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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. i saw one of those at wal mart. its not that great. besides, that show is insipid and should not be supported.
  2. I'll be 23 in two weeks.
  3. well, i'm in Texas, but i wish all of you the best.
  4. nice work. that kicks ass.
  5. why not just use Valks as heavy infantry troops. they would seem to be versatile enough, and mostly well armed to get past most opposition. in cases of heavy resistance, either some strategic bombing or some orbital bombardment.
  6. was there ever any doubt?? SYNDEY BABY!!!
  7. Lucy Liu was at the SD con this summer and and she denied that story... but then she also said that Ecks Vs. Sever would be good... Charlie's Angels is nothing but a Maxim issue on the screen... and I cancelled my subscription a while back... Though I did pickup the Monica Bellucci issue... you should pick up this months for two words: Jessica Alba!!!
  8. i've heard hes the one who WB picked to direct a new superman movie. i smell a disaster coming.....
  9. yeah, the important thing is that you're okay. best wishes......
  10. especially if you're a Lucy Lui fan. Kill Bill saved her career, after crap fests like ecks vs, Sever and the Charlies angels movies.
  11. True, but for Macross World purposes, how bad the cover is appears is the prime point of discussion about the RT comics Cyc not really. i bought a couple when they first came out. compared to other stuff, like Alias, Stormwatch, and Fables, they blow. they simply aren't good comics or even good storytelling.
  12. well, enjoy it anyways.
  13. Is it your first handgun? If so, get a .22 and learn to shoot the right way. yeah, until now, all i've had have been rifles: .22 30-06 7mm i wanted a little change up.
  14. Choosing which gun to buy based on a fictional movie character, is not a terribly good idea, especially if it is for self defense. Personally, I'm not very fond of the PPK. Pros and cons are as follows: - Pros 1) It's slim, thus fairly easy to conceal. 2) It points very well. Cons 1) Very heavy double action trigger pull for the first shot. 2) People with large or meaty hands can suffer from slide bite. 3) Fires a round with marginal stopping power, even using the best JHP rounds. 4) I find reliability to be not too good. Probably the best of the PPK type pistols is the SIG 232, but it is fairly pricy. Personally, even just for or plinking I don't enjoy shooting anything smaller than 9mm. Graham Graham, i've got big hands and am looking into buying a pistol...whats my best bet??
  15. Greg Land does great work on Sojourn. absolutely beautiful work on Arwyn and Cassady.
  16. i didn't know until recently that the "cripple fight" in south park between Timmy and Jimmy was taken directly from the fight scene in they live.....pretty funny.
  17. Get work Devin. that Custom kicks ass. mad props for all the work you had to do on design!!
  18. hollywood would ruin Grave of the Fireflies. i don't think any studio is brave enough to kill both the children in the end.
  19. i say UN Spacy hands them thier asses. three reasons: Max, Millia, Isamu B)
  20. i'd still like to see an american live action of La Blue Girl....starring Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba....
  21. pretty sweet. almost Michael Turner-ish....
  22. nice work! do more ships!!!
  23. like i tried to say earlier, i look like this guy....
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