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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Gee, are yah sure, then again, Smith is no Quentin Tarantino . I am a big Quentin Tarantino , thats why I am seeing this flick. I have not been dissappointed yet. Besides, I have not seen Daryl Hannah in a movie for awhile. don't get me wrong. i like tarantino. but i also really like smith. hes done good stuff. both on film and elsewhere. i am looking forward to this though.
  2. a film about the war against the machines in the future would rock. and Max is right, they don't even need arnold for that (though it would be nice).
  3. fer real. i hope they release it by itself. that way my CF can get some GBP.
  4. GBP...SWEET! VF-0....SWEET! Helmet in light purple....not so sweet....but for that money, i guess they customize the helmets for you....
  5. he was a wolf i think.
  6. End of Days was horrid. T3 not so much. i liked it.
  7. you know what really sucks is that there won't be a true lies sequel. that is a movie that should have ahd one. Jamie Lee Curtis said she wouldn't do one because "terrorists aren't funny". oh, what could have been. <_< More Eliza Dushku!!!
  8. so these are transformable? they look pretty nice.
  9. funny. i got busted so many times in HS for playing games on my TI-83 My TI-86 kept me awake during trig class in HS. Damn! I was lucky even to have a calculator that could add... And Trig... did I even take that? Funny, I don't remember. I was more of a history, language, and poli-sci student than math or chemistry. me too. i sucked at math, but my damned HS made me take all those crappy Chemistry, Physics and Trig/ Analytic Geometry classes.... <_<
  10. Too bad Squall was a tight assed brick. i just think that he had never had feelings like the ones he had for Rinoa with anyone, and he was severely conflicted with how exactly to deal with them. the guy grew up without parents, without really any close friends, except for maybe Siefer, who was an ass and whom he hated. the one part of the story i never really bought, and quite frankly hated was the whole "GF's made us forget" i thought it was silly, but i guess if he couldn't remember Edea, Quistis and everyone else, that would lead to a pretty bitter person.
  11. ah. okay. well, i think its cool because it ties into the story so well. i think (and its been a while since i have played it), that the song was written by Rinoa's mother about Laguna. its cool that it has the same connotation with Rinoa and Squall. Like i've mentioned, I am a huge sucker for things like that. both of them finding it difficult to say how they feel (Squall and Laguna), and how after so long, Laguna sees that someone will finally get to do it right, since he messed up and left Rinoa's mom (i forget her name ), and now Squall has his chance with Rinoa.... ...Hope that suffices!
  12. I'll refer to my post above....
  13. ....in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snow storm...
  14. funny. i got busted so many times in HS for playing games on my TI-83
  15. and the coolest ending, and the coolest song (eyes on me)..... B)
  16. its a comedy with action. good stuff. who would have known Eliza Dushku would get so hot??
  17. its pre-daniel. Morpheus is, if i'm not mistaken, only featured heavily in his own story. that story takes place at the dawn of time.
  18. yep. i agree. the Junction system blew ass. made that game harder than it needed to be.
  19. Funny... I always found them to be as bad as Tidus and Yuna. I really tried to get into X, but never could. i was hooked on VIII right away. besides, theres really no accounting for taste.
  20. nice work as always.
  21. pretty sweet. kinda like a group photo. really nice.
  22. it really doesn't, since FF VIII is still the greatest....
  23. Squall and Rinoa have been to date, the best couple in FF. he starts out as such an ass, and impossible to like, because of the way he treats people around him and how pissedoff he is at seemingly everything. when he finally meets Rinoa at Balamb Garden's ball, that was just a great scene, tremendous emotion behind it. he falls right away, but since he has trust issues, he can't seem to come to grip with what hes got there. its so great so see him finally come around. i think the greatest part of that game is when Squall and Rinoa escape to the Ragnarok, and they have their moment returning to the planet. great stuff. really pulls at the heart.
  24. theres been a thread about that guy. seems on the level. some of the guys around here say hes okay. thread about Toy wave
  25. Hello, all. I was just wondering if any of yall Had read the new Sandman HC Endless Nights. i recently purchased it and i am gonna try to do a little minireview. here goes.... First off, this book is one based off Neil Gaiman's run on DC's Vertigo Imprint title "Sandman". its entirely written by Gaiman, and focuses on all of Dream's family. The Seven siblings (Death, Dream, Delirium, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Destiny) each have a chapter of the book dedicated to them, with different artists on each chapter and separate stories for each of them. Among these artists are Glenn Fabry, who has done some covers for the Preacher vertigo book and Frank Quitely, who has done the Authority and some New X-men books. Now, as i mentioned, the stories focus on each member of the Endless, and overall, they are pretty good. I haven't really kept up with the original run of the series, but i knew enough of it and the characters to be intrigued to buy this book. i was not disappointed. the stories are great with all the twists and intelligence Gaiman is given credit for, the best being IMO Death, Dream and Desire. the only two i didn't really like all that much were Despair (because of the crazy and sometimes disturbing art) and Delirium (because the story was crazy, which is what i think Gaiman planned for). The presentation (cover) is pretty nice, and when the dust cover is removed, the same image that appears on the jacket also appears on the cover. pretty slick. again, this one is a HC and because of it, its pretty expensive for a comic book ($24.95). but like i said, its pretty good, and looks pretty handsome on a bookshelf. i think comic fans in general, especially fans of the sereis will like this one. its also one hell of a good read, comic or not. if you don't mind spending the money, its a great buy. i was thouroughly satisfied with it. i'd like to hear any opinions anyone may have had, especially any long time Sandman readers out there....
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