well then that another reason to dislike lucas, if the action shot is too hard, then dont do it, dont try to fake it, thats one of the reasons todays movies arent as good, used to be aside from some off camera stuff like pads and wires, all the stuff that happened really happened which is what made it cool, these days theyll CG half the shot, and paste the actors face in
It's not the design of the action sequences that's made movies go downhill. It's the fact that Hollywood realized they could assemble a catchy-looking ad and guarantee movie profits without a decent script.
That's why most non-action movies suck too.
I believe Hollywood understood this a long time before Lucas, this guy simply abused of the process beyond the most basic decency: all these improvements in CG and film-editing techniques were supposed to serve this purpose only, sell (sh!tty) movies, and certainly not to allow developments for the sake of 'progress', this is what I reproach to him in the end...
Well, actually, I reproach more to the people who are stupid enough to buy the ticket and so encourage this industry