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Everything posted by Gui

  1. I've just received the e-mail confirmation from DigitalEyes: being in France, with a bit of luck I should get the set in a month or so... Better late then never
  2. Personnally, I'd recommend the following: - AD Police (the OVA, watching the serie is 'otpional') - Blue Gender (you can avoid the movie version) - BubbleGum Crisis (the OVA, not the serie, still have to see this one...) - Gall Force (at least the first volume, the rest is cool though...) - Gasaraki - Grey: Digital Target - Gunbuster - Iria Zeiram - Everything related to the Gundam One-Year-War era (MSG, movie trilogy, 08th MS team, 0080, 0083) - Jin-Roh - Legend Of Galactic Heroes - Megazone23 trilogy - (Osamu Tezuka's) Metropolis - Now and Then, Here and There - Patlabor (at least the movies) - Silent Möbius - Sol Bianca - Voices of a Distant Star - Wings of Honneamise
  3. MSG isn't available on DVD into its own country?!? Oh, whatever: thx for the info...
  4. I don't really care about these lyrics thing, for the same reasons than Graham overally (except that I ordered this set and I'm happy in advance to get it... ) but the thing I don't get is: why does one Bandaï screws up the bizness of another Bandaï? Aren't they supposed to be the same company with different 'offices' in the world (sort of...)?
  5. Personnally, I think that companies should understand the need of fansubs and take their own initiative into the process: I mean, instead of providing a simple trailer and a credit part into the commercial section of the DVD, they should give an entire first episode of a show to give to the consumer a pretty good idea of the overal serie or OAV, how it looks and plays but also how it is translated, etc,... Video game companies already do this since years now: they provide for free an entire part of their latest game and people know if it is worth the money or not, or at least a pretty good estimation is possible. Why something which works into a field shouldn't work into an another after all?
  6. I think it's related to the fact that it's anime precisely: a lot of people still consider these productions as 'for the kids only' which implies they'll make less money... Always the same thing...
  7. Same as phoenix01
  8. What's this show about, overally?
  9. I watched the very first episode a pair of days ago and was instantly charmed: I'm really looking foward to the rest of this show
  10. Great! Thx
  11. zomg!!! Where did you find this flag?!? I want one too...
  12. I agree with eugimon: maybe Cameron's films weren't the deepest in terms of scenario and characters or even simple gadget innovation, at least he greatly helped modern CG to come into movies, first in 3D with the above-mentioned movies, then in 2D with Titanic which extensively used compositing techniques, these ones which are very widely used now
  13. I'll wait for a trailer before getting an opinion personnally: Sarensaas and polidread both have good points IMO
  14. Indeed, but that's a nice joke anyway... +1
  15. Lololololololololol
  16. Very funny Is there more around?
  17. The link above is the Macross Zero Perfect Edition bootleg. Its 2 discs. I wonder if the subs are the same. Ooops... I didn't see this detail... Thanks
  18. Isn't it a boxset containing all the 5 discs from the orignal HK release? Because I was talking about an eventual future release of a pair of discs or so like the Mac+ edition available at Valkyrie-Exchange for example
  19. Someone knows if some sort of boxset will be available in the future, like for Mac+?
  20. Gundam 0083's Neue Ziel
  21. What does this show talk about, overally?
  22. Build the Freedom one And give us pics of the Strike, please...
  23. I believe there's a M7 episode on this point: Gubaba and the ones of his kind are hunted by T-Rex like-looking dinosaurs IIRC, and he's the only survivor... Then he falls exhausted and we see Max and his crew finding him some time later But I agree with you: Studio Nue should do an entire spin-off serie about Gubaba before even thinking about reanimating SDF
  24. I finally watch this 1st episode yesterday and the very least I can say is that it's... "surprising" indeed. But I'm not sure it's a proof of bad quality: the Onee-Sama girl pilot seems to be very surprised with what happened into the second half of the story, which may mean that a lot of things will be explained into the next episodes Personnally, I'll wait to see more before giving a final judgement
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