all this may be true. but you know what? NO COLONIAL MARINES!!! that was the best part! they needed to put them in there! for that reason, this movie will blow.
an adaptation of La Blue girl could be interesting with some of them.....
hmmm. In that case I should have added Jessica Biel, huh?
they'll strip mine anime
Let's see...
Dragon Ball Z
Yep, it's begun.
Ninja Scroll...
A...Ki... Ra...
a live action American Version of La Blue Girl.....
its called capitalism, comrade. Yamato can make money by releasing a product that people buy. even with the re-release, they'll probably still sell a lot of them, maybe even all of them.
Perhaps she realized this movie wasn't about husbands that somehow do something wrong and the wife has to deal with everything.
yep...that seems to be her niche. plus, no Morgan Freeman in this movie....