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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Or... F) The Freemasons (yes, they are behind everything) G) Satan (like I said, his recruitment is subtle and quite seductive) H) Product Placement Advertisers hell-bent on converting MacrossWorld members. Come to think of it... I want some M&M's... and a cold Sprite to wash it down... then maybe I'll run by Hallmark. ILLUMINATI!!!
  2. just got back from this movie, and evenb though i was vocal about PJ cutting the Scouring of the Shire, i enjoyed this movie. although, what was Merry doing at the battle of the black gates? and why weren't he and Pippin taller than Sam and Frodo? oh well, fanboy raving aside, i enjoyed it.
  3. there was one chick selling a drunk phonecall from her to the winning buyer.....
  4. Yeah, what if his wife catch's him pokin' the psycho chick, that could get ugly. No, no no, Keith. Remember back on page 2, I reckon Beware of Blast got it correct. It's not a Psycho Chick, it's a Huge, Ugly, Fat and Hairy Man who doesn't like using condoms Anybody watched Deliverance? 'Squeal Piggy, Squeal'! Poor Mechamaniac Graham thats certainly a disturbing thought.... Run if you hear any Banjo's playing....
  5. it shows, just a bit....
  6. presumably, the Salazars sent someone to watch over Kyle Singer to keep up appearances, and the guy shot tony. that probably wasn't part of the plan....
  7. yeah he ain't looking too good. that and he pissed off his good looking wife. looks like its gonna be a bad day for Tony (like getting shot in the neck wasn't enough)
  8. Santa's pissed and he ain't gonna take it! nice job on the card! Merry Christmas to all!
  9. thats a pretty hillarious description.
  10. once again, the obligatory SPOILER warning!! Holy Crap! Tony and Jack's plan went pretty deep, and Palmer seems to be off to another crappy day! His Woman Leaves him and he finds out more people he trusted are lying. too bad chase may have just sent the whole thing straight to hell! hes really starting to piss me off. hes like the Male version of Kim. its gonna suck, no new eps until Jan 3. i can't wait to see who the other party interested in buying the Ukranian Virus is. I'm thinking maybe Mia Kushner's Character or that damned Nina Myers. this was a pretty good ep. Tony's back, which is always a good thing. what did yall think? there is one thing upsetting me about this year.....i think Kate isn't gonna play too much more of a role this year, now that jack is Banging Ramon's wife....
  11. you mean you don't make machine gun noises while gunning down other members of your toy collection??
  12. just like CSN Hunley....
  13. um... you're talking to people that take apart their $130 toys or get markers to draw all over them. LOL! true. i forgot about that. oh well. let me rephrase: if it ain't broke don't fix it unless its aesthetically pleasing to do so.
  14. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Oh come one, SOMEONE had to say it. That was brilliant well said.
  15. that does kinda suck. well now that Ridley did Black Hawk Down and Gladiator, he will include more military stuff in the movie, so maybe more of the United States Colonial Marines.... and maybe he can make the last two films in the series disappear.
  16. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. things seem to run pretty smoothly.
  17. hell yeah. a huge ass spider than can talk. scary stuff....
  18. After that favorite paint scheme. that ones been done to death, too almost as bad as "Favorite Battroid Head Design"
  19. it isn't paranoia if they're really out to get you....
  20. i would never have expected to read a topic like this. Next week: best looking Landing Gear.
  21. i transform my 1/48 once in a while, but not too often. i'm afraid the stickers will fall off.
  22. sounds slightly stalker-ish to me. maybe you should keep a loaded gun handy.
  23. Indeed. SAAB was one of those shows that really deserved another season or two. yep. that show rocked. gonna have to disagree here, buddy.
  24. i like my strike Hikaru Banpresto. but even with the clear nail polish, the damn arms still fall off.... but nonetheless, my BP rocks.
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