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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. i too like history. more US Civil War and WWII, though. i am also a complete comic book nut. comics are in competion for my most wallet sucking hobby with Macross. titles i read include: Alias, Fables, Losers, Y the last man, Global Frequency, the Legion, Powers, Stormwatch Team Achilles, Wildcats 3.0, Sleeper, Batman (Jim Lee's Hush run), Sojourn, Queen and Country, New X-men, Outsiders, and am trying to finish out my old Gen 13 collection (first series). i highly recomend these titles to any comic readers out there! i try and keep up on current events, so i could say the news is my hobby as well. Lately, i have been reading a lot of Stephen King books, mainly the books connected with the Dark Tower series.
  2. welcome aboard.
  3. seeing as how double and triple crossings are par for this series, i wouldn't doubt it. B)
  4. Wasn't Hunk hired by an independent party? at the end of RE2 didn't he take the G-virus back to Umbrella? they had sent him and his team to take Birkin out, and he was the only one to survive, i think. unless RE3 mentions something else about him going to work for someone else. i could be mistaken. also, in RE 0, the men that are killed aboard by the leaches the train are dressed in similar uniforms.
  5. lets hope its Hunk. maybe Ada or Carlos? i can't wait!
  6. I Am! Leon's back! should be good, i hope. He is not the only one who is back in RE4. who else?
  7. I Am! Leon's back! should be good, i hope.
  8. i've watched the whole thing on CN, and i for one, liked it. it pulled off the bug fighting better than the Starship Troopers movie did. but the ending made no damned sense.
  9. all i know is Red Star and BATS better be in it.
  10. $130 for my Bulky Lee. That Club M strike looks awesome Chan.
  11. hooray for Ishtar. Hooray for Millia. some nice pics here....
  12. Both are dead. The RE series follows the best Jill ending... where Barry, Jill and Chris got out of the mansion. That would mean Rebecca got beheaded by a hunter. As for Billy Cohn.... I remember in a file in either RE:rebirth or RE2... that said that a body a con was found in the woods along with a few other bodies. That I think was Billy. but doesn't a file in RE2 say that rebecca left STARS to go with Chris? wouldn't that mean that she did escape the mansion? as for Billy, the events at the mansion happen the next day, so there could be no way they would know he was dead already, unless wesker leaves the file there. RE2 mentions a body belonging to the Umbrella operative...could that have been him?
  13. maybe the Macross expected trouble and sent the gunpod along in case the Zentradi decided to try something during the wedding?
  14. maybe they'll also address what happens to Rebecca Chambers and Billy Cohn. but i doubt it. <_
  15. A7, i always liked your eye for casting decisions.
  16. IGN says there's gonna be a third one. take it with a grain of salt. the first one wasn't bad, but it goes completely against what is revealed from the games.
  17. that looks great! goood work drew!
  18. nice site. the Monster and some of those others were really nice. good work.
  19. 1/48 forever. its the end all be all of VF-1 toys. how can someone look at the MPCrap and look at the 1/48 and say, wow that MPCrap looks way better! i guess some folks just like that neat box.....
  20. HELL YEAH. i'm glad someone else remembers that show fondly as well. MTV needs to release those on DVD. maybe they will, since Wildstorm is releasing all the old comics as TPB's again.
  21. i thought the people working on Big O were some of the same responsible for BTAS??
  22. United Nations Space Marines. Is it me or does that one sound like it came from Aliens. I know that this branch would be formed. in Aliens, its United States Colonial Marines. that seems to be a quite generic designation, such as the Terran Marines in Starcraft and the Imperial Marines in Warhammer 40K.
  23. sweet. i always ddi like the way that looked.
  24. damn. max is one bad mother focker with them two strike cannons!
  25. the 1/60 has quite a bit of die cast on it, while the 1/48 has very little, but the 1/48 is more stable by far, and handles quite well. realize, of course, that this isn't a kids toy, and if you mistreat it, it will break, where the bandais can take all kinds of abuse.
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