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Everything posted by Gui

  1. I never tried Silhouette -all the more as it doesn't seem to be part of the topic btw... - but I always found the Mekton system very smooth as far as pure role-play is concerned. The mech' creation, on the other hand, slightly looks like a geek hobby But it can be entertaining at low doses...
  2. I couldn't read your short stories but my english is probably not accurate enough to be of any help anyway... Though, I can recommend you this link which may help you write better SF stories
  3. Well, unless I misunderstand your point, the whole Gundam plot -at least for the UC calendar- is not centered around the 'Newtypes vs Oldtypes' thingy but rather around the 'Earthnoids vs Spacenoids' but with some subtleties: Zeta is the perfect example, where one side dominating the other abuses of its authority to the point where a movement of resistance is formed by opposing forces. I think we can ignore ZZ despite its values (yes, I like this show...) but in CCA we see a continuation of the very original conflict (not the OYW, but the Side 3 revolution...): there's no relation whatsoever with 'Newtypes vs Oldtypes' in both Z and CCA like there was in 0079, it's just the propaganda of the various protagonists which says so (and this was already the case in 0079 because the OYW was the just a tragic attempt of world domination by a pathetic megalomaniac...) As for the rest, F-91 is very starship trooper-ish in the sense that the goal of the empire from New Frontier is to give power to the ones who have the guts to fight for peace. Main difference with the world of Heinlein is that in F-91 a monarchy is concerned by this credo instead of a democracy. Again, no Newtypes involved... In V, Zanscarre wants to impose matriarchy: a very old concept, far much more ancient than the Christ actually. Still, no relation whatsoever with Newtypes, they were just used as some sort of weapon, not even as a propaganda btw What makes UC a 'Earthnoids vs Spacenoids' plot is the simple fact that a very few people inhabits Earth (by definition, elite cannot be a majority...) therefore conflict can happen only in 'space' between the ones who want to rule it (and we clearly see in V that their authority is seriously declining...) and the ones who inhabit it: due to how tings are organized in this universe it makes sense that it cannot happen differently. An interesting evolution could happen only through the Deikun Dream: when all colonies will be independant and will develop their own culture, we'll be able to see inter-colonies conflicts but the UC time-line didn't reach this point 'unfortunately' As for the AUs, the 'Newtypes vs Oldtypes' conflict happens only in X (I still have to see Seed but I'm currently making a Gundam pause after the Turn A masterpiece...), which I consider more as an alternative UC time-line personnally but whatever... Really, the whole Gundam franchise has a lot of diversity varying with the point of view
  4. IIRC, Gundam F-91 clearly shows this aspect of the newtype concept, in depicting newtypes as some sort of monsters at least partially responsible of the wars of the past. I believe it's somewhere around the middle of the movie, after Seabook has destroyed a Crossbone platoon almost single-handedly with the F-91 As for the rest of your post: true, a lot of things are not explained but is it really that important? Human psychology is often responsible of a lot of limitations, history demonstrates how much propaganda can influence ways of thinking (your example of the supremacists is right on the point, there's more...) as well as education or culture as a whole Personnally, I like this idea of mankind being pulled down by gravity: it's a bit symbolic but it's been a while since Science-Fiction doesn't extrapolate on "hard sciences" (quantum physics, astrophysics, etc,...) only but on "human sciences" (psychology, ethnology, etc,...) as well, this is often called Speculative Fiction. This gives a more human aspect to the various things and events of a show: all these characters in any Gundam anime are supposed to be human after all, with their strengthes and their weaknesses, their quality and their defaults, their convictions and their doubts, and more... I often have difficulty to handle these so-called alien psychologies in SF stories (and I've read hundreds of SF stories since about 25 years now...): they almost always look silly to me, or, to be more precise, they look caricatural and simplistic. For me, Gundam is more the heir of the classic litterature which explores the human psyche since thousands of years: ask to any major writer and this person will probably tell you there's nothing more challenging and deeper than the human nature (maybe this is why Macross is so much interesting btw, because all the aliens involved have something to do with Mankind, or the other way around if you prefer...) That's why I'd really prefer to not see any aliens in Gundam: this idea just doesn't fit the whole Gundam concept IMO You seem to have a lot of ideas, 1/1 LowViz Lurker: did you already envisage to write your own stories? Build scenarii and propose them to some artists, in order to make some sort of web comics for example: you may like this far much more than you think... Well, that's just an idea
