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Everything posted by Gui

  1. heavy metal fakk 2 was beyond bad, at least Wonderful Days had a okay plot thrown togeather to support the visuals, HM: Fakk 2 seemed like it was written by a 12 year old crack head. There was a plot? I thought it was a Penthouse issue turned into a movie... The comic adaptation by Simon Bisley's pretty cool though, this guy knows how to hold his pens Too bad this movie sucks nonetheless, the first Heavy Metal was the 0wn4ge...
  2. You know nothing: 'Candy, Candy' > all
  3. Thx, man: muchly appreciated
  4. I think there's too much EVA in your diet, man. Well, there's too much Macross into EVA aswell, then...
  5. Gui

    ANBU 5

    But I downloaded the latest version available less than a week ago... Isn't it the 3.4.2 or am I missing something here?
  6. +1 The Horizon V thing in particular is very nice IMO: it recalls me the marine shuttle thing in Alien2, because of the tail details... It's an updated Horizont http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/dtts-12.htm Yup, I recognized it: one of my favorite shuttle design of all-time... I've always been very fond of Artmic works anyway: Megazone23, Gall Force serie, BubbleGum Crisis, AD Police,... are all into my personal Top25
  7. Anyone knows a place where I could find it?
  8. Gui

    ANBU 5

    I've some issues to download the eps 01 - 03 file: Any ideas, guys ? 'Cause episode 3 is the only one missing into the ANBU list... I also tried the full eps 1 - 5 download available from Animetorrents.com through Animesuki but this one says 'bad data from tracker -' Am I cursed or what?
  9. Lol: good one The site's pretty cool in any case
  10. I'm currently watching it and I can tell ya that it ownz: congratz for your job, guys, and thx a lot
  11. +1 The Horizon V thing in particular is very nice IMO: it recalls me the marine shuttle thing in Alien2, because of the tail details...
  12. The first episode of the original series did a great job of hooking me. The opening monologue of Noriko talking about her father gave it good emotional depth and ensured that there was going to be something more than just action or otaku references in the show. It's for this exact same reason that I got into Gunbuster1 so easily: the second episode expanded quite well this part of the show while introducing more SF-esque things (such as the space ships and the body of the dead alien...), overally that's a great way to introduce a story IMO
  13. The funniest part is that they needed 20 years to make a sequel... which uses the same old designs of the original
  14. Some of the GNs are available at Amazon.com btw...
  15. Oh, we are into the license debates thread? Actually....I find the Macross and Mospeada to be less action oriented than Southern Cross (especially the later eps. of SC with all the space battles). Well, Mospeada has combats in almost every episode but not obligatory very entertaining, at least for everyone. And Macross presents the best fighting scenes IMO though they're not some in each episode. SC has its load of action aswell but it's less 'spectacular' overally methinks... On the other hand, it's the part of the show where you learn the most about the overall story: it links Macross and Mospeada together while giving to them their RT-esque essence... Therefore I understand perfectly that the majority of the members in there dislike it: it's very 'logical' in fact
  16. Don't hesitate to share the link with the other members of this board then: I bet a lot of them will be interested...
  17. I saw the OAV about 10 years ago after having read the Mecha Press #6 dedicated to FSS. I also have the very first 2 volumes in japanese but I don't read this language, this is why I'd like to get english versions -or even better, french ones Brewtal -> Many thx for the link, man, muchly appreciated...
  18. If there is so much crappy movies, it's because there's pigeons to go buy a ticket and see them Ignore these things and save money to buy cool animes, or anything else which is worth your bucks...
  19. May I ask where you find these comics? 'Cause I'm very fond of Nagano's FSS
  20. It is indeed the most 'atmospheric' segment of the overall show, the rest being more focused on pure action IMO
  21. Personnally, I found mine at Valkyrie-Exchange, right here
  22. I agree: that could be cool to pay tribute to Gigantor like this
  23. The curse goes on...
  24. Is it normal the trailer's in W&B? Otherwise, it looks cool IMO: nice 'atmosphere'
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