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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Michael Beihn was a Navy SEAL.
  2. he forgot to include a misspelled "Breakthrough" in there somewhere.
  3. If its only marginally better than La Blue Girl, i'll probably hail it as a success.
  4. Whats really scary is that they wanna make Watchmen into a movie. they're gonna screw it up, and its gonna loose any poignancy it had as a GN, just like they did with LOEG (I refuse to say LXG. Damn! i Just did!!) and From Hell. Moore is one of the best all time writers in the business, and its sucks hes gonna swear off DC. i would have loved more Top Ten and more LOEG. Seeing him tackle a Napoleonic LOEG would have been awesome. Sharpe and Harper, Hornblower, Aubrey and Maturin would have been awesome. LOEG's from other times was an idea i heard he was toying with at one time. As for Portman, shes talented i think, and now that shes outta the Star Wars shadow, maybe she can take more challenging roles. I did like Closer and Garden State, though.
  5. I saw it. it was a pretty fun show. any chance you'll be on it AL? some of your stuff has looked really nice in the past.
  6. After the mess they made out of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I don't blame him. Honestly, Finding Forrester was a better movie than that. Alan Moore's GN was great. The movie blew. Something tells me V for Vendetta is gonna suck too, even if Natalie Portman is in it. The guy supposedly got so fed up with his books being made into crappy movies, hes gonna stop working for DC.....
  7. Which is nice, since i really like him on the show. I hope they don't off him.
  8. Or struck with grief over loosing people.
  9. She really is. she needs to clean up a bit, and she'd be awesome, like Starbuck in that one episode...
  10. Plus, he didn't try and talk Boomer out of shooting herself. he kind of admitted that he knew what she was and even suggested that she end it, rather than giving her up to the fleet and having her sent out an airlock. I think hes both tragic and treasonous, though. That he saved Cally is great, but keep in mind, he subverted the command structure, even if Crashdown had lost it. for a while there, even the chief was going along with it. He really had no choice but to shoot at the Cylons. Six told him that he was outside of the 'graces of god', and that he would be killed also. His main motivation, i think, is self preservation. Its gonna be interesting to see what happens when they get back to the fleet, and how the chief is gonna deal with Sharon's acts, since he somewhat suspected that she was an agent...
  11. Okay, i can wait. a great series though. loving season 2.
  12. Whats the difference between the UK exclusive BSG Season 1 DVD's at best buy and the one thats gonna be released in September?
  13. is that GM an FIX?? When the hell are they gonna do and FIX of the Ez-8 or the ther Ground Gundams from 08th MS?? The GM looks nice, though.
  14. He did. don't make him do it again!! Here comes the meat wagon!!!! Medic gets out and says "Oh My God!!" New Guy's in the corner puking his guts out.....
  15. Is that Henry V?? Its been a while.
  16. They're making Fear effect into a movie, and this is the dude they picked to direct it? damn, and that was one of my favorite PS1 games... Worst. Director. Ever.
  17. Sean Bean will be in that one. it might not be too bad....
  18. Damn thats nice. where can you order something like that?
  19. at the end of the movie, the plane from Stealth comes in and kills everyone.
  20. Family guy is way better than the Simpson's now, just like Futurama was better than crappy King of the Hill. Although with the Simpson's, i think its hard to maintain relevance over such a period of time, and such an apparent turn over in writing staffs.
  21. The best news i've heard about this show is that the Legion of Super-heroes is gonna show up and eventually get their own show. They've been my favorite team for years, its gonna be good to see where that show goes....
  22. I loved the Civil War siamese twins bit... "I'm seceding from you!" "The Hell you are!" *shoots grey siamese twin* Good stuff...
  23. I always loved that ship. Both the StarFury and the ground attack one were pretty awesome. it looks good, and i'll be interested to see it!!
  24. I have yet to see a trailer for this one on TV....
  25. What is a decent price for the following: M1 Garand 1903 Springfield 98K Mauser
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