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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. The jedi seem kinda picky as to who they train... I don't think they would take him on as a student. he'd end up eating the younglings, and using his saber to cut yoda's ear off.
  2. were I Obi Wan, the only thing i would have done different is kill the bastid. Hell, Anakin deserved worse, turning on everything he knew. I still don't get how Luke sees good in him.
  3. i think he means the action figure lightsabers.
  4. Blasphemy!! I wouldn't bother dating any girl who didn't suck. Graham literaly, one can only hope.
  5. As long as ZOE3 has more Ken, i'll buy it. ZOE2 rocked.
  6. Angelina is freakin hot, so i'll probably check it out.
  7. j00 4g0+ d15 p05+!!!1111oneoneeleven
  8. My lovely Jessica in a Bikini and in a Flight suit is enough reason for me.
  9. yet, the N64 had the Ocarina of Time on it, and that is still one of the best games around today.
  10. Better Hayden than Jake Lloyd.
  11. Nintendo is far from done. think i heard RE:4 sold more games in the world than any other. could be wrong. For me, i'll most likely get the X-box360 and PS3. More Metal Gear Solid, More Halo, and more PERFECT DARK!!! sounds great to me!! Although, sooner or later i will get the Nintendo for the new Zelda game.
  12. this was a great movie. if you haven't, go see it. Great seeing the end of the Jedi, great to see the gears in motion for the events in the OT. Great stuff.
  13. SPOILER Plus, remember how Palpatine ages from the lightning attack. Vader had just been hit by it pretty badly when he dies.
  14. Saw Kingdom of Heaven today. Very good, i think. Not as good as BHD, or Gladiator, but still very good.
  15. Gladiator used a historical context only as a setting and to grant the film some dramatic grounding. The film was intended to be period fiction only, never a biopic or historical retelling. Very important distinction. granted. but if you make a movie about the American Revolution, and start off about how George Washington and Alexander Hamilton wanted to form a workers utopia to escape from the clutches of Bourgeoise Great Britain in accordance with the writings of Marx, which hadn't happened yet, its not a good setting. Nothing against Gladiator, but the concept of "freedom" and "democracy" were not things that a Roman Emperor, especially Aurelius, would have been talking about.
  16. You really didn't like Black Hawk Down and Gladiator? I thought there was plenty of story to go around on both of those films.
  17. I was never under the impression it was supposed to be historical. I wouldn't put it in the same category like Braveheart, which claims to be historical yet is wildly inaccurate. I always thought if you set a movie in a historical setting, then its historical. Sure, maybe Maximus Decimus Meridius never actually existed, but Marcus Aurelius did, and so did Commodus. Marcus Aurelius was not killed by his son. He did not want to give power to the senate. Rome never conquered all of Germania. Commodus died wrestling in his residence. He was actually a pedophile, not incestuous (although, both are really disgusting). If you look at a movie like Master and Commander, it is plausible that these things could have happened. Again, Jack Aubrey never existed, but he could have at least fit into the story. On the other hand, movies like Braveheart are an example of how not to do a historical movie. Like i said, I loved Gladiator, but there were somethings i saw wrong with the background of the story.
  18. I loved Black Hawk Down. Alien Was great, and I loved Gladiator despite the historical inaccuracies. Scott is the man. Can't wait to see the new movie.
  19. liefeld never did gen 13. J Scott Campbell and Jim Lee did the art on that book for about the first 22 issues.
  20. seriously, that this guy continues to get work from both of the bug two is utterly appaling. just terrible.
  21. yeah, but i hope now that Sniger is gone, that they still decide to use him. he can come in and woo Anna Paquin away from Iceman. We also need to see some Emma Frost coming into spice Scott's life up a bit....
  22. Charest was doing some work in Europe with the Humanoids company. His run on Wild CATS was great. I loved the first ones he did, where Benito Santini of the Black Razors and later of Stormwatch: Team Achilles was introduced.
  23. Yes, it's indeed Richard "Dick" Grayson. DC's All-Star line will be continuity free stories told with iconic interpretations. In All-Star Batman & Robin, it'll re-tell the origin of the Dynamic Duo set in the modern world. There will also be a All-Star Superman series that'll be a close match to his "Silver Age" counterpart. The All-Star Superman books are being done by Grant Morrison (WE3, New X-men) and Frank Quitely (New X-Men, the Authority). should be pretty awesome.
  24. the Male Hawk turned evil in one of the big crossovers, and turned to extant in the Zero Hour crossover. I think hes dead now....
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