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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. that would be great. but only if Pimpbot makes an appearance.
  2. is that the porn star? sweet...
  3. its a disease, alright...
  4. Danny Cooksey. ImDB page
  5. finally, someone else. I am not alone afterall!!
  6. an Arnold-ized version of the word "tumor" watch Kindergarden Cop, and it makes more sense.
  7. The British are obviously the enemies simply because of the Revolutionary War of 1776..... (obscure Eddie Izzard reference ahead!!) "Leftenant Sebastian, the rebels are here." "well do they want tea?"
  8. the divine conception thing is more of Lucas's placing of myth's, symbolism and archetypes into his stories. why is vader's outfit black? well cause hes evil. what does the Lightsaber mean? some kind of nod to the Aurthurian Legends, and a band of Knights that protect the universe, only when they leave, the dark ages begin. Obi wan says it himself: before the dark times, before the empire. the whole series is lousy with mythic references and such. hell i don't even have a problem with the whole immaculate conception thing. when taken in context, its great because Anakin/ Vader is a "christ" like figure. he dies for the sins of the empire, and sets things "right again". but like i said. the Midichlorians thing could have been completely left out.
  9. Eraser was okay. Vanessa Williams was bad. c'mon anybody who marries Rick Fox has no class whatsoever. j/k.
  10. Its Art (sort of). some people will love it, some will hate it. some people thing Monet is great, some think hes absolute crap. some people like Robert Frost, some don't. disagreements over it are common. not liking something because its not pleasing to the eye doesn't necessarily make one a "Raving Fanboy".
  11. i don't like VII. VIII. now that was a great story. the junction system blew ass. but i loved the story. i'm a sucker for stuff like that.
  12. is that and HGUC or an MG?? looks nice.
  13. Funny how Agent One starts out by saying no political comments, yet we have them anyways. theres other ways to voice displeasure, and i don't think this is one of them. I admire his work. Raw Deal was okay. i think his best was True Lies, though. maybe Predator.
  14. B5's ending was great. John Sheridan going beyond the Universe was good stuff.
  15. it looks kinda like a scalpel.
  16. i'll make an example from my favorite series, Dune. Paul's family was strong with their powers. Paul had the visions, Leto, Ghanima, Alia, all the way to hundreds of generations later and the Bashar Teg. but no where does Herbert suddenly decide while writing the books after half of them are already done to say " the visions are caused by some tiny organism or particle, traced in the blood" that had NEVER BEFORE BEEN MENTIONED. Genetics is one thing. to say his family was strong is another. but i think Lucas made a logical leap that made no sense whatsoever outside his mind. i still say that lucas, who was never the best writer, decided to pull something out of his ass to try and explain this. some of the others have mentioned it. why very little mention in the second movie? in the originals, if the Emperor and Vader know that Force usage can be traced through blood, why not search for samples and find the twins? it doesn't make sense to me, sorry.
  17. they are. when they are is another question.....
  18. i would call that half assed-ness
  19. what do you mean....there were only TWO Aliens movies....
  20. hes gonna be doing a new series on the Marvel MAX line. the Born Miniseries was pretty crazy, and we see a bit more of frank in Vietnam and how far he pushed before even become the Punisher.
  21. and the award for post from Left field goes to....
  22. holy crap is that sweet. damn thing must be huge!!
  23. they should have based the movie off the recent Born Miniseries. it rocked. as for Ben Affleck as GL.....No. Never. Heresy i say.
  24. that book blows. i looked through it in the store last wednesday, and its crap. i thought a story about Max would be tight anywhere, but i was wrong.
  25. nice job Jesse. that looks really nice.
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