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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. sweet pics Burn.
  2. ditto. but it would have to be the ACCURATE f-14 from Mac 0 for yamato to make it. there was a discussion a while back about how the Hase kit was incorrect.
  3. Kubrick's dead. Stephen King doesn't direct. i just hope whoever they do get to do this will not screw up the creepy feeling and atmosphere of the games.
  4. i say they should wait til next summer to make this movie. that way, Shaq can reprise his role as Steel. yeah. then this movie will RULE. i hope everyone recognizes the sarcasm above.... <_<
  5. ah. a fellow Danger Girl and Sojourn reader. sweet. nice MG collection btw.
  6. i don't have FP's.....yet, but this info is nice to know. thanks!
  7. yep. thats what i'm talking about.
  8. congrats on the low vis. enjoy it! oh and Welcome to Macross World!
  9. good choice. shes gonna be in the third Blade movie next year, or so i heard. shes unbelievably attractive. supposedly like Mary Jane is in the Books.
  10. heh. i agree with that. they should just go back and make 3 and Res a hibernation nightmare and bring Hicks and Newt back.... besides, Michael Beihn could use the work.
  11. agreed. i never saw Tobey Maguire as Spiderman, but i think he did okay. i see where you're coming from.
  12. 1/48's are the best. hands down.
  13. will Yamato do another Low vis run?
  14. wow. thats amazing work. thats an A for effort my friend.
  15. How about Colin Farrell? he seems to be getting all the limelight and all the movie roles lately he was alright as Bullseye in the Daredevil movie. but i don't think he'd do at all as bruce. maybe Ollie Green or Kyle Rayner, but not Bruce.
  16. sweet. i always did like lit model kits.
  17. if that music was all i had, and i HAD to listen to it while flying a valk, i'd paint mine brown immediately. that music was horrendous.
  18. sweet. more 1/48's in the market might lead to more 1/48 sales at HLJ, BBTS, etc....!!!
  19. how sad.....
  20. pretty tight.
  21. plus it was a huge event. its not every day that an ace human pilot marries a hot alien ace.
  22. and the gratuitous fan service shots.
  23. good luck man. my prayers are with all yall out there.
  24. why is the chest normal? anime magic. an animation error. no biggie. <_<
  25. thats exactly what it is.
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