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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. you rock. great work!
  2. Thy will be done. nice. quite a looker, that one.
  3. according to that, Tony was USMC. sweet.
  4. taken by itself, okay, sure. but then she's stalked by that little girls dad, arrested twice, held hostage in a convinience store, etc.... it was a bit much....
  5. Oh yeah, that's good enough reasons. Vostok 7 yeah, but Frank's dead. i bet if he were alive, He'd praise the mini-series. the movie was straight up David Lynch non-sense. Herbert said he liked what Lynch did with the movie. He wrote the books, I'd say his opinion mattered more than yours. obviously, but what i'm saying is Lynch's version was all he had seen at that pointi think had he lived to see the SciFi series, he would have loved them even more than lynch's version.
  6. Oh yeah, that's good enough reasons. Vostok 7 yeah, but Frank's dead. i bet if he were alive, He'd praise the mini-series. the movie was straight up David Lynch non-sense.
  7. Yeah, they're good if you can swallow that they're not Frank... and the fact that Kevin J. Anderson co-wrote (I think it was him). The only thing I didn't like was that the end was kinda left hanging... It didn't even tie in to Dune! It's like they somehow left opening for yet another prequel somehow. I didn't like that part. But otherwise, they were good books. Vostok 7 I Agree. the "House" Books weren't that great, and left a lot to be desired. i do like the new Butlerian Jihad books they are putting out now, better than the house books, though no where near the original. as far as the Dune mini-series is concerned, those kicked ass. they could take time and tell the story and made it pretty close to the book. you just can't replicate everything that Herbert put in there, it would be way too much. the actors were no names, but they were better than Kyle Mclachlan. Children of dune was great too. since Dune Messiah didn't add too much, i was glad to see it was condensed, and that more attention was given to Children of Dune. i hope they make more. i want God Emperor, Heretics and Chapterhouse.
  8. It happens... seriously, though, it could be they're really speaking spanish, but for ease, they have them speak english....just like how Sean Connery suddenly switched to speaking english in the Hunt For The Red Occtober....
  9. i used Devin's stickers on my Low Vis, and when i did the instrument panels, i used an X-acto blade to cut it out, and some tweezers to apply. no disassembly.
  10. I varn you infidel, there iz only one god and it iz the "froating head" All Hail the Froating Head!! Valks and toys or death! Valks and toys or death!!
  11. yep. thirdspace sucked. so did the one about those Soul Stealers.
  12. actually she got a big honkin battle cruieser if I remember correctly. A colaboration of Mimbari and Earth tech. If I remember correctly... she was the first captain of the first Warlock class Earth Cruiser. And yes... the reason why she left B5 was because Marcus sacrificed himself trying to save her with the machine the doctor guy (Steven I think was his name) and Sheridan used to save Garibaldy. She got hurt fighting that bunch of Shadow/Earth cruisers with her White Star fleet. BTW... best B5 episode... the one that is played from the point of view of a 2 repair men. Now that was just a bunch of useless collection of B5 facts. did anyone see the Ranger movie they made? was the cruiser Susan commanded like that big one in that Rangers movie? the front looked like an Omega destroyer ( like the Agamemnon) and the back looked like some Mimbari ship.....
  13. so do you only pilot the feddie MS's? or can you do Zeon's??
  14. but didn't Susan put him in some kind of chamber like the Telepaths so he could be held in stasis?
  15. everyone started over. its no big deal.
  16. Jedi.... Thats where Wedge Antilles has the most screen time. Rogue Squadron rocks
  17. yep. but i did like the very last episode. it did a pretty good job of closing out the series. pretty sad.... last 5th season ep, that the one where the future humans are looking back on the past? no. the one where Sheridan calls all his friends together to celebrate his last days. the Humans looking back ep was at the end of season 4, IIRC.... Whatever happens to marcus? is he left sleeping forever??
  18. so i guess the Ez-8 didn't make this game? oh well....what MS's did??
  19. 23 last month.
  20. yep. but i did like the very last episode. it did a pretty good job of closing out the series. pretty sad....
  21. they made a NES game from this movie. it wasn't that great, but it had its moments....anyone else have it? i haven't seen the movie in a while, but i remember it being okay back in the day....
  22. Ever played ZOE? its like that. I have played none of these games... they are fun, but can get repetative. give ZOE2 a rent.
  23. wow. i wonder how many times he had to do that to get it down....
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