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Everything posted by Gui

  1. This cockpit's the best CoreFighter ever IMO: great design IMO
  2. Until HG changes the chronology once again when they'll work onto the next 'sequel' after the failure of Shadow Things
  3. The last episodes of Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i have some fleet to fleet battle IIRC but they focus more onto mecha fights actually
  4. Huh... I really prefer the Moustache personnally, though the SUMOs are cool in silver or gold colors F-ZeroOne: thanks for the input, I'll give a try to these animes too
  5. At least, he put in spaces and punctuations
  6. Same sentiment here: this Movie 1 was great but something was missing in IMO, not in terms of 'faithfull to Zeta' or not because it respects well the overall plot, but I really felt the last 20 mins or half hour were a bit rushed Still, a very good movie that I strongly recommend to everyone and definitively a must-see for all mechafreaks
  7. I love this Gundam design personnally: though I'm usually not fond of 'good guys' MSs and particularly dislike Gundam designs, this one was cool and not overexagerating onto useless details to be noticeable among the crowd. This feature is surprising at first sight but I found it grew on me rather quickly, all the more as the lunarians always call it 'the Mustache' which gives a strong personnality to this machine I've always been a fan of Syd Mead designs since about 15 years now and I'm very glad to see that a western artist had the opportunity to work onto far-east productions. Someone knows if other people from western cultures have already been directly involved into animes?
  8. Of course All the more as human mechas in a War of the Worlds movie/series/whatever don't prevent the use of bacteria in the plot anyway
  9. He, he, that's true: I never looked at it in this way, that Wells is also a precursor for mechas aswell Steampunk human mechas would have been cool too: maybe for the next 'remake'
  10. Definitely the greatest Gundam show for me as well as the best Science-fiction anime I've ever seen for now. I strongly recommend it to everyone who thinks that SF is a 'simple' thing for 'simple' minds, or even to people who dislike Gundam as a whole: it is the best Gundam and not a Gundam show in the same time, something like being more than the sum of its part... I'm currently writing a review of Turn A for the french-speaking site Animeka and I really take my time to gather all infos needed to make a long and informative docu: therefore you'll understand easily that I can't summarize everything in a single board post Everything is deep in this series: the designs, the characters, the settings, the music (God, Kanno ownz so much: I listened the OSTs all the day during a pair of weeks and ordered the complete set from Amazon Japan last week...), the plot,... simply everything claims masterpiece. And there's several winks to the whole Science-Fiction culture, such as the WaDOM in these XIX/XXth centuries towns which look like martian tripods from War of the Worlds or the inhabitants of the Moon which made me think to Cyrano de Bergerac's L'Autre Monde ou Les Etats et Empires de la Lune in the same way than Swift's Gulliver inspired Miyazaki for the Castle in the Sky. Even the costumes of some lunarians look like being influenced by Winsor McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland... This show proves once again that all cultures win in being mixed together, in a similar way than SDF did in its time by the way. It's some sort of melting pot of the most classic references in terms of imaginary: in the end, Turn A looks like a fairy tale somehow But Tomino doesn't forget the basis of his own universe. For example, the relationship between Kihel Heim and Dianna Sorriel looks like one achievement of the newtype concept. The Moon Queen herself continues the matriarchy concept of Victory while looking like Bera Ronah from F-91 in the sense that she knows well common people in order to lead them correctly: she's the perfect queen who makes democracy unnecessary. And great character development all along the story, Sochie and Corin come to mind but there's more, and all this doesn't make for gratuitous action scenes either: in this way, Turn A is a great mix of shoujo and shonen IMO... I also loved how CG was subtle and discreet, yet very effective, again in a Miyazaki-esque way In two words: watch it! It reminded me of the MSN-02 ZeonG personnally, dunno exactly why, probably because of its big gun into the right arm and the fact that it can separate into several parts But hush, some watchers didn't reach this part yet...
