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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. HOLY SHNIKES!!! i just recieved my very first 1/48 today, as well!!! my Low Vis got here today, and man this is the greatest thing i have ever recieved! this toy is awesome! i am so glad i finally worked up enough nerve to buy this baby! it was my first, but not my last! thank you Yamato! thank you Macross World for introducing me to this baby!! i love it!
  2. its a storyline running through the monthly Batman title. its being drawn by Jim Lee of X-men and Wild C.A.T.S fame, and written by Jeph Loeb of Spider-man: Blue. the first issues are already out in a hardcover collected edition, with the second due out in a couple of months after the story concludes. the story has been okay so far, but the art is absolutely stunning...
  3. are they very prone to breaking?
  4. i think it means "Close-In Weapons System", they use on carriers and other naval vessels to shoot down missiles....
  5. tight, if its true, but not even HLJ has a coming soon notice of it...
  6. i liked the bushmaster one better, but that would be great, as well!!
  7. where is this from?
  8. then we will restart the DYRL VF-1 in 1/32 i'm gonna hold out for that 1/20 valk....
  9. this was a pretty good issue, but i knew it couldn't be Jason Todd, at least not without them seriously screwing with all the continuity and pulling a marvel-esque "i was dead, but i'm back for no good reason". i'm kinda glad it turned out like that, and now i wanna know even more about the "Hush"...
  10. www.tfaw.com has the Hikaru -1A and the -1S (Roy) available.
  11. They're running all the epps on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim monday - thursday nights. No new epps but the same old ones with no edits. I have also seen Family Guy airing on TBS but don't know their actual schedule. on TBS, Futurama airs at 1pm Central time, with Family guy at 1:30pm central time.
  12. i have the first set of family guy and i plan on getting the next one. i like Futurama and the Simpsons, but as it is, they are pretty expensive.
  13. But that's exactly my point. You guys wanna talk about hacks... let's talk about Adam Warren!!! hey, Warren's Gen 13 run almost made that book readable again!!! they made him give up the book so a real hack, Chris Claremont, could relaunch the title!!!
  14. apparently, he does some writing, as well. i think he wrote a couple of issues for a Danger Girl Miniseries called Kamikaze. the reviews i read were pretty good. Fourth Rail's review of Tommy Yune's Danger Girl
  15. same here, thankfully, but i did scrape some of my Max -1J's paint....
  16. If you want to see something that will scare you (or laugh) senseless, here's something from the G1 era: http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/cover.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/map.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/hound.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/meg...gs_pimpride.jpg http://www.appstate.edu/~th42428/files/the_end.jpg This is definately wrong. I HAVE THAT BOOK!!! my parents bought it for me when i was young!! great!!
  17. i had always hoped since these came out that they would make and Arch Enemy series with the Ez-8 and a Gouf Custom/Flight type...
  18. Yes it is. It's called Transformers: Energon, a follow-up sequel to Transformers: Armada. Taking place 10 years after the events of Armada, the Autobots resort to the use of combining while the Decepticons use energon for their weaponry. Sorry, I'm not well up-to-date to this because I don't know much further than that. are those annoying kids dead by this time, or will they be replaced by equally annoying ass kids??
  19. Hopefully they will have Ez8 variations to boot. like that High Mobility one you posted a while back!!! or a Heavy Weapons Ez-8!!!
  20. i wish that puke emoticon was still available after looking at that....
  21. had Isamu died, for me at least, M+ would be like Jin-Roh with fighter planes. way too much of a tragedy, that way....
  22. GUNDAM 08TH TEAM MECHS?! AN Ez-8???!!wonderful.....
  23. you can always order off of Best Buy's Website.
  24. one of the comics, Genocide, i think, deals with what happens after USCM kidnap the supreme alien queen and two lesser queens come up and vie for control of the Alien Homeworld. the USCM goes back because of some kind of pharmacuetical use to the royal jelly. pretty cool if i recall correctly. the USCM even comes up with a way to neutralize the Alien acid blood with a new type of reactive armor....
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