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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Very promising: let's hope the final result will be as good Doc looks like being in 3D, doesn't it? His moves were a bit... weird
  2. Hey, hey: long time no see, guys. Summer is always made of great times with the loved persons and the virtual life becomes neglected I have to agree with most of the critics done into this thread about this new season: it disappoints me, although it's better than most of the stuff out there it just doesn't work as well as the previous season; of course, we're just half way to the whole show for this year so there's still hope: I think we all fondly remember the great ending of the first season and we sure know that the Sunrise staff is made of very capable persons, so wait and see... Sayako, you own so much! Shirley, I'll miss you for sure, dear...
  3. Frankly, I don't think so: Kamjin having a Glaug, it doesn't look weird to me that he also has some sort of custom outfit (although his uniform is not very different from the other officers IIRC), maybe he found it with his mechas while I'm at it, or at another moment
  4. This may be the case, yes...
  5. IIRC, there was at least another zentran with implant in the Bodolza room from DYRL?, but this doesn't prove he could be miconized anyway Interesting to see that only high officers get implants (or this one was just a highly skilled technician dedicated to His Great Majesty Bodolza): maybe because there's 99,999% of chance that they'll never be micloned, or because basic soldiers are just 'expendable items' which are simply thrown away instead of receiving implants when they're really badly injured... On the other hand, the fear of zentrans for everything micloned may be a good enough reason to not use the miclone chamber ever... except in circumstances similar to the one from SDF or DYRL? Well, according to the well known fact that zentrans are unable to modify their machines, it may have been difficult: I guess their militaristic society wasn't planned to use sewing machines. Also, if in our existing societies, males repel in doing any sewing jobs, it's probably worse for zentrans OR, precisely because they don't have culture, they ignore that it's a typically female occupation I'll stop here ont his point... Me too, I should have watched the current episode before talking... See below That's probably it, in all simplicity Still, it's frustrating to never be able to get a definitive answer: between animation errors, fan service and 'visual cues', like you say, we always get lost in the end...
  6. If they have resized implants manufactured in advance, I don't see any problems with having resized clothing as well... Also, we saw in DYRL? that they stole some domestic items from the SDF-1: they may have stolen some clothes too, or taken the clothes of miclones dead during a fight after having taken them back to their ships But this doesn't concern Klan anyway: living onto a civilian colony, she obviously has access to miclone clothes
  7. Well, some of us were as low as joking about the boobs of some valks in M7, so I guess it's more or less recurrent Honnestly, I don't think the chamber can macronize/micronize anything at will: it'd be too much nice to be true frankly, and scientifically impossible basically. Zentrans and Meltrans have been 'built' giant and, obviously, able to be micronized in chambers, we can see it in the show so there's no need to question this part; humans being 'built' onto the same basis, they can also be macronized/micronized, as expected. On another hand, if the hippocows look like genetically modified organisms, there's no official infos if their size can be changed through the use of a chamber Concerning Klan's bandana, I'd say she has two of them: one for her in macronized size, and another for her in micronized size. Looks like the most simple this way: after all, we clearly saw in SDF that zentrans are naked when in the chamber... Concerning the implants, it's more debatable. Maybe they're some sort of biomechanical material, built to be macronized and micronized at will, yes. Or maybe the chamber simply destroys these devices and rebuilt them at the desired size with some sort of nanotechnology or Star Trek-like molecular manipulation like we can see in TNG. Again, the example of Klan clearly shows that a macronized being can look different in its micronized state, so we can assume that the process implies some modifications, at least in certain cases
  8. I've recently downloaded the complete Mac7 torrent by Central Anime but when looking at the series page onto ANN I noticed there's a preview episode (aired October 2nd, 1994) and a special episode (aired February 25th, 1996): I assume this special is Good Morning Mylene but what is this preview ep.? Is it a 'real' (watchable) episode or just a preview? Thanks in advance
  9. You're the lucky one then: my boxset is ununderstandable sometimes, and one episode doesn't event hav english subs, just the chinese ones... Did you give a try to SixtyDeuce fansubs? They're pretty good: you can feel they love the show Unfortunately, their project seems to be on halt since a while now... Too bad, 'cause there's only 4 eps to sub to complete the series...
