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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. yeah, sorry about that. i was quoting a line from the movie Fight Club. didn't mean to start something likle that.
  2. its from the movie. i have no idea if its true.
  3. yeah, she's hot, so is Kim. Lets hope Tony and Jack get some play this year it looks like Jacks new partner will be shacking up with Kim, the lucky bastard.
  4. ah, now i remember!! thanks! hopefully she'll get a bigger part this year. and hopefully no more absurd Kim situations ( i mean c'mon...a mountain lion??). Do you know if Kate Warner (played by Sarah Winter) is coming back?
  5. Isamu Atreides 86


    yep. since i came here, Valks have become like Crack for me.... "C'mon, baby, i need some Valks!!!"
  6. really? where (who) was she!!!???? she was the one who gave Palmer that flesh eating virus. but i guess hes still alive, since hes in the spoliers for 24:3......
  7. Hamner does another book for WS called "Red". Its a book written by Warren Ellis and Hamner does a pretty good Job on it (its about an Ex-CIA hitman who the agency wants dead, a great read by the way). but that title has a more "noir" type feel to it, and i think that kind of art work is more his style. WS seems to just have placed him on the wrong book with this one.....
  8. the big, bad A-10 for modern aircraft, the p-38 for old school the B-52, cause its a BUFF.....
  9. yep. Mia's hot. she even had a cameo in last years season finale of 24....hopefully she'll be back this year!!
  10. i was looking through Wildstorms website today, and say this solicitation for a new RT book.....I guess it something of note, since its not a Macross based book.... Written by Jay Faerber and Ken Siu-Chong; art by Takeshi Miyazawa and Omar Dogan; covers by Yoshitaka Amano and Cully Hamner A new 5-issue miniseries begins! Robotech's New Generation launches into action as a large-scale war erupts against the Invid. In the year 2038, Earth has fallen to the fearsome forces of the mysterious Invid race, but Admiral Hunter's expeditionary force is about to unleash its first strike to reclaim their homeworld! Plus, Part 1 of the backup story "Mars Base One," set 35 years earlier as the United Earth forces begin building its first top-secret colony on Mars.
  11. to exploit the new -1J molds, probably. i for one can't wait....
  12. oh well. i tip my 40 oz. to their memory....
  13. i'm sorry. this poll makes no sense.
  14. yep. sure is. thats why i say that people don't follow the law because they find crimes morally wrong, but rather because they are simply afraid of punishment.
  15. hopefully with them doing Zeon suits, we'll get that Sabazi, along with some bad ass Gouf's (hopefully a flight type), Geloog's and some Geara Doga's......
  16. a question about this Manga: on a comics website i visit, someone mentioned that the manga goes over more than the TV show? what i mean is that some of the Manga stories take place after the show ends. is this true?
  17. i don't think this game comes out here in the states until tomorrow.
  18. those Zaku's look like Johnny Riddens and Shin Matsunaga's.....
  19. 20 bucks for two of them....is that a good buy? i'm not familiar with the armada line. are those very rare?
  20. why do they insist on using the superposeable sculpt as the basis for the VF-1?? <_<
  21. i'd buy it, but only if i could drive it to work and live out of it at the same time. Drive?! That baby will FOLD to work! sweet. no more traffic.
  22. i want someone to make Squall's Gunblade from FF VIII. that thing kicked ass.
  23. i'd buy it, but only if i could drive it to work and live out of it at the same time.
  24. I don't care if the movie sucks, as long as McFarlen makes cool toys out of these APU's also damn thinking about this I wish he would make a power loader. he needs to makes some USCM figures first. but McFarlane figs of that mech would rock!
  25. This sounds more like the beginning of Hot Shots 2. or the beginning of Commando, though that was an action flick...
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