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Everything posted by Gui

  1. And then, they'll introduce UC and the beginning of Dark History: 'yeah, I see what u did there'... Exactly what I wonder myself too: I expected something big for this ep, some sort of central pivot for the whole story to evolve into... well, a plot But instead... Someone remember when the pacing of Code Geass wrapped up? Which ep.? I've somehow the feeling it is the new standard for Sunrise at the moment: it seems they give much efforts for this new franchise than our good old Gundam... But maybe they'll try to apply to 00 what they did for Code: let's hope!
  2. EMP cannot happen in space: this requires both a geomagnetic field and an atmosphere to prevent the dispersion of gamma rays http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_pulse
  3. Ditto Though I disagree with you on this point: Frankly, V is one of my favorites, right after Turn A and First: I think it has more maturity than Z for example, a better balance between the dark and the light, to use metaphores, and like Turn A and First, it works as a stand-alone with no knowledge required of the previous stories to follow the plot; also, there's something of DYRL? in this show, but in a less 'naive' way although it lacks the poetry of Kawamori, obviously...
  4. 'Still waiting for a plot, though this latest ep was rather interesting (except for how Setsuna understands where the bad guy is located: looks a bit taken by the hair IMO...)
  5. That's because it deserves it I don't remember where I read that Mead submitted a Gundam design which was just an improved version of the original and Tomino instantly rejected it. His reasons look rather obvious when you know the whole Turn A story: it is indeed a completely different thing than all the other Gundam series, even if the original's spirit is still here But, to be honest, I didn't really like this design myself at the beginning. Then I saw it in action, and... WOWWW!!! Yep... Though I like SEED, it's just a remake of the original after all, and despite its qualities something's still missing in...
  6. This reasonning makes sense, indeed Thanks
  7. The discussion about cost and ressources in the Macross F mecha thread made me wonder: did the UN Spacy try to use the Factory Satellite to build other factory satellites? In order to increase the production of things and to lessen their cost in the same time, obviously... I read K. Eric Drexler's Engines of Creation at the moment, and all his speech about nanomachines used to build other nanomachines may have influenced me on this point but after all, but why not?
  8. It's been a while since I watched this show but I think most of these behaviours were at least justified (which doesn't mean you're supposed to approve them but at least there's a reason for them to be here... ) - Corin spent far too much time in cryostasis and some of his neurones suffered of this; on the other hand, this allows him to recognize the Turn A as the hereditary enemy of space dwellers, a.k.a. the Gundam (I suppose he fought on the side of the colonies during one of the many, many, many space wars which occured all along the Dark History...) - the hippie group has been forced to live outside of society to preserve the secrets of Dianna and we know how much isolation can drive people crazy especially after several generations, but it's true they're a bit annoying sometimes though I learnt to appreciate them - Sweaton, who is it already? Very beautiful indeed: a great evolution for a design which has been beaten to death all along every Gundam incarnation, I instantly loved it I believe : Turn A's like these fairy tales where the prince marries his princess and they live happily for the rest of their lives and they have many children... but it's never said to the youths how these children are made Anyway, one of the greatest endings ever: the music is very important for this conclusion, and definitely right on the money!
  9. I didn't say the comparison wasn't fair, I meant that the time dilation thing appears more like a trick in Gunbuster instead of a way to convey a theme: in Voices... it's at the heart of the story and the main reason why the two lovers are separated, while in Gunbuster it looks more like some sort of side effect of the director's choice concerning the whole universe and the technology that humans use to fight the invaders of this story Haldeman used the same idea to reflect his own experience of Vietnam after which he felt like having lost his roots with his native society when he came back in his country. As for Ender's Game: I think Voices... looks closer to this one because the children all are leet pupils (at least it's the case of the main female protagonist) and also because none of them volunteered to fight, contrarily to Noriko who became a war pilot in memory of her father But that's just a pair of details: both of these shows and these novels remain very recommendable, and that's the important part
  10. Of course: short stories often are more interesting than longer ones, precisely because they go straight into the heart of the subject instead of revolving around it during hours This is why we never have enough of them, unfortunately...
  11. Personnally, I wouldn't compare it to Gunbuster actually, but more to Ender's Game or The Forever War even if Gunbuster can also be compared to both of these novels: I think it's more a matter of both of these shows having common points with these books than Voices... being inspired by Gunbuster Overally, one of the greatest shorts, and even one of the greatest animes I've seen so far: strongly recommended
  12. Saw this a while back and I mainly remember the atmosphere, which was great: overall, it's a very nice short that I recommend to everyone around, at least for the 'experience' On the other hand, I wouldn't compare it to Makoto Shinkai's Voices...: this last one's very colorful while Pale Cocoon's far darker and moody; also its concept is less 'personnal', more like some sort of philosophical tale about the madness of humans when Voices...'s theme is more the one of a teared up love
  13. IIRC, your skeletton and muscles suffer from the lack of gravity when it is below 0.6G or something like that: I think I read this in G. K. O'Neill's The High Frontier a while back but I don't remember exactly now...
  14. That was a joke... On the other hand, if we show them that we're still a lot to look forward to this sub, maybe this could work...
  15. We should spam them with petitions... Spam them to death
  16. I've never really been a big Duke fan although I play almost only FPS, but I've the feeling this one will disappoint a lot, or simply disappear into general shrugging: so much wait is often synonim of born-dead titles...
  17. D00d': X ownz...
  18. Dunno what I should think about this show, really: it presents interesting things but seems to waste its potential every time an opportunity appears... I'm not as much interested and excited as I was when I saw the first eps but I'll keep on watching, just to see where all this goes
  19. It makes me think to the Nobel Gundam Maybe 00 is a prequel to G instead of UC finally...
  20. Anime studios should invest into lawyers companies
  21. It's... It's a Gundam!!! Seriously, we all knew this was supposed to happen one day, especially since the announcement of Cyberdine's HAL-5 being mass-produced last year What bothers me, though, is the big wire in the back of the thing: it seems this device requires a huge amount of energy to be operated (logical, you'd say...) so we can wonder if powerful enough batteries already exist for this thing, and if they'll allow it to work long enough to be efficient on the battlefield It's still not the end of the road for all of us mechafreaks...
  22. Don't know what I'm supposed to think about this latest episode but this sure begins to become boring and repetitive: basically, until now, every episode shows first a war/conflict/whatever_situation_where_people_fight_each_other_with_military_forces and second the CB coming in to make everyone agree that they're the boss... Did I miss something somewhere, such like... a plot? Oh, and I agree that Setsuna looks more and more like a moron, Veda on the other hand looks more and more stupid to have hired such unbalanced people for an ütter important goal and the rest of the cast (whatever side they are in...) seems to be here for extras only: the probabilities of this show being a Wing clone increase at every new episode in a rather preoccupying way... When will Macross F begin to air already?
  23. I stand corrected, then
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