  10. What Keith said... Also, I really like the 'Children Crusade' vibe from V: is there anything more tragic than having to send your own youth to the battlefield? The link with the matriarchal regimen of Zanscare appears obvious then: matriarchy being the reign of women and women being the picture of the mother, involving children in the story was a smart move because, this way, it avoided the more 'standard' Men vs Women plot, which wouldn't have brought anything new and would have been less emotional The series is also full of thoughts about women which are not presented in the standard anime-cute/kawai way but instead are showed powerless against war (the Zanscare empress) or playing the role of men although it's not theirs (the Strike Team). On this point, the fight between Uso and Cronicle Asher, which occurs metaphorically in the hand of Katejina Loos, was very well done: if Asher very probably fought for a possible lover, Uso on the other hand fought for a friend... or a big sister (which is just another picture of the mother, the one Uso lost a few episodes back), but in any way, both of them were the toys of the lady, not because of their viril strength but because of their emotions for her Last but not least, V works as a stand-alone compared to Z which remains rather hard to understand if you didn't see First before. The very final scene of the last episode is full of tears too...
  11. OMG: ownage!!!
  12. According to standard celtic mythology, geass are forever This is how the hero Cuchulain was doomed...
  13. I don't really care personnally, but we should keep in mind that an object in rotation doesn't move its different parts at the same speed. In the case of a small unit, it's not a real trouble, but in the case of the SDF-1, with its huge size but its small and therefore weak crew (contrarily to the zentran/meltran crews for example), a too much fast rotation will probably injure people located at the extremities, and maybe kill some, all the more as the civilian quarters are located at the far end of the ship in cruiser mode; but once transformed and its canons deployed horizontaly, the SDF-1 rotates onto its vertical axis and its humanoid morphology reduces both its width and the strength from the spin at the extremities (ie, its shoulders): this allows to aim at different targets far much faster this way and it may be the reason why the other SDF-1-like vessels present in the various sequels have the same 'feature'. In other words, what was once a solution to a particular, strictly technical problem, became after what some sort of a tactical advantage
  14. That's an interesting topic While reading all this, I began to wonder if there wasn't any 'psychological' aspects into this whole 'worlds colonization' endeavour: due to all the odds which happen to them, and the fact they barely survived them, it may be possible that the survivors of the SDF-1 odyssey in space were deeply traumatized by the idea of settling in space forever, hence their will for colonizing planets and then the whole 'world colonization' project Of course, it's very probably not the main reason, far from it actually, but it probably counted in their choice...
  15. There's some Battletech books IIRC, but I couldn't give you the titles... Otherwise, I'd like to know more too: despite novels featuring some power armors (The Forever War, Hyperion, some books of the Culture, Sucession and a few others), I never read any novel about mechas It's understandable though: the concept is not very credible on the scientific/technologic side
  16. Indeed, he has a lot of presence But I wouldn't have suspected that he was coachee...
  17. 'There is no economy, Neo'
  18. What about salary then? If they consume more, they're supposed to have more money for this: if not, is this a way to reduce the desire for macronization from the average people and therefore the risks of having a maclone running amok? This may explain why we see maclones piloting Q-Rea instead of standard human mechas: they obviously get more money for military tasks, all the more as they can use zentran stuff which power cannot be underestimated On the other hand, we saw some 'cow boys' in one ep.: being giant, maclones are also stronger and can work more and then get better wages than the normal working class. Is this enough to live a good life or is 'maclone' synonym for 'poor' in the civilian life?
  19. LOL!
  20. Maybe it's some sort of air-bag protection for the torso because vital organs are located here Or a particuliar pact between them, after all Charles has geass in both eyes...
  21. We're all gonna die... yada, yada, yada,... Self-assembling robot Snake robot And in the 'nothing to do with the above' category, an electronic beat machine Enjoy
  22. 'Deculture' definitely isn't a french word, but in France we often hear/read the barbarism 'déculturé' which is supposed to mean 'which lost its culture, in whole or in part' and is an adjective built from 'déculturation' (loss of culture), a term often heard about descendants of immigrants who progressively lose or have already lost the culture of their original country. Anyway, 'déculturé' is never used to mean 'uncultured' or 'uneducated' in french, although lots of 'déculturé' people often are uncultured/uneducated because of various ethnic integration problems Maybe zentrans and meltrans use 'deculture' to name items from the PC culture which they lost through times, some of these things having then slowly become more and more shocking to them
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