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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Polynesia is still a french colony nowadays, although we don't use the 'colony' term any more, but Mayan may not be very far from... Hard to say, the compendium is not very precise on this point
  2. But the face of a monkey
  3. I recall an interview of the Bandai CEO who said that, in whole, Gundam does poorly outside of Japan But it's far worse in France than in the US: we have neither G, First (at least the TV series), Z (TV series or movies) or Apocalypse 0079; even for 0083 we just got the The Last Blitz of Zeon movie, a.k.a. "the best way to sink a great anime" We do have a lot of mangas though: The Origin, Ecole du Ciel, Seed, G-Unit, Wing (sh!tload of them: prequel and sequel as well as the main series, and Endless Waltz too), Blue Destiny, and even the etchi parody Kinpatsua (which I didn't now until I did this quick research...)
  4. The coincidence is curious nevertheless
  5. That'd be awesome though
  6. All the more as mid-way into the series, the less fast unit will be upgraded with more powerful engines which will allow it to surpass the other, and the other way around a bunch of episodes later Or something like that...
  7. Courage, man! United, we stand! azrael: come with us!! They'll hunt you too!!!
  8. C'mon! It's a classic!
  9. Too late: it's already burnt!
  10. Frankly, I'm very pleased they dropped the old flight suit design: these shining shoulders were... uuurg...
  11. Indeed, Xabungle subs would be great If you're interested in, the remake of Gaiking is available from Animesuki
  12. Maybe they'll get Kenji Kawai if they don't get Yoko Kanno...
  13. I heard about this but wasn't sure it was true: thanks /me go download the AiA I-Z subs right now
  14. No, but completely stupid, yes: throwing away your career because you want to feel important is just that... Thanks for the link by the way
  15. You're right, actually: Eva is an important anime, but I don't think it is an important mecha anime, all the more as it takes all the cliches of the genre without really bringing them to a really new level. I should have made this point clearer... And as for it being one of the most talked about animes, you're also right, but I strongly believe it was for points which remain way overrated. But you're again right when you say it's not the thread for this Concerning Gaiking, I found this info onto ANN: I just saw its recent remake (which is not bad at all by the way) and I'd die to see the original subbed...
  16. Basically, that's it: WW2 was the worst thing which happened to traditional Japan because it was more or less its end Before that, it was a militaristic, monarchical and traditionalistic regime and after it became a pacific, industrial and democratic country, which was a traumatizing change because it happened during a very short time, all the more as it was imposed although democracy is supposed to be the choice of people. For this reason, it's rather similar to what happened in Irak recently (not trying to start a flame war, guys, this is just historical facts) During the american occupation of Japan, a lot of things changed in this society (human rights arose, industry became prominent, towns were rebuilt with modern architecture, etc) and the new generation became more and more doubtful about the traditions of their fathers which was the main cause of the defeat and the suffering of their people, the previous one having been educated in the idea that Japan should rule the world while the second learnt that Japan was just a loser basically; this digged a particularly deep trench between two generations, the last one developping the idea - at least subconsciously - that war was hell, on the battlefield as much as in the soul, this last scar lasting for the entire life most of the time. Tomino's Gundam is a very good depiction of this 'hatred' of war and the WW2 in particular, because Zeon is obviously a symbol of the Axis while the Federation represents the Allied; see also Brain Powerd and The Wings of Rean, although the message is more anti-USA in these last ones, for obvious reasons However, the actual Japan looks now less traumatized by this past and seems to walk more serenely towards the future. But its last 50 years of history will leave a profound mark onto this civilisation during some time, probably a pair of generation or so... 3a. Getter Robo (First combining robots) 3b. Daiku Maryu Gaiking (first flagship transporting the mecha and its partners: ie. the ancestor of SDF-1) ... 10. Overman King Gainer (super robots [overmen] + real mechas [silhouette engines] = the best of both worlds) Otherwise, I wouldn't put Mighty Atom in the list. First, because he's not giant. Second, because he's entirely autnomous (no remote like Tetsujin 28, no pilot like Mazinger Z). Third, because he's a 'replacement' for a lost child and therefore he's a symbol of love, filiation and heritage instead of conflict, destruction and domination like a mecha is supposed to be at the begining (let's try to avoid highly philosphical discussions about war machines being a way to peace, which reamains doubtful, whatever Gundam 00 may have depicted recently, all the more as it's a very different situation than these 50s-60s period Atom and Tetsujin are from...) Finally, Eva shouldn't be here all short (even for the mecha designs which were rather innovative but not exactly revolutionnary, see Dunbine and Guyver): this anime, despite its great qualities in terms of directing, is just an intellectual fraud and its influence on what followed it was much more limited than people may think IMO (see the recent Rebuild of Evangelion that Anno himself introduced as a way to ass kick an anime industry which didn't evolve as much as he wished since Eva, except in the directing: see Lain or Texhnolyze)
  17. Are they better than the Gattaï subs?
  18. I thought it was America which didn't get its independance from Great Britain...
  19. There's no hurry And thanks for the upload
  20. Simply put it onto Rapidshare or Megaupload, then post the download link right here
  21. Brain Powerd was great too, and I really liked Overman King Gainer too Hopefully, Shinsen will sub this one too: I heard they plan to finish Yusha Raideen first, then, finish their job begun ages ago onto Heavy Metal L-Gaim (not too soon: I've the first eps onto my HD since a previous life now!) but dunno what they plan to do after this...
  22. I like both versions, movie and TV, each in its own way I hope they'll do a 2-part movie this time, at least: Jackson's LOTR proved that monumental stories need monumental movies to be respectful of the original Exactly what I was thinking recently
  23. Yeah, me too... Zambot 3 is on my HD since ages now, but I plan to watch it 'soon'
  24. I finally could find the time to check out the first ep of this second season: it looks promising I like how they jumped into the future: it keeps some mysteries about how the characters solved the cliffhanger of the 'previous' ep and gives room to various developements between all the factions involved in the rebellion That, and the masked face of Zero being cross-lined too: this reminded me of Watchmen... It seems to me that Britannia kept Lelouch alive just to be able to capture/kill C.C.: we know from the 1st season that she plays a key role in the plans of Lelouch's father, the king of Britannia. That, or they hoped to capture more of the rebels who worked for Zero. What do you guys think?
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