ID4 I consider a terrible movie. I was going to see it in theaters but waited for video as soon as I saw Fox's special' date=' it looked that bad. I hate crap that exists purely to blow up monuments and show idiots screaming. I remember a guy writing to Cinescape back when I read it saying he saw no rip-offs and that it delivered "the same magic of Star Wars". Proof that most magazine letters are good for a laugh.The plot is War of the Worlds almost exactly. Aliens out of resources, humans defenceless, the bomb doesn't work, even the virus that saves mankind was lifted. There are plotholes the Macross could fly through. The only film I liked by the makers was Stargate and some of The Patriot. Sci-fi at its best sucks. I want Science Fiction. Other then that, I do agree that stoy is important overall, as well as good characters. [/quote]
had i heard bill pullman's speech, i would have immediately defected to the other side...
it was a pretty bad movie.