ditto. but it would have to be the ACCURATE f-14 from Mac 0 for yamato to make it. there was a discussion a while back about how the Hase kit was incorrect.
Kubrick's dead. Stephen King doesn't direct. i just hope whoever they do get to do this will not screw up the creepy feeling and atmosphere of the games.
i say they should wait til next summer to make this movie. that way, Shaq can reprise his role as Steel. yeah. then this movie will RULE.
i hope everyone recognizes the sarcasm above.... <_<
heh. i agree with that. they should just go back and make 3 and Res a hibernation nightmare and bring Hicks and Newt back....
besides, Michael Beihn could use the work.
How about Colin Farrell?
he seems to be getting all the limelight and all the movie roles lately
he was alright as Bullseye in the Daredevil movie. but i don't think he'd do at all as bruce. maybe Ollie Green or Kyle Rayner, but not Bruce.