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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. a minatures game, board game or something like Pirates of the Revolution would have been way better.
  2. I have the 1 and 2 models and they are quite nice. pretty fun to put together too.
  3. that was pretty creepy.
  4. A great episode tonight. I really wanna see whats gonna happen next week. A consistently good show, and I hope Lee and his dad work it out and get him back in a Viper soon.....
  5. Pass on the remedy for that problem if you find a solution....
  6. yeah, i hope the third issue will rap things up and have the crew where they are gonna be when the movie starts. I can't wait to see it though.
  7. in one of the DVD featurettes, it says they hope maybe someone will want to make a TV series out of the successful Serenity movie . I don't get the Bats v Supes. Warner Brothers owns both of them. there shouldn't be a problem with non-competition.
  8. was this in anyway relevant to this topic?
  9. i went to the shop today and picked up 1 and 2 (no Kaylee cover though... ). Read em both, and they were pretty good. it feels like an episode of the show, too bad the commercials are way longer. . Just makes me more pumped for the movie. I really wish they would either pick the show back up or do an ongoing comic series, so we can find out more about the Blue Handed guys, the War, and resolve some of the longer running plot ideas and character issues. Maybe Sci-fi will pick the show back up if the movie does well enough. i hear if it does well, there will be sequels, so thats good.
  10. Kingdom of Heaven was a surprisingly good movie. As a HUGE fan of 300, i hope its done right. If it is, this movie will be gold. if not, its gonna suck. since it hasn't even really been cast, its pretty hard to say its gonna be crap. Sin City rocked because of both the story and the talent. Hopefully, talented people will jump at the chance to work on a Frank Miller book now. Sure the GN was simplistic. but most "history" movies are. If you say that 300 is exagerated and unrealistic, you should be saying the same things about movies like "the Patriot", "Gladiator", and the Sharpe books/TV series. I really liked Gladiator and the Sharpe stuff, but "the Patriot" was pretty horrible. I think a wait and see approach is best here, before people start crucifying it as the next Stealth or whatever. Besides, Thermopolyae is such a great story, as evidenced by Pressfield's excellent book, that it should make a compelling movie going experience...... ....If done right.
  11. a great, great book, and i'm looking forward to it. this movie, lie the book, should rock if done right.
  12. does anyone have a pic of the picture in the breifing room that the pilots touch? you know, the one with the pilot watching the destruction of the city? i've always wanted to see what it looked like....
  13. Has anyone been reading the Serenity comics from Dark Horse? I missed out on em. The gimmick they have going on is 3 covers for each issue of the miniseries, with a different crew member on each. Really mad that i missed out on the Kaylee cover... Anyway, has anyone read these? are they any good?
  14. You can fly something like that F-15 in Ace Combat 4.
  15. Is that the one with Jennifer Connelly locked in a Target store after hours? I liked that one also.
  16. Even Geada is not completly loyal. He knew about Dualla's calls and when Tigh asked him about it, he didn't say anything. Besides, I think Tigh is just such a prick with his crew, they are turning against him. With Adama, at least he shows he cares for his crew. Tigh's always too busy being an imbecilic hard ass to do things right. It'll be interesting to see how things go for Tigh now that Adama is awake.
  17. PCU, Soldier, Super Troopers, Summer Catch, Blade: Trinity.
  18. Wow. Last nights episode was pretty good. Cally seems at least to feel a bit more for the Chief than just platonic friendship. Shes young, so i think its probable that shes at the very least infatuated with him. Thats the only thing that i could think would make her snap like she did. As for Boomer, i bet Caprica Boomer is gonna make a trip back to the fleet with Starbuck, Helo and at least some of the resistance. That game that Boomer and the resistance guy were playing seemed pretty interesting....But something tells me that guy is just cannon fodder. I really don't like where Lee's character is going. Hes a pilot, not some kind of freedom fighter. thats a bit silly. For my part, i really agree with Billy's decision to stay behind. oh well, its still and awesome show. Possible Spoiler: For some of the stuff i've read, the Pegasus will not last long, and will more or less just be a guest on the show.
  19. Yeah same here. It'll be a pain to get everyone together for and ONline Draft.
  20. Yahoo is fine with me. let me know.
  21. I have a Yahoo ID. let me know whats up.
  22. Three. He was a Commander in The Rock.
  23. He fears our non-master's-degree educations. 317502[/snapback] I almost have a masters. does that count? But he makes way more money than i do, so its cool.
  24. Tigh's gonna get fragged by his own people, and Geada is gonna get promoted.
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