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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. 50/50 i think. it seems promising, but i have been disappointed before. interesting, if not ground breaking premise.
  2. Kate Beckinsdale in leather pants. rock on.
  3. If we're thinking about the same scene, then that scene is already in the DVD, along with some other tidbits. yeah, thats the one. it was in the DVD, but not the original release. so i guess this'll be the first time for it in theaters.
  4. thats great! how about a wallpaper!
  5. looks nice! post more pics when its all painted up!
  6. Wow, it does look a lot better with the two girls back-to-back, never thought of that... I might just make a single picture and color them both. thanks for the great idea! that looks great!
  7. HELL. YEAH. Desperado and From Dusk 'til Dawn kicked so much ass, i am there. the added bonus of the hotness of Eva Mendes and Salma Hayek is more than enough, but Rodriguez had great stories and action before he decided to start making kiddie movies. i hope he can bring it back! i hope this movie rocks!
  8. Misa must have developed some horrible back problems with all that.
  9. No, Greedo doesn't shoot first in this version. Seriously though, I believe many if not all of the deleted scenes found in the DVD have been reinserted. It would be really cool if they could have somehow finished the "airlock" scene, but shooting new footage would be closer to the "Special Edition" than we're comfortable with. i saw the preview in theaters the other night. the deleted scene with Dallas is in the movie, maybe some others as well. maybe they'll rerelease Aliens as well, with the sentry gun scene.
  10. it already did with the Hulk. that thing sucked.
  11. the only thing i use it for is spelling. to hell with it. if yall can stand it, i can to! and enough with the Jesus comparisons. <_<
  12. good job on the art.
  13. i think thats probably what kept them from getting wiped out. just look at how poorly trained Russian conscripts did during WWII. they beat back a superior force. the only difference here, is the macross had smaller numbers......but look what the Israelis did with smaller forces in 67 and 73.
  14. it kinda looks like a Brain Bug from the uber-horrible Starship troopers movie. is that the thing they move their zoids around on?
  15. nice work!
  16. All kinds of real world military vehicles use extendable sights, perescopes, and other telescopic devices, as do many infrantry units for covert scouting and close quarters combat. It's not a gimmick, but a very intelligent tool in battle. the Bradley has those, don't they?
  17. at least in the beginning, and then i would think attrition would start to take its toll, but i would think some would have to be held back as instructors. lets face it, when the war begins, how many trained Space pilots bought it in those Brown valks? and how many were assigned to places other than the Macross and South Ataria?
  18. he's Scottish?
  19. Mac 0, methinks.
  20. if they're gonna do it, might as well be a 1/48.
  21. i guess a TV M&M would be tight. a Max -1S would rock too.
  22. apparently, Bandai believes that the Zaku II just can't have enough kits, but the poor Gouf Flight (a VERY kick ass design, IMO) gets no love from Bandai, as far as the kits are concerned! only HG!! why no MG!!! why no PG!!! sorry.....
  23. when i first heard of it, i thought it was a White Wolf movie. it seemed awfully similar to the games i was familiar with.
  24. Buying them lets Kawamori know where you are....
  25. yeah, the previews he has on his webpage have those up. Devin (Anasazi37) is doing that as well.
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