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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Hey all. I'm looking into buying a replica Civil War Era Officers saber. any advice on manufacturers? what should i be looking for? how much should i pay? thanks for any info!!!
  2. i don't know if its better, but i liked it too. the Napoleonic Wars were an area that i emphasized on in my major in college. i really liked the movie.
  3. A Macross music vid to Monster Magnet's "Space Lord" or "Powertrip" would kick ass.
  4. Me too..... Nice work, Exo.....
  5. Yep. Apples and Oranges. can't you think both kick ass??
  6. To me, Seinfeld isn't funny. This is my opinion and it contains no intentions of ill will towards anybody. you know, i never saw the big deal about it either. just a matter of preference, i guess.
  7. the little "Cumba wumba" Song that they sing joe at Pawtucket Pat's Brewery was hilarioius. i can't believe they got away with that!!!
  8. i gotta disagree here. Squall didn't have nothing on the pretty boy hero of FFX. Zidane from FF 9 wasn't quite so bad. i don't know how a semi-SD character can be classified as a pretty boy. the villians from FF8 and 9 are a different story. But i say cut squall some slack. the guy had a scar at least..... BTW, i am an unabashed FF8 Supporter.
  9. Yeah, CN should get it, but i would like someone like HBO to get it, that way the Creators can just completely cut loose on the comedy. i heard a soundbite from Seth Macfarlane on Maxim's website and it was hilarious.
  10. i found some off Kazaa a few months back to "Highway to the dangerzone" from Top Gun, "Going the Distance" By Cake, "Fuel" By Metallica and "Do ya wanna be a spaceman" by oasis. pretty sweet in my opinion. mostly M+ footage.....
  11. more! more! Flight Suits rock!!!
  12. sweet. More Stewie and Brian!! i was always pissed that fox canned this show, yet King of the Hill goes on strong... <_
  13. Welcome aboard! Enjoy yourself!!!
  14. i need to get this. i'm a little broke.... are the bookends worth the extra price??
  15. I think it's a safe bet. I think there's a bit of a difference between the *ahem8 VF-1R and, say, Max's tail missiles. But just to be safe, maybe somebody should bring this up with His Froatyness the next time there's an opportunity for Q&A. the froating head laughs at the yf-1r.
  16. Max, Millia, Roy and Isamu got 'em beat.
  17. Battlefield earth. Wing Commander. i don't know if Super Mario Brothers counts, but that blew. so did 28 days later. never seen Pluto Nash, but i think its roughly Sci-fi and i heard it blew. Alien 3 and alien resurrection. both Blair witch movies. damn, this thread brings back every negative movie going experience i've ever had.... <_
  18. yep. jack messed him up getting salazar out of his cell.
  19. its tuesday! 24!! Spoilers ahead, for you West Coasters..... Well, tony ain't outright dead, but he may get there. i think its gonna turn out that Michelle as acting director will allow her to get a Job in DC along with Tony after this season, but who knows??? Its pretty crazy how far Jack is going for his job. lets see how much further next week!!!!
  20. lets get some scans!! for, er......research...yeah.....
  21. i've been wanting to check this series out. the mech and characters look really cool. but some people tell me its not very accessable. is this true? should i start out on the movies or the series?
  22. What about funnel equipped mobile suits? Sazabi, Nu Gundam, or Providence could light up several valks. Just for sake of comparison. Regular mobile suit (like the RX-78, Mk. II, Gelgoog, etc.), I'd give the valk the edge. Focker, Jenius or Dyson could outfly Amuro or Char.
  23. didn't he get back aboard the Macross and die there? unless you mean DYRL?, in which case Fockers -1S was destoyed with him.
  24. The RE:1 and RE:0 games are pretty good. i really like Rogue Leader, but haven't gotten a chance to play the new one yet. also Metroid was pretty good, and I've heard good things about F-zero.
  25. i saw some of these on EBAY last week. i thought they were fakes. lots of Bridge Bunny action, it looked like. edit: their still there.....if you search his other auctions, hes got more.... Hentai??
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