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Everything posted by Gui

  1. From what I got, Taribia people wanted independance from the Union: in attacking Taribia to the point that it requested a new alliance with the Union, Celestial Beings spoiled Taribia people, hence Taribia public opinion turning against the CB If the same thing happens with all countries, the entire world will hate the CB 'May be wrong though: I didn't even notice the schizophrenia of Hallelujah until I read about it here...
  2. I like the plot and the overall universe so far. Like someone said earlier, the politics are interesting too: personnally, I think it gives to this show a sense of realism which reminds me of SDF in some ways I agree the pace is slow though, similarly to Code Geass which was also rather calm at the beginning but slowly and surely came to this crescendo that I love and makes me die for the second season: if 00 works just half as well, I will not have lost my time watching it On the other hand, and because it looks a lot like Wing, I do not put aside that I may be strongly disappointed...
  3. I have it onto my HD and plan to watch it one of these days... or years
  4. Watched ep2 yesterday and really liked it: this show looks more and more promising to me. I really like the idea of the orbital ring of solar pannels and the three space elevators which messed up the various international relations and forced the main powers of the planet to reconsider their economics in order to keep their spheres of influence: technologic evolution brings on social evolution, that's real Science-Fiction As for the sophistication of the Gundams compared to the other mechas, it doesn't look like a really big deal IMO: the Flags are also presented as very advanced designs, and built as secretly as the Gundams, which means that the Celestial Beings aren't the only ones with advanced technology and that this technology is not so much ahead of its time than we may think at first sight Has there been leaks of technological datas from one side to the other or is this just related to the huge amounts of money needed to develop more sophisticated systems than your neighboors? Impossible to tell for the moment but this doesn't look 'magical' in any way atm to me... Remember, in Mac0 Anti-UN applied transformable technology on the battlefield before the UN Spacy, then this one filled the gap rather quickly when they saw that it was a very effective way to fight. I don't see anything really different in G00. Also, we must keep in mind that producing an army of grunt units costs very probably far much more than the construction of a simple bunch of more advanced MS: maybe the balance is more related to these numbers, the old debate of quality vs quantity Anyway, eager to see more
  5. Watched this first ep yesterday and really liked it: overall, this show looks promising with all the familiar tones but with some originalities nonetheless aswell Really eager to see more
  6. This one? (See attached pic) NEVER!!!
  7. Dunno its name but it looks cool
  8. I read it 2 years ago approximately: despite a poor writing style, I really enjoyed it It's very complete and accurate concerning the overall universe and the history of colonization, with lots of details concerning the coup d'etat of the Zabi and the various consequences on Side 3. Characters are far much more mature and deep than in the show, as well as the overal plot which ends in a rather surprising way if you don't know what was the original plan for the TV series. I really like the relationship between Amuro and Lala particularly, depicted in a more emotional way, and the bond between Char and Sayla is more explicit too. Also, I finally could understand what these newtypes were supposed to be, which is not a luxury As a complement to this book, I'd recommend to read Gerard K. O'Neil's The High Frontier although it may hurt the myth because, obviously, Tomino 'stole' a lot of ideas from it, and not only on the technical aspect of the space colonization but also on the sociological dimension But whatever, Tomino's novel is definitively a must-read for all Gundam fans around and a great sci-fi novel too
  9. Concerning the power armors that Isamu fought at the beginning of Plus, maybe it's just a variation made for a specific purpose accordingly to a specific situation in a particular region of the galaxy Let's say, for example, that the standard Nousjadeul-Ger and Queadlunn-Rau are the most common designs into the various zentran/meltran fleet, some sort of general use mechas if you want. In different circumstances, or in different fleet charged with more specific tasks, zentrans and meltrans would use different designs (to use a comparison with Gundam, the DOM is a general purpose MS-09 but the Tropen is the same MS modified for desertic environments: you could use the former in such areas but the latter would simply be best suited) . After the fall of the Stellar Republic until nowadays, these zentrans/meltrans would still use the same designs, certainly produced and repaired by specific factories, the ones these fleets belong to Of course this would imply that the UN encountered another zentran and/or meltran fleet than the one of Bodolzer, which may not be canon...
  10. Thanks Really eager to see this show: classics never die...
  11. Sorry if the question is dumb, but is this related to the recent release of eps 1 to 3 by ACR?
  12. They should make a movie version of 0080 instead of mutilating shows which are far too long for such treatment...
  13. As long as they keep Gubaba in, I'll be OK
  14. I watched it the same day it was released in my country - that was the day before yesterday - and I really liked it, despite the rather heavy humor and a script which gave me the feeling to not know where it was headed at the beginning because of too much characters brought together at the same time, to finally rush the ending battle. Also, the various combat scenes were too much messy and the hackers strictly useless But the movie ownz and ownz good, as well on the visuals as on the overall atmosphere: thanks to Bay to have given me back my childhood during 2 hours and a half The collector DVD is on my 'to buy' list for the day it is released Concerning, the various points of this topic (or at least its 25 or so last pages...), I think some are very valid - see the 1st paragraph of this post, and I tend to agree on a couple more (although I really like these new designs which look very innovative to me, they are indeed too much busy at times; also, the decepticons deserved more screen time; things like that, but rather secondary IMO...) - and some others more discussable: this movie being the summer blockbuster, I don't think we should read too much into it, all the more as the authors of the script themselves say they voluntarily kept some things blurry in order to let the viewer makes his own interpretation, which can be considered as an 'easy' way to write a story but still leaves room for exploration in the (I so hope so!) sequel(s) Anyway, I strongly recommend to everyone around to go watch it ASAP: it is very worth the money!
  15. Main reason why I never began to purchase this series, and God knows how much I want to see it...
  16. I couldn't endure this for more than 10 seconds...
  17. Thank for the link, GRAND CANNON: very interesting reading I like this part: Really looking forward to this now
  18. Looks promising /M/ designs look good too Can't wait...
  19. Let's hope it'll be available worldwide...
  20. OK, then 'source'? Because, AFAIK, telekinesis has always been proved to be fake and ESP is more related to pheromone communication than 'true" ESP...
  21. Exactrly what I though too
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