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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Honnestly, I've buried most of these replies in the utmost depth of my subconcious because it was far too much horrible to be remembered. But I remember Claudia's reply to Ikaru after Roy death, in Gloval desk: Ikaru and Misa are looking at her, she asks about Roy and Ikaru replies that he will be missed, then Claudia says 'Yes, he was a cool guy' or something like that... Kamjin death was ridiculous also: they made him scream like a little girl, and they cut the sequence before he pukes blood. First entrance of Millia was stupid too: after having defeated the bunch of zentrans, she talks about 'the army of women' as being superior but in a way which sounded very feminist and I could have wondered if she wasn't going to burn her bras if I hadn't seen the movie raw before; the actress had a nice voice though... If I can find my old VHS I've ripped this movie on, I'll take another look at it and will tell you more: there's some jewels in it
  2. Believe me or not but the french dub is even worse...
  3. +1 for Iain M. Banks, whatever his socio-political opinions may be or not and/or may be present in his books or not, either you abuse of illegal products or not: he simply is a great writer, hands down. I recommend especially Player of Games and Use of Weapons but not Excession, at least for a reader who never read anything of the Culture; Look to Windward is magical in its own way and could/should be used in replacement for Consider Phlebas Dan Simmons' Hyperion is simply immortal, as well as Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon by the way On a more obscure note, Daniel F. Galouye's Simulacron 3 is what Matrix should have been David Weber's Honor Harrington is a good pastime, as well as China Mieville's Perdido Street Station although this last one is more fantasy than sci-fi Presently, I'm reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods which simply owns, but it's pure fantasy, not sci-fi
  4. I'll have finished Gaiking today: that'll do about 7Ggs, more than enough... 'All as planned'
  5. It's my HD which can't hold
  6. My though exactly Like previous week, 'can't wait for the next epidsode: this show definitely has greatly improved since its beginning
  7. This 23rd ep. was very nice: I really enjoy this series now Can't wait for the next episode
  8. I finally decided to get rid of these Conclave-Mendoi subs in favor of the Shinsen ones. I watched eps 20 and 21 yesterday... I have to admit that this show is going far better than what I expected at the beginning, but in a completely non expected way: my Gundam lives again, finally!
  9. It's because of his hair
  10. I found it was slightly above average, but still better than the previous one (overally, spectacular but stupid action scenes with a more Ghost-in-the-Shel-ish than Appleseed-ish plot): I'd recommend you rent it
  11. But are they friends with HG? That's the question...
  12. These guys are brave: a trial looks close...
  13. No problem: we'll download the specials anyway...
  14. That Wolfx's a fan of Aquarion
  15. It's forbidden to post links towards webcomic stuff in here?
  16. Dunno if this has already been posted on this board, but here is a funny little webcomic about the Fallout video game series: http://www.blastwavecomic.com/index.php?p=comic&nro=1
  17. Yup, I saw this one but I assumed it was professional opinions from the anime specialists and journalists: my question was about the eleven people themselves actually...
  18. And all of them in the single same episode! lechuck -> the subs I watched, a while back, were from AnimeSkyScraper IIRC, but I may be wrong because it was a looong time ago... Otherwise, Hero Legends released the first 6 eps towards the end of december: maybe they picked it up for a complete release; anyway, you can find them onto Animesuki
  19. Someone knows how the japanese audience liked this 1st ep. by the way? Was this a success?
  20. I thought it was serious, done to distract male pilots during the fight Like the female looking robot in Shirow's Black Magic M-66: it designed it looking like a woman because he thought that soldiers would hesitate to fire at a lady, hence giving the robot the advantage of initiative, or something of this order...
  21. I stand corrected, then Indeed: with a little research, I could find this and that Thanks for the indication about 'Explosively pumped flux compression generators'
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