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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. http://www.mahq.net/animation/macross/macross.htm this is a good one too.
  2. mine is Black House. i loved the Talisman and i loved the character of Jack Sawyer. since hes now a more or less permanent member of the territories, i think he and Roland will meet up somewhere. a comment Jack makes in Black house caught my attention. in one part he thinks to himself of his shooting abilities, and how when standing still, he couldn't hit anything, but on the move was always one fo the best. that makes me think Jack is a Gunslinger of our world. Father Callahan will be coming out in Wolves of Calla, so maybe the will deal with what happened to Ben Mears and Mark Petrie from 'Salems lot....its gonna be sweet! my favorite of the books was the Waste Lands. good stuff.
  3. holy crap thats sweet. but how does it handle the wieght in atmosphere if the VF-0 isn't designed for space? thanks for the pics Graham!
  4. She's definitely the brunette with long hair if that's true... SYDNEY!!! that would be a dream come true! but they would probably try and make her Abbey since shes the main character... <_< either way, i'd be happy!
  5. its a poem by Robert Browning. thats where King claims he first go the idea. its a good poem.
  6. Man... I love Jessica Biel... but I can't wach anything she is in... well, maybe her jeans. I can watch that AAAAll day. ditto. shes supposed to be coming out in the third Blade movie, and there were rumors of her being picked to be in a Danger girl movie....that would be sweet.
  7. Texas Chainsaw.... ....mmmm....Jessica Biel.... B)
  8. thats a great line. but i always loved the bits about "remembering the face of your fathers!" right before Roland, Eddie, Susannah or Jake popped a cap in someone!!
  9. i just read all four of them and am goign around the other Stephen King books to see where the story picks up, such as Insomnia, Black House, everythings eventual and Salem's Lot. These books are great, and i can't wait to see where King's going with it. Roland is one of my favorite characters in a long time!! great reads!
  10. nice work as always Joseph. i had never even considered a Meltran in a dress. good work man!! how about one in color?
  11. i am broke. stupid student loans. my Bulky Lee cleaned out what they didn't take. so much i want, so little cash.
  12. 1/60. i think maybe that will be the completist line. plus it might be a bit cheaper.
  13. doesn't it come out that Wesker made the STARS unit to test out the BioWeapons? also i doubt that Umbrella would train this group well enough to ensure that the would be so pissed when the came out of the manison, that they decided that Umbrella was going down. anyways, Wesker himself was gonna double cross umbrella, wasn't he? but getting impaled by the Tyrant kinda derailed that.
  14. those are sweet. nice job.
  15. i know it isn't a space MS, but come on. how long til the Ez-8 gets some love?
  16. that idea was almost as bad as the whole clone thing in spiderman.
  17. i think the guy that killed him was named doomsday. Apocalypse is a nemesis of the X-men.
  18. it would sure explain all those semi-dead folks walking around wanting nothing more that to get something to eat and suffering from complete lack of self esteem.
  19. it would have been better if she had gone after them with the knife. and how come the movie had no health spray or Herbs? and how exactly does a spray save someone from dying?
  20. ah. so there will be a mention of S.T.A.R.S. the guy from the mummy will be Carlos? hmm.... And of course, jill is in her RE3 outfit.....
  21. Max -1J!!! this is a Valk i had waited all my life to own!
  22. pretty tight. nice work!
  23. make sure to post pics!
  24. If Spawn is the king of lame super heroes..... the Green Lantern is probably the queen!! WHAT?? Green Lantern rocks! i can't wait for a movie! In Brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight! let those who worship evil's might Beware my power- Green Lantern's light! greatness, i tell you. it has all the makings for a franchise! the Green Lantern Corps patrol space, and could be written any number of sequels and stories!
  25. Yep. thats the one.
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