  5. For the Barrel was a basic retelling of the GUndam series, only instead of Gundams, they were called 'Gunboys'. MAHQ for Mecha 'Newtypes' were called 'Streamers' and colonies were called 'barrels' (Hence, For the Barrel). It was run by Newtype for a time but then disconitnued, a shame since it seems much more interesting than any other rendition of the Gundam series. Perhaps it's because Junji Ohkubo does the mecha designs (as opposed to more re-copied Okawara designs), which gives the series an origional, metallic, functional feel to it. Needless to say, if For the Barrel was done as an animated production rather than a manga, I'd pick it up in a hearbeat reguardless if I had to import it or not. Ohkubo's designs deserve life outside of Steel Battalion. 388894[/snapback] Thanks for the pointers
  6. IIRC, I read somewhere that Sentinels was never animated because of the complexity of the mecha designs: if this story's involved into a new project, there's good chances it will be CGI because once your mecha's modeled and textured all you have to do is to put animation keys and run the computing of the sequences instead of drawing all details of the mechas onto every cell one by one... I understand it may disappoint some watchers but if it's as well done as the Gundam Evolve series or MS Igloo, it can kick some major ass Otherwise, I'd also like to see some Crossbone Vanguard or, better, the original project of the F91 TV series... Another Gundam thing that I'd like to see is the very original vision of Tomino about Gundam, without any MSs but just starship trooper-ish powered armors instead, and absolutely no passage on Earth but all the story happening into 'the Universe' like he did in his novel. Some sort of adaptation of the 'For the Barrel' manga basically, with or without revisited designs, as long as they're well done I don't really care in fact... Edit: spell thingies
  7. I found this series very good personnally: designs and music were great, story was interesting and not that challenging for my mind although a bit confusing at times. The overall concept was a bit stretched IMO (this Orphan thing being that huge it made the oceans rise looks a bit exagerated to me...), but I believe the goal of Tomino was to tell a story articulated around the characters and this part really was succesfull to me On the other hand, yes, it's rather 'special' and definitively not the average, standard anime: I agree with ChrisG, watch it at your own risks
  8. Is this 17th century noblewoman known as "The Blood Countess" related to the countess Bathory?
  9. Let them screw it up once again: with a bit of luck, they'll go to bankrupt or something and their company will sink, allowing Big West to import all their original Macross goodness in the entire world
  10. Yup: if memory serves, I said this a while back in this thread. I've the entire M7 Trash collection on my shelves since years and absolutely none of these books give credit to HG in any way, they aren't even mentioned... HG is a big-mouthed baffoon
  11. The remastered edition is available at BoxTorrents
  12. It's true that the first half of this show is a bit slow but I think it's supposed to develop characters and it works rather well on this point IMO though this can turn off the average mechafreak who tends to prefer action-based stories: I think Turn A targeted an older audience than usual (I read into an ANN topic that the average audience was around 30-35 years old during the broadcast in Japan but I don't remember exactly ATM...) hence the necessity to develop characters so deeply On the other hand, all this room is not always used to its best and it's not always easy to understand the various 'relationships' which occur: it's better for the spectator to read additionnal material here and there to get all the details to their fullest. I'm not sure if it's really a flaw because this show is, for me, more a matter of atmosphere than a succession of events and actions: from this point of view, I could almost say that Turn A is a shojo show Oh and the Zacktraeger's great! I immediately thought of Arthur Clarke and his crazy ideas about making near space the 'suburbs' of Earth, in a 2001-ish way, sort of. But I have been more interested into the relationship between Dianna and Kihel which reaches some tops during this episode: their bond looks like some achievement of the newtype concept... As for humour, there's plenty indeed (when the earthlings go in space for the first time, it's purely hilarious...) and it's a good thing IMO: tragedies often make good stories and Tomino masters them but it's a welcome change to see from him a Gundam story which ends 'well' for once. I've nothing against Z or V, they're amongst my favorites Gundams, like a lot of people, but something different had to be done one day and Turn A is brilliant on this point: the ending has a nice touch of optimism and it convinced me that it's more difficult to make spectators happy than to make them feel sad. I really like this 'faery tale' aspect of Turn A ('they all lived happily together') which doesn't fall into the usual affected/effete (sp?)
