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Everything posted by Gui

  1. There was a thread about Cruise Chaser Blasty' mechas at 4chan recently, with a bunch of pics not available in this thread Here's one:
  2. The ST society IS republican because there's NOT only one person at the head of the society, contrarily to monarchy, dictatorship, despotism or tyranny. Also the only difference with actual democracies is that only people who did their national service have the right to vote, so it is ***partially*** democratic Some societies have been organized like this in the past: Sparte for example was a timarchy, and at some point the greek democracy was almost like this aswell. Both of them have been great and powerful civilisations in their time As for fascism, it's important to notice that Plato's book 'The Republic' was the main inspiration of such doctrin... like it was for democracies in general
  3. Cool pic: melikes Edit: typo
  4. Maybe, I didn't download it to check out yet...
  5. Gui !!! Please remove your attachment We don't want MW to get in trouble for copyright infringement Done My sincere apologies to the MW staff: I didn't think it'd be a problem...
  6. Is it the same serie than the one whose .torrent file is attached to this post? 'Cause I believe this one is complete (13 eps) Edit: attachment removed...
  7. Thanks for the infos: I'll check their site ASAP I just watched the first disc atm but I was very pleased with the result: picture is very clean and presents good colors, only problem is it's sometimes slightly too much bright for me but maybe it's simply my TV settings... Otherwise, the bonus are pretty cool aswell: video-clips are not particularly fundamental but there's some interviews of the staff which are interesting if you're an Artmic fan like me If all the other discs are of the same quality, the boxset's really worth the replacement IMO
  8. I've just received my Animeigo boxset btw Finally, I'll be able to trash my crappy VHS copies after about 10 years of good and lawful services... While I'm at it, may I ask where you found these high-res' pix?
  9. Oh yeah: Maschinen Krieger is the 0wn I didn't know there was an animation of this though...
  10. This is the one I'd like to see fansubbed or simply R1 released
  11. Same here: some of the moments of this episode are purely hilarious
  12. Weren't all these points (or almost) already present into SDF?
  13. zomg!!! I was sure of that: legos are one of the quickest and astoundigly accurate way to build a mechanical design
  14. Welcome back, d00d'
  15. The fall of HG And 'Happy New Year' to all
  16. No Gubaba... Cool pic though
  17. I'd take the R2 version if only I could understand japanese In fact, I'd import every anime I wish to see if I could get a single japanese word...
  18. Personnally, I love both 0080 and 0083, I found the 08th MS team as weaker but enjoyable though... V is also an interesting show, it just happens I don't like the Zanscare Empire: they look far less cool than Zeon IMO Anyway, for the UC period, I'd recommend to begin with the original TV serie or the movies adaptation (more the movies in fact, because they're subbed and considered as 'more' canon than the TV show AFAIK) Otherwise, Turn A is complete ownage and therefore strongly recommended aswell
  19. You traitor!!! j/k: I also own the Sentinels tape
  20. Wow! I didn't expect so much... Thanks for all these replies, guys, muchly appreciated: it seems this R1 release will be far better than my actual french R2 (sometimes I can't even see half of the picture: I almost got a heart attack... )
  21. Maybe all these changes are done to fit better the upcoming movie release... Like some sort of update or so...
  22. OK, guys, I wanted to know what you think about the R1 release of the Macross II movie available from Manga... THIS IS NOT ANOTHER DEBATE ABOUT 'IS MACROSS II GOOD OR BAD': PLEASE DO NOT BEGIN TO ARGUMENT ON THIS POINT!!! First, is it complete? I mean, does it propose all of the footage from the OAV? Second, is it well done? For example, one of our french version is purely horrible and seems to be a direct rip-off of the US Renditions master VHS tapes from 10 or 12 years ago, with big black rectangles to hide the US subtitles when some Marduks are talking (yeah, I swear... ) Third and finally, is there another (better) release available in DVD format than the Manga version? Thanks in advance for any input
  23. I do not really care about this translation thing personnally, I mean: let's face it, this is not Balzac or Dostoïevsky, giving the whole sense of each sentence in a grammatically correct and easily readable way is more than enough if we can follow the whole story, character development and interaction, etc,... I watch such shows mainly as a Science-Fiction stories fan, not to study the japanese culture through its language: if I wanted to do this, I'd learn japanese and I'd go in there quite some time to watch it with my own eyes On the other hand, I understand the disappointment of some, all the more as it is a limited edition: obviously, Bandai understood this term only for the little mecha figurines "extras" which is rather understandable because they build toys but still, after so much delay it's true we could expect slightly better care for the customers IMO...
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