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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. i used to think spending $135 on a toy would be way too much. after i bought, touched and laid my hands on my 1/48, i don't think so anymore. for the price of an MPC and the fast packs, for a few bucks more, you could get a 1/48.
  2. UN Marines. all the way baby!
  3. hmm.....i'll check it out. looks sweet.
  4. those look great! is it a lot of work to get those hase ground crew looking like that?
  5. thats tight KidK. good job!
  6. i haven't been able to get mine to lock either. Grahams video says they lock, but i can't make mine do that.
  7. I always thought you were supposed to wear something under the flightsuit. not if you're naughty...
  8. a ripoff. thats about par for marvel these days.
  9. i'd take any of the Labors in a PG model! i still want a zero MG as well as an MG Helldiver!!
  10. no, not the marines. i thought the emperor himself ate souls to stay alive.....
  11. i think he'll do alright. just please no more mr freeze. and no more nipples on the costume.
  12. i say its more like the 1973 israeli-arab war. through better fighters (max, roy), the smaller country was able to defeat greater numbers.just by sheer ferocity and stubborness, did they win, same way as the macross.
  13. i don't own one, but i hear they're actually mostly metal and posable as hell. i'm thinking of getting that blue one sometime soon, when i am not broke as hell.....Omni, i feel your pain.
  14. those look pretty sweet on the low vis. but that gunpod....kinda low....
  15. maybe the helmet also serves as an aiming mechanism, akin to the helmets in the Apache? perhaps it supplies more information to the pilot?
  16. if they did, they'd have to be VF-1s, not VF-0s. the fuel thing would make it hard for a JP fueled engine to fly in space for any significant amount of time or at all. but seeing VF-1s in zero would be tight. added to that, we don't know if the SV-51/52s are space capable, but the same reasoning would apply if they used regular JP..... me too, Mr. March. i majored in history!
  17. nice. good luck on that. will it be variable?
  18. its probably because someone's not minding the shop, or maybe, they just can't take time to worry about all the "little fish", such as anime import stores.
  19. I would assume that's 50-60 relative to Max. Seriously, what's wrong with medical advances? yeah, but i mean, 50-60 earth standard years from here on the gound is different, or so i thought, when travelling a close to the speed of light in outer space. i'm all for the medical advances, as well, but i was simply offering a suggestion.
  20. OT, but thats hilarious, man!
  21. then that might explain the infamous aging problems of the Macross crew (Max and Millia, specifically). i don't remember much of my physics class, but i understand that the faster you go, and closer to c you get, the slower you age. even if the Macross only manages .2 C, we can assume that future ships go even faster, maybe even .5 c or faster. thus, a 50-60 year old Max ages slower.....
  22. wasn't it Ben Jonson? i have no idea....
  23. they're doing a videogame too. a FPS, i think.
  24. kinda sorta in a wierd way. In the Warhammer 40K "universe", the Space Marines are the elite shock troops of the emperor who eats souls. but, they happen to be the "good guys", since they fight orks, demons and wierd bug things. no affiliation to the nazi Party, though.
  25. thats pretty sweet. is that your work? Try and make one of those heavy weapon marines! that would rock!
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