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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. save your money for Fables, Stormwatch, Wildcats, Sleeper or Queen and Country.
  2. small, but it still looks really nice.
  3. nope. sorry....
  4. the link doesn't work....
  5. i can't believe some dumbass cast him as John Constantine in the upcoming hellblazer movie. <_<
  6. yep. that kicks ass, Jung!!
  7. “In brightest day, in blackest night, No trolls shall escape my sight! Let those who worship evil’s might Beware my power – Macross World Moderator’s light!”
  8. this is about the Meiji restoration, right? the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate? (hope i remember that right...) i took a class on that. pretty interesting stuff.
  9. one of those guys looks like Bill Clinton....
  10. i always knew you mods went to a central battery to recharge your powers.....
  11. Come on.. The picture was taken in the 1950s. Ronnie Reagan??
  12. is it Scott Baio??
  13. Nonsense!!! Squall and Rinoa forever!!! FF VIII is the greatest FF EVER!!! I am an Unapologetic FF VIII fan!! I am not saying its a bad game. When it comes to FF.... every single game has flaws that balance the series off. Theres no best FF game... if you were to analyse them.... they would all turn out to be even. thats true. i agree. I think, however, people like to give VIII the short end of the stick, and i really don't see what the big deal is. sure, the Junction system blew ass, but i play games as much for story as for mechanics, and i loved the story.
  14. no. "offical theards whcih have been doen before are information threads. opinion threads ar enot. i's like me going to starwars.com and psoting the offila starwars f scifi thread. I woudl get banned an dsued. it;s assumgina utority I odnt; jhve. and shwoing my opion and makign peoepl belive it;s theirs. yes, because at Starwars.com, thats a company website, much as on the Big West Boards or on any other company sponsored Board. this isn't. theres no liability to be had if someone wants to start an 'official'. as it is, this is a fan site, therefore, fans have the autority, and can comment on what they like, and that cannot be taken as an official statement by a company.
  15. does it really matter? A7 wanted to start a discussion and people took it way out of context. and Abombz!! is right, leave the drama. people start so called 'official' threads all the time.
  16. Nonsense!!! Squall and Rinoa forever!!! FF VIII is the greatest FF EVER!!! I am an Unapologetic FF VIII fan!!
  17. those look pretty sweet.
  18. the two advance wars games rock.
  19. i've posted these before, but heres some of my Low Vis with Anasazi's sticker set. he hooked it up with some custom numbers and pilot tags....
  20. has anyone ever ordered from these guys before? hows the service??
  21. Lobo and the Authority are gonna have a one shot crossover this month. its gonna be a Christmas special....bound to be the most touching, politically correct event this holiday season....
  22. nice work... too bad about his spontaneous explosion...Kakizaki just can't get a break
  23. did you know Silvestri's coming back to New X-men # 151 in a few months to do the last arc of Grant Morrison's run? should be pretty cool. i think i Dropped Uncanny and X-men around the time where Stryfe framed cable for shooting Prof X. I dropped X-factor quick too. i absolutely loathed Strong Guy. X-force, i guess i never really got into it, but i did buy the Spiderman Crossover. i never really cared for Wolverine...
  24. they'd destroy it by putting nipples on the bat suit. so no 300? oh well. i'd be happy for any movie on Thermopylae.....
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