Yep. Just look at the poor reposessor they killed awhile back. Doing nothing but his job and the MURDERER got a pat on the back and was told quote "You proved a point today, they won't be taking our property anymore."
Insane indeed.
Don't recall the case you're talking about.
Knowing how lenient Texas law is about debt, he could have been within his legal rights.
At the very least, I'd bet the reposessor was trespassing(since the whole POINT behind the job is they don't want to give it back).
Doesn't mean he should have gotten off, just that I understand why (legally) he did.
Anyways, the intent of the law is to acknowledge that the police can't be everywhere every time, and the people should have the ability to stop a crime themselves. But like I said, there's a few flaws in the implementation.
I would argue, but the one about the eBay motorbike auction ceased being fun the moment eBay deleted the auction.
the Texas Penal code says that if someone is tresspassing on your property at night, the owner of said property can shoot someone in self defense. as for Texas being a leinient state, i don't see every one of your so called "enlightened" states sending so many people to the chamber, or giving law abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves.