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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. he was cooler when he had an afro and "bad mother f*&^%$" on his wallet.... B)
  2. thats a pretty good book. Johns does a great job. not as good as Winick's Outsiders, but good nonetheless.
  3. thats the best idea i've ever heard for a thread.
  4. Gundam is one thing. this show is not Gundam. its crap.
  5. Jim Lee rocks. but everyone knows that....shame hes leaving Batman for a while....
  6. all this may be true. but you know what? NO COLONIAL MARINES!!! that was the best part! they needed to put them in there! for that reason, this movie will blow.
  7. ooh...i wanna be SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER..... B)
  8. an adaptation of La Blue girl could be interesting with some of them..... hmmm. In that case I should have added Jessica Biel, huh? HELL. YEAH. *drools*
  9. an adaptation of La Blue girl could be interesting with some of them.....
  10. and Colin Farrel with Blue Hair as Max Jenius. err....i mean sterling. <_<
  11. they'll strip mine anime Let's see... Dragon Ball Z Evangelion Yep, it's begun. Ninja Scroll... A...Ki... Ra... a live action American Version of La Blue Girl.....
  12. for those who whine about Yamato QC, i heard an interesting phrase: "He who Laughs at this, Try to Make it Better" so. try and make it better. <_<
  13. sweet. may have to pic it up.... ...ferrari, no pics in your sig. people get upset.
  14. theres really no other way around it. do as the man says....
  15. " what did i just say about ethnic slurs?"
  16. you've been keeping busy with your chunky monkey customs. good job. nice work.....
  17. its called capitalism, comrade. Yamato can make money by releasing a product that people buy. even with the re-release, they'll probably still sell a lot of them, maybe even all of them.
  18. Perhaps she realized this movie wasn't about husbands that somehow do something wrong and the wife has to deal with everything. yep...that seems to be her niche. plus, no Morgan Freeman in this movie....
  19. that show is an abomination. i won't support it by buying the merchandise. its a horrible show.
  20. as far as the spielberg rep is concerned, AI ruined it for me. that was one horrible movie.
  21. Tarantino is alright. hes no Kevin Smith. but i will be checking this one out. looks pretty sweet.
  22. as long as theres no James Van der Beek and Jason Biggs in the staring roles, it oculd be blunt-tastic!
  23. is that supposed to be based off the F-22? looks okay. better than that Optimus....
  24. yep. first is Tony Montana, next Michael Corleone. after that, the cop from Heat.....
  25. in my opinion it is. great movie.
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