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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. first and foremost, how to act!
  2. nah, i just remember seeing one snoop dogg video where he does this whole conversation with himself in that jive speech. it was funny since there were subtitles.
  3. Oh... he found a loophole in dogmatic law and got back into heaven. but wouldn't that negate all of existence?? fo shizzel is the jive way of saying: for sure. heres a practical application: hey snoop dogg, do you like 40's? snoop: fo shizzel, Isamu-izzle.
  4. as long as Pippin gets to wear the uniform of the tower guard, i will be happy. the scouring will bennice to see though, as would the havens.
  5. funny stuff. good job!
  6. front mission 3 was tight. is this new one gonna make it over here to the states?
  7. thats a Bandai? tight. may have to try and build one....
  8. can someone tell me what in the hell MAXL means!!??
  9. looks nice, David. that shot with the VF-11 in the hull was hilarious!
  10. thats really nice. what kind of kit is that?
  11. are they still selling these anywhere?? i can't even find them on HLJ....
  12. You are kidding right!? I think that helmet is made of "hot chick" repelant. What if it was a hot chick in it? B) Then she would be twice as sexy. Chicks (as long as they are good lookin') can pull off a great deal that guys should never attempt. yep. thats true. sadly..... beautiful women! why doth thou torment me so!
  13. You are kidding right!? I think that helmet is made of "hot chick" repelant. it could be worse. it could have the Gundam "V" antenna on the front, but i don't see how you could pimp on a bike with that thing on....
  14. for that much money, you could buy a pair of jordan's. now, if they would only make VF-1 shoes, i'd be all over that. B)
  15. is this guy a reliable shipper and all?
  16. that looks like a TV Hikaru 1J paint scheme. maybe millia's scheme will show up, after all....
  17. here here!!
  18. about how big is it?
  19. what a tease David! where the pics at? i'm sure it'll look great!
  20. yep. no.2 with no.1's hair would be great. and hows about some FAST packs??
  21. maybe one of those boiroids from Southern Cross?? thats what it kinda looks like.
  22. i vote for three hours. as the LOTR movies have shown, a three hour show can be exciting, action packed and get a lot of story across all at the same time.
  23. i say a sequel to Macross Plus, focusing on Isamu Dyson's Squadron hunting renegade Zentradi.
  24. i say a series with Max and Milia kicking ass (not more M7) would be cool, or even more Isamu.
  25. theres a kind of pimple looking thing on the head of the 1/48 -1S. some refer to it as a beauty mark....maybe someone has a pic of it....
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