  11. An artist with an unique style and who does a lot of scratchbuilds if I got it correctly A book of his works has been released during march, called Hyper Weapon, with some nice photos and drawings... In a similar vein, Kazuhisa Kondo often uses very deformed and disproportionate shapes/limbs in his models
  12. Some episodes have been broadcasted in France and I've to admit it's pretty cool despite the overall look: just take it for what it is, some sort of 'funny' experimental short movies series
  13. I'm very fond of zentran designs aswell: they really looked ahead of their time overally True, the Glaug may look out of place for some compared to other mechas in the same show but it's still one of my favorite mecha designs ever: it has very smooth but also very agressive lines/colors in the same time... That's not easy to do
  14. Great: this shows that customers are interested in, and for good reasons IMO I'll wait for the release of the full boxset in stores: that'll make everything simpler for me even if more costly... It's still better than nothing and I really want to see this show since years
  15. God, the only time I ordered an item from them, I never received it... They may be honnest and serious, dunno (though they could respond to e-mails...), but not this time, thanks anyway: european customs are definitely a pain in the ass to get items from the USA when they come from small stores like this one
  16. If you have any concerns, I'd recommend checking out the thread on AnimeOnDVD, CPM's marketing rep Peter Tatara is answering any questions people have about the VOTOMS release. 349132[/snapback] Thanks for the info but it's also related to the fact that I live in Europe: getting my Z Gundam boxset in there was a pain in the ass and when I finally got it, it was to find this 'problem' with the beginning of episode... don't remember the number but the issue's pretty famous On the other hand, if I can find a similar deal onto Amazon.com, I'll be interested to preorder this Votoms set: I never encountered any problem to get items into Europe with them
  17. Definitely a very good mecha designer IMO, maybe one of the best but I don't think that comparisons can really be made objectively between good artists: there's the good, the bad and the ugly overally, as long as a creator is good everything else is a matter of tastes and personnal preferences... Kawamori did inovate a lot with the VF-1, we could almost say he invented something brand new in terms of 'creative method' but the transformable mecha concept is not his: it existed since some time, Kawamori gave it the 'realistic' feeling introduced by Gundam but he's the one who did this at the best at this time Of course, mechanical design has greatly improved since the early 80s and I think we can safely assume that everything, or almost, has been done already. This is probably the reason why we don't see any really inovative things on this point... All new designs may be considered as some sort of 'recaps' of previous desings basically Still, Kawamori did mark his time: it's one of the many signs of a great artist
  18. I've really bad memories of the Z Gundam boxset: I'll wait to get some feedback onto the quality of the product before ordering anything...
  19. This movie's not worth to look for codecs, d00d' Really
  20. I should really put my hands onto the original Dunbine TV series before I die stupid
  21. I'll not buy it: although the french version of the Animeigo set has some poor translations here and there (they're obviously taken from the english translation and not from the japanese originals, example: reaction weapon -> instinctive weapon, surprising the first time then rather funny... ), despite such minor flaws it's of very good quality in presentation and image treatment, more than enough to justify to not buy another one... On the other hand, if I hear this new set's of top-notch quality, I may reconsider this decision in the future when the complete and cheaper boxset will be available but I really don't plan this atm
  22. I'm really not fan of this 'recent' bionicle stuff but I have to admit that legos greatly improved during the last decade: some impressive stuff has been made possible For the ones who don't know this site, I recommend to check out BrickShelf once in a while: some of the stuff in there are made by people with great mastering What impress me the most are the smallest mechas: some of them can be surprisingly expressive despite the lack of details... It's in such case that you recognize authors with real talent, when the constraints and the limitations of size force them into using the smallest pieces and parts to get the best of them Some cool stuff available 'recently' (do not hesitate to click on 'Next' on the top right to see more pix of the model): http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1478804 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1463156 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1468203 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1442875 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1434756 If only I had time and money...
  23. I'd code a crappy OS and set up a marketting campaign to convince everyone in the world that it's the best OS ever despite its constant crashes and compatibility issues. But because the core of the OS simplify considerably coding of softwares, all companies will soon use and encourage the use of my OS. Later, hardware manufacturer will follow the crowd. Then I'll begin to invade the gaming consoles sector because of the huge amounts of money which gravitate around it. After that... Well, didn't this already happen?
  24. There's only 3 volumes? I remember I heard about it a while back in Protoculture Addicts or Mecha Press and it looked really interesting...
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