the animation of GitS is overally very good but how animation is there really? I mean, we see a lot of motionless sequences with a character 'talking' but his lips don't move, or some 'depth' effects which look like basic cellulo manipulations -with the foreground coming towards the spectator while the background goes away into the opposite direction (made with a camera zoom or maybe with some CGI, dunno...): this is not really difficult to do, especially at the time where GitS was made. In Akira, such 'cheap' things are far less present: the lips movement are faithfull to what the character is saying and there's almost no sequence where something is not moving... Things like that make me think that Akira remains superior to GitS
  6. I live in the UK and this is where im getting my set from: Euro Zeta Gundam Boxset Order Hope that helps buddy! It does!!! Many thanks, man: muchly appreciated
  7. I have yet to see a ICBM with a propeller, though it would be amusing. Indeed: I meant a reactor, it was a bad translation from me...
  8. Someone knows if it's available from elsewhere? It's a real pain in the ass to order from Europe at Right Stuf...
  9. Am I the only one who thinks the heat from the propeller should burn the cockpit when the thing is fired?
  10. Actually, I'm not a big fan of the first film either, for precisely the same reasons you mention. However, Production IG looks like they're doing their usual world class job in terms of animation, which is my main drawing point for this film. Same sentiment here: I'm rather fond of the GitS movie for its technical performances than for its story depth and/or faithfullness to the original manga
  11. What Exorcist movie are you talking about precisely?
  12. I have to agree with Keith on his latest point: more doesn't obligatory equal better. But, I'd also be pleased to see different approaches to the Macross concept through the eyes of other talented directors (I do NOT mean I'd like to see zillions of them, one or two, maybe three spread on a decade or something like that would be more than enough) as long as they're well done, i.e. with the approval of Kawamori himself An 'example' is Macross 7 Trash, which is not the best Macross story but still presents some good points and is an enjoyable spin-off IMO (the fact that Mikimoto has been personnaly involved into the main Macross shows until now may be the reason behind the quality of this work). It doesn't screw up anything in the whole franchise and add a different feeling that Kawamori may not have been able to imagine himself: from this point of view, it makes Macross richer
  13. /me posts before the thread is locked... Ahahaha... I can respect personal opinions, Ewilen. Especially if you state it as such. I for one won't impose on you what a great movie I think it is. I've seen Delicatessen and Ran. Not Diva. I'll look for that one. The other two are exceptional movies, IMO. Same sentiment here. I've always been very fond of Kurosawa's movies and particularly his earlier productions but his latests are also very good IMO. As for Delicatessen, and without any sort of chauvinism, it's really one of the greatest Jeunet movies: if you didn't see it, I strongly recommend you take a look at it, this is really what I consider as the real 'french touch'...
  14. Your implication being that those extra's are factoring into the price of the set. -50 episodes -10 disc's -$199.99 MSRP (and likely around $150 online presale discount). What the hell is wrong with that price? And no, there won't be a "cheaper" box set anytime soon, though they may do a brick or something a year on down the line once the individual disc's are released (that release will begin next year). There's nothing 'wrong' in that price, it's just that a cheaper release without the extras would have been even cooler but maybe it's just me...
  15. Quick question concerning Millia in M7: why does she wear a flightsuit from SDF if designs are supposed to be inspired by DYRL?
  16. Someone knows if there'll be another, cheaper Box Set edition without 'useless' extras such as the poster or the Pencil Sharpener Figures? And how much discs in total in this Box Set? No, these questions don't look dumb at all when you have to pay shipping costs towards an european country...
  17. /me posts before the thread is locked by an admin who'll think it's another M7 topic... My personal favorite aswell. I also agree with scand concerning Dark City : the Watchowsky (sp?) brothers obviously didn't invent anything with their Matrix 'saga'
  18. Yep, this is more or less what I planned to do...
  19. Same here... And what about Gattaca while we're at it? Lol?
  20. No, the only bearing that the original series, Z, or ZZ have on CCA is that the characters have history with each other, and it is mentioned in one line of the film. You can watch CCA, and totally get it without having seen Z or ZZ. Thx for the info
  21. Über cool news: like a lot of people, I look for an official F91 release since a long time. It seems my patience will finally be rewarded The Movie Pack thing is interesting aswell but the only one missing in my collection is CCA and I'm not interested into Miller's Report (saw a bootleg, don't think it really adds to the story IMO...) therefore I'll not buy it but it's a good opportunity to get all of them in once. Btw, is it necessary to have watched Zeta and ZZ to get everything from CCA or are they 'independent' stories?
  22. It is the typical 'let's take a great and long TV serie and try to summarize it in less than 2 hours' syndrome: result's particularly awfull IMO but if you're really into the BG thing you can watch it anyway, it simply ends 'sooner' than the TV show (I'll not write any spoiler, except if you insist...) then remove all the 'metaphysical' part at the end of the TV show therefore you may prefer the movie in comparison to the serie
  23. And Gasaraki, and Nadesico, and... Etc All the more as this expands onto other medias aswell, such as video-games with Heavy Gear and Mechwarrior but also Steel Battalion or Armored core, and I don't even talk about RT adaptations because they're not really 'new' strictly speaking though they're into the big robot thing too
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