Choosing which gun to buy based on a fictional movie character, is not a terribly good idea, especially if it is for self defense.
Personally, I'm not very fond of the PPK. Pros and cons are as follows: -
1) It's slim, thus fairly easy to conceal.
2) It points very well.
1) Very heavy double action trigger pull for the first shot.
2) People with large or meaty hands can suffer from slide bite.
3) Fires a round with marginal stopping power, even using the best JHP rounds.
4) I find reliability to be not too good.
Probably the best of the PPK type pistols is the SIG 232, but it is fairly pricy.
Personally, even just for or plinking I don't enjoy shooting anything smaller than 9mm.
Graham, i've got big hands and am looking into buying a pistol...whats my best bet??