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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. And it is I Sir!!! mmm....Jessica Biel as Sydney Savage..... I hear she's gonna be in Blade 3. More Jessica Biel Greatness.
  2. I hope this thing can fit over non-FP 1/60's.
  3. Damn, Jung, you kick ass. that thing is absolutely amazing. incredible work. I hope Yamato's look 1/2 as good as that.
  4. Try reading titus andronicus. THATS badly written. so is Milton's Paradise lost. of course, those are my opinions....
  5. sweet....but still no Max and Millia, or any M+ characters....well, maybe for set 3
  6. that thing is awesome. kick ass.
  7. but then Lucas treats us with things like Howard the Duck and Phantom Menace......
  8. ID4 I consider a terrible movie. I was going to see it in theaters but waited for video as soon as I saw Fox's special' date=' it looked that bad. I hate crap that exists purely to blow up monuments and show idiots screaming. I remember a guy writing to Cinescape back when I read it saying he saw no rip-offs and that it delivered "the same magic of Star Wars". Proof that most magazine letters are good for a laugh.The plot is War of the Worlds almost exactly. Aliens out of resources, humans defenceless, the bomb doesn't work, even the virus that saves mankind was lifted. There are plotholes the Macross could fly through. The only film I liked by the makers was Stargate and some of The Patriot. Sci-fi at its best sucks. I want Science Fiction. Other then that, I do agree that stoy is important overall, as well as good characters. [/quote] had i heard bill pullman's speech, i would have immediately defected to the other side... it was a pretty bad movie.
  9. i hope Alfred Molina can pull off being Doc Ock. he was always one of the better spidey villians. i'm looking forward to this one as well.
  10. or hunting Nazi war criminals who happen to be in possession of interesting archeological artifacts....
  11. yeah, wasn't one of them an Ex-s?? that must have been huge. i think there was a pic floating around here of one of those.....
  12. hooray for Gouf Flight!!
  13. FF VIII FF Tactics Chrono Trigger Chrono Cross RE:0 REmake Zelda, Link to The Past Zelda, Ocarina of Time Zelda, Wind Waker Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2 Zone of Enders 2 Pefect Dark Wrestlemania 2000 Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel NCAA Football 2003 Half-life Operation Flashpoint .....i guess thats about it.
  14. sweet work. are the arms, hand and legs articulated??
  15. well thanks for the news, anyways.
  16. can't it be all of the above?
  17. Abombz!!, is Lament of Innocence worth it? i hear its not 2-d.....does that mean more Castlevania 64 type controls??
  18. I Dl'd the FF8 ending off of Kazaa. Best. Ending. EVER.
  19. its secretary of State Swollen Powell...
  20. its called indoctrination. there's no such thing as Hazing.... besides, i think theres an option that allows you to not see Av's if the Valkaeda's tactics bother you. Valkaeda is watching you.... Valks and Mechs or Death! Valks and Mechs or Death!!
  21. he obviously wishes this were so. It was a pretty big flop. i think he's disavowed his affiliation with that movie, as well.
  22. that looks badass, Exo.
  23. I've been thinking about getting Johnny Ridden's Zaku, but haven't...they look sweet, though. can't wait for a Gouf Flight type, if they make it...
  24. i really liked ZOE2 this year, Ace Combat was great too... my fave is still Metal Gear Solid 2
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