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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Well, concerning these shows it makes sense that characters look alike: their designer was Mikimoto for both of them
  2. LOL! Actually they didn't even design this SDF-4 It's a cool-looking ship anyway: I really like it since the very first time I saw back into the old days...
  3. Thx for the link
  4. OMFG... First, I hear about a 6th Alien, now it's a new MotU movie... Am I woken up?
  5. my brotha! i stand united with you, our solidarity against sh!t movies while the rest say "i hate it, but i'll be in line when it hits theaters and buy the boxed set when it comes out" you and i will be standing strong in defiance of utter crap. I didn't see it either! Just like I didn't see Freddy vs. Jason. The only vs. I like in my life is Red vs. Blue. Same here Except for the Red VS. Blue thing... Dunno what it is btw...
  6. Result's rather eloquent IMO
  7. Indeed
  8. Oh my... The Sentinel version of Breetai is the pure incarnation of the ridiculous...
  9. Hopefully, this sequel will make sense this time...
  10. Maybe Gainax's goal is to kill the Gunbuster legend: "Die, Buster! Die!! Die!!!"
  11. +1 R.I.P., man: you'll be missed...
  12. A J-rock blog, read the article dated Wednesday, June 6, 2001 Slight spoilers, I suppose. You don't need to agree with all he said. Thx for the link: I'll give a try to the songs of this band one of these days
  13. It's not religion, it's music. Macross 7 managed to grab the spirit of j-rock. I have absolutely no idea about what j-rock is supposed to mean, therefore it's impossible for me to agree or disagree with you On the other hand, Japan doesn't represent the entire Asia
  14. jesting or not, that's the most ridiculous excuse i've read here to date. My apologies, I didn't express myself correctly, still have some issues with english language... I don't remember the name of this religion, this is why I used this unappropriate shortcut, but basically its main principle says that everything is illusion and only matters the way of the heart. I think it's some interpretation of buddhism IIRC but I'm not sure atm... AFAIK, it's more asian than western but you may find some equivalence with some occidental philosophies aswell, but these ones would still be less common in our countries than more materialistic way of thinkings IMO
  15. Because the record has no heart: to be effective, the song must come from the heart... This is the reason why the other band's songs cannot affect the protodevilns, because they don't bring any emotions, they don't have a real spiritia I think it's one of the reasons why people don't like M7: they don't get the thing that art is supposed to come from the heart to be 'real'. This is a very asian way to consider things btw, this 'from the heart' thing...
  16. Indeed, progress have been rather quick during the latest century but technology becomes always more complex which means that significant advances always require even more efforts, i.e. more time and money The examples you have given are pertinent but they all correspond to a ponctual market which grew according to a specific 'need' and its specific marketing campaign. I'm not sure the weapons market follow exactly the same rules, especially with such thing...
  17. Let's face it, guys: most of the time, when a new technology comes up it's for a military use. Then it slowly but surely becomes civil, like tourism planes or nuclear-powered power stations On the other hand, when I imagine the power of such device, I'm not sure to want to see it becoming civil: go figure anti-matter devices for domestic uses and compare them to what happens when there's a simple gaz leak in a building...
  18. If you say so, I belive you... But keep in mind that you saw Mac+ entirely and just about 10 minutes of Mac7: that's a significant difference
  19. I agree completely, and even more: M7 is the true essence of Macross and deserves to be given its chance... Anyway, DYRL? is teh pwnage
  20. Oh my God. Land Air Mech LOL! That travesty aside, its pretty cool to see a my fave Destroids are really my fave Mechs It always make me lol to see how much the guys from FASA could screw up some so much great designs (at least at this time) just because of their incompetence Fortunately, the majority of them have been redone by Kawamori: they now kick ass IMO
  21. Poor Gouf...
  22. All these designs own IMO
  23. Littel red cross, dude...
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