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Everything posted by Gui

  1. I'm not into toys and models as I was a decade ago anymore, but I've to admit this one's great-looking
  2. Very nive, eugimon: congrats!
  3. I'm not enthusiastic at all concerning this movie: all these photoshop-like 'filters' effects are far too much omnipresent to be convincing IMO. Too much effect kills the effect... I'll wait fan feedback to make my choice
  4. Thief!
  5. Very cool, indeed Keep them coming, man...
  6. Actually, he is:
  7. Me too! And it was a copy of a copy of a copy of... Well, it was almost unreadable but I still have it (I don't dare to watch it again though ) No need to say that the whole story was completely ununderstandable of course
  8. Maschinen Krieger
  9. Actually, the very first Gundam serie didn't get a huge audience during its first broadcast: it was more a personal move from Tomino who was 'tired' of the Super Robot genre which dominated the 70s... After that, the Gundam toys and models did have a big succes and this brought Bandai into requesting a movie compilation to exploit a new line of products. It's the success of this movie trilogy which is the main reason behind the Gundam sequels Also, Star Trek was more a personal project of Rodenberry but it had enough success during its broadcast to be continued into several seasons, so yeah, this one filled some sort of fan demand...
  10. +1 The fact is that this industry found an easy and qucik way to make money onto the lack of discernment of the consumers: producing shitty films/CD/video games/whatever costs less and brings as much -or even more- money than quality stuff Now people have a way to give them back the difference and these poor guys whine that life's unfair? Lol: they're jesters who built their own prison, that's all
  11. Essentially a matter of tastes IMO: I dislike almost everything coming from the Empire and particularly the Stormtrooper costumes, with only a bunch or so of exceptions... The rest of the visuals into the SW universe are better-looking IMO And everything Gundam UC is WAY better than anything SW
  12. Actually I *would* like to see a beam sabre. At least one more use -- I can either slice you, run you through, or slap you silly with it. A beam saber's can only do 2 of the 3. Hard to say about the origin of the lightsaber. It's probably a case of borrowing from each other... Lucas probably saw some poster or show with a energy weapon and refined it to the lightsaber, while Tomino probably saw Star Wars and refined his weapon into the beam saber. I fI recall, Tomino was inspired by Star Wars to the point where he wanted to do the Gundam in pure white so it would look like a stormtrooper. Mmmh... If memory serves, I believe Tomino wanted to make the RX-78 looks like the White Knight, the hero from the old traditional legends: I do not think the Stormtrooper design has a real link with this, all the more as imperial soldiers are supposed to be 'evil' and the Gundam on the 'good' side of the One-Year-War...
  13. I second that Also of interest: - Gall Force: Eternal Story - Armitage III - all Gundam 0079/0080/0083 stuff - Gasaraki - Voices of a Distant Star - The Cockpit - Gunsmith Cats - Blue Gender - Silent Mobius - Sol Bianca - Record of Lodoss War - Iria Zeiram - Now and Then, Here and There
  14. Happy new year: best wishes to everyone
  15. Would be über-great if Kevin could put his hands on some of them Err....because I wasn't really sure whether to post it in the anime or toys forum. I mean it's a book, so it's not an anime, but then again neither is it a toy!?????? . So I thought, post it first in the Macross anime section so people who mostly visit that section will see the news and then move it to the Macross toy forum as I guess (in my mind at least) a book is closer to a toy than an anime . Graham Maybe you should move this to Movies and TV Series forum where books are discussed? Movies and TV Series Discussions on the Macross series and Movies Characters, themes, and books 100% agreed: I've been 'lucky' to find this thread...
  16. Where can I find some of them?
  17. Video games usually don't have enough background to make really interesting stories methinks: if it's done, it'd rather be action-oriented IMO
  18. And while I'm at it: Life Music: The Sonification of Proteins Some scientists use DNA sequences to produce music with dedicated softwares. Pretty funny...
  19. Are you talking about this and that?
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