  13. I'm a bit disappointed personnally, I expected more 'psychology' and less 'show' but I believe IGLOO was produced for theaters therefore it makes sense that it's more a spectacular show than a story driven one. The first episode was interesting in its way to depict that war could no longer be done in the usual way and that mobile suits were the new masters of the battlefield, but the following episodes and particularly the second tended to demonstrate the contrary (the Hildolfr's some sort of tank basically and it owned I don't remember how much MSs all alone...) I do like on the other hand how the 'new' MS design is introduced in the 3rd episode: for once, it's not an entirely new model created in a bunch of weeks but an old design cleaned up of its dust. A nice change IMO... Basically, I've the feeling that this movie series was mainly done to sell new lines of models and toys and not to depict in more details the major events of the OYW: it left me unsatisfied despite the high quality of the 3D (which does have its flaws though, even if very minor and barely noticeable...) I really hope that Apocalypse 0079 will be more story driven with a better character development and a more consistent scenario: it's a key period of the UC era, it deserves more efforts IMO
  14. I agree: the Macross franchise is rather popular in my country (the french version of the Animeigo set did rather well in terms of sales, although it's a 20+ years old series ; 10 years ago, M2 and M+ were rather well received by anime communities which, at this moment, were far less developped than they are now...) and I know that a lot of people would be interested into seeing more Macross stuff if it was available, which is not the case because of all this license BS We all love Macross in there, and we all think its creators deserve some recognition and, yes, some money for their hard, high-quality work: instead of rewarding them, we have to open the wallet for illegal, bad quality bootlegs and costly imports of games and toys All this mess becomes to be a real pain in the ass for everyone IMO: for the original creators because of the reasons mentioned above and even for HG because of the reputation, well deserved /me thinks, they got...
  15. You'll probably get the info you look for in posting into the BeyondUnreal.com forums, or at the Atari UT2K4 official boards
  16. See? What I said...
  17. I precisely rewatched the first Max the day before yesterday and thought that it'd be cool to get another one
  18. I remember Captain Future too: this series was cool... when I was 8 I watched one episode broadcasted onto TV a pair of years ago or so: it was still funny
  19. I expected this since the moment I saw you posted in this thread...
  20. Same here: great episode. Can't wait for the next one
  21. I had a similar problem until I download some special codecs for it. I found the download link at BoxTorrents in the thread for a4e's The Cat Returns v2. The topic is here: http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=128238 And the codec pack, recently updated, is downloadable here: http://cccp.kickassanime.org/
  22. That's some great news MS Igloo's very cool: can't wait to watch eps 2 and up...
  23. I like this passage: Seriously, what sort of diseases do they plan to heal with that? People who are too much shy in the dark or what?
  24. Indeed: it was great. It seems this show is finally going somewhere near what made the success of the original Hopefully, the remaining episodes will be available soon...
  25. Ah, yes: I remember now. Bomber X was broadcasted in France about 25 years ago and I watched only a couple of episodes or so. This show didn't do very well in terms of audience in my country but I have good memories of it nonetheless: I've noted the link, I'll give a try to it when I have some time, thanks
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