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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Maybe its M.A.S.H Peter. Maybe the creators intended it to be about a surgeon named Peter fighting off Inbit, but not liking it and making jokes about it to his superiors.
  2. Lovely pics of Grace, Exo. No Katee Pics? Grace really is lovely.
  3. The Image is from the new series of Wildstorm comics coming out before the series. I'm sorry, but those previous stories have been no damn good. and i'll usually read anything. Even Chuck Austen Uncanny X-Men....
  4. Thats really nice work. good job!
  5. well, early reviews of the Island are positive so i'll be willing to give it a shot if The Island doesn't suck. Hell, even if it does, it should still be neat.
  6. its really nice. If my modelling skilz didn't suck, i'd definately buy one. Wheres the Mark VII at??
  7. gonna hate to miss this one, but my TV got totaled....
  8. there really wasn't a need for this. all it does is piss people off more. This should have been done via PM.
  9. you don't have to respond, Duke. Let it go.
  10. as far as i am concerned, both bloody sides are to blame here. Everyone needs to back the bloody hell off this "issue". they are pictures, not the cure to cancer.
  11. You guys that like zombie movies and comics should read The Walking Dead by Kirkman and Moore . It'd a Black and White comic. You can get the trades on Amazon I agree. great stuff. I think there are two trades out now: Days gone Bye and Miles behind us. The third one should be coming out soon. Great story that focuses on human tensions. the zombies are only nuisances. other people are the greatest threats here. great stuff. btw, read Kirkman's Invincible. a great superhero book. its also been collected into trades. 4 volumes out right now.
  12. I think he should have to develop his detective skills first.....I liked the fact that he wasn't the ultimate hero right off the (ahem) bat. Having him mess up, stumble, search his way around how to do things makes it SO much better when he finally does become the Detective we all know I just figured that was what he was studying at college before he went abroad. Plus his initial martial arts training he was doing probably from a very early age. That's what I loved about Batman....he earns his skills, he doesn't magically get them. Take the spiderman movie: Peter gets bitten by a superspider that gives him his spidey skills....that's fine, but it doesn't explain why he suddenly knows how to fight. Chris the ultimate spider-man series provides some good insight into this. in that series, Peter got his butt kicked alot early on.
  13. people have been posting comments in the above thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6560
  14. how many star wars threads do we need?
  15. The writing was done so well, that it's a very easy one to get into. Neil really has a great talent for writing, and I'm looking forward to getting a Lucifer graphic novel. Amen. I'd also recommend Death - the High Cost of Living... it's Sandman related and also wonderful. Neil's work on Miraclemand and the original Books of Magic are fantastic too. Gaiman's books - especially American Gods - are also great. He's just the best comic writer ever who doesn't happen to be named Alan Moore. if you haven't read Endless Nights, you really should. Its a damn fine book. Great stories about each of the Endless. The one about Dream is fantastic, but really they all were.
  16. saw this movie tonight and loved it. great movie. I really hope they continue on with the series. The ending was a pretty good cliffhanger.
  17. Dude, is it me or does that sound almost exactly like the plot for Starship Troopers, the film version? nah, the series was much better than the Starship Troopers movie.
  18. Please. Fruit cake kicks chocolate cake's ass. I think you have lost your mind,,,fruit cake's best use is to put in front of your tire in the garage to keep from going to far forward mmm. German Chocolate Cake....it pwnz all!!111
  19. we could bring back CTLesq or bankofkev or that guy from the "Warzone"(i forget his name). Ah, the good old days.
  20. I heard it was gonna be Jennifer Aniston, god forbid. Oh come on... She would be great at that. It should be Jessica Biel. The right age and body for it.
  21. Barbed Wire sucked too. Until Hellboy and Sin City, Dark Horse didn't have a great track record for movie adaptations. I hope IMage can knock the Invincible movie outta the park, and start a great new franchise with it. The Spawn movie, i think, sucked.
  22. Dude... I'm sorry... Jessica Biel and all, but Blade 3 sucked ass. Remember that montage where they kicked ass to find out where Dracula was? And at the end of it all they found him by tracing some bank account or something... talk about laaame!!! David Goyer can maybe write a comic book story, but it's apparent that his story hinges on how good a director is. And there's no way he should be directing one on his own. I would like the see an Abigail movie though... though they should get someone else at the helm. i completely agree.
  23. Blade: Trinity was great. it was possibly the crowning achievement in the series. the previous two movies only served to introduce Abigail to the world.
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