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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. i see the turbographix didn't make this list.....that would have been my vote.
  2. the stories kick ass. an OVA or even a series about Snake and The Philanthropy group hes a part of would be sweet. i don't care, put Raiden in there, too. why not? bring back Gray Fox and Meryl, too. it woud be sweet.
  3. is this thing still on time for being released?
  4. Forgot to mentioned the entire unit never lost any men ala godmode. Shiro(SP) doesn't count as he was still alive and well when the series ended. Not mention Gundam Wing's transplanted pacifism interfering with the story. 08th was the best Gundam so far IMO. yeah, they all had gundams. yeah, they didn't lose anyone. but it was WAY better than the foolishness that is 0083 and CCA. Also, isn't Burning wearing a suit that says UN Spacy?
  5. I second the vote! boo to the both of ya.
  6. FF VIII rules. Best FF Ever. i still want Square to continue with Squall and Rinoa's Story. B)
  7. AH! But do you like english dubbed J-pop songs? eyes on me was (FFVIII) an okay song.... *prepares for massive barrage of insults....*
  8. i didn't help them in Second Renaissance. maybe they'll have more luck this time.
  9. That's the best place for the pilot to be true dat, man! sweet pics. keep em coming.
  10. nice work WM. i can't wait for my set from Devin! those things are gonna rock!
  11. another great piece, WDC.
  12. there are some recasts floating around....i don't think Yamato is making extra -1S heads anymore. that might change with the Roy rerelease and the Hikaru -1S
  13. Kawamori's a big Kubrick fan. Lots of 2001 homages in Macross Plus. Bowman was the lead character in 2001 (Dave), which was also Guld's last name. Kubrick homages are great. it would have been great to see Hikaru, Max and Roy beat Kakizaki with bars of soap.
  14. sweet job. that looks even better than the movie!
  15. He has a great talent for drawing women, i think. His Rogue was GREAT, i agree, so was his Psylocke and his Caitlan Fairchild over in Gen 13. good stuff.
  16. looks like Jim Lee will be starting on Superman next March, with Superman 203, with Brian Azzarello doing the writing. looks like another superstar pairing by DC. Greg Rucka, who does great work on Queen and Country and Gotham Central is also gonna start a run on Adventures of Superman 625. i also read maybe Michael Turner, best known for Fathom and Witchblade, will take a stab at the art sometime soon. DC looks to be revamping their main titles. not a moment too soon. Superman really sucks right now. edit. oops those are back up stories in the regular Superman books. the new teams start their runs in April....
  17. Whoop! Are you an Aggie? I was class of '02 Company N-1 I was '02 too! WHOOP! i was a non-reg, though. lived over in Appelt Hall. good to see another Aggie around here!
  18. the man can draw. next up: Superman! Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets) is up next on Batman, so hopefully the new story will kick ass.
  19. pretty sweet overall, but yeah, i can't believe after all that, he got away. likewise, i didn't like the way Bruce and Selina's relationship was just kind of casted aside. i thought Loeb was finally gonna make a change in the way those characters relationship worked.
  20. its worth it! i think those two are some of Kings best.
  21. when Ralph Roberts saved his life, he still had some 18 years to go before he would save someones life, and the person they save would be necessary in Roland's quest. I think that person will be another breaker type person, like Tyler Marshall, who Jack saves in Black House.
  22. Longhorns.....Saw 'em off baby. Saw 'em off. t.u. Sucks..... hey, at least that valk isn't burnt orange. that would make this game suck. ( its a college thing )
  23. but remember Drew, he also told eddie and Susannah that he would leave them if it meant reaching the tower. yes, he did go out of his way to save jake, but i think it was as much for Roland as it was for Jake that he did that. Roland cared about people too, like Susan, Alain and Cuthbert, and maybe Roland tries to be a hardass about his quest, since he knows everything he cares about is goign to be lost sooner or later. King himself has said that not all the characters will reach the Tower. thats gonna suck, since i have grown attached to all of the characters.
  24. Fight Club. without a doubt the best movie ever. The first rule of Macross World is: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT MACROSS WORLD!
  25. that was the Little Sisters of Eluria from Everythings Eventual. they also make a cameo in the Black House.
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