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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. pimp...are you taking orders??!!! please...
  2. Happy New Years MW!! as the song goes, maybe this year will be better than the last.....
  3. yep that was double impact.
  4. its probably because they are too afraid to try anything remotely new. if it isn't a Friends/Sienfeld clone, or a Dawsons creek teen drama, most won't touch it. the bastards. <_<
  5. Sin City is awesome. i loved Big Fat Kill....
  6. if they show the last one, it'd be neat to see Pippin and Merry lying on their own death beds next to Aragorn, which i think is covered in an appendix to ROTK....
  7. it says not to listen to him.... as seen here
  8. LOL, I love TF:TM as much as the next Transfan, but holy crow does the soundtrack suck. "YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!!" I haven't seen any of the later Armada episodes with Unicron yet, but I'm not in any hurry. Besides, Old Cron is bound to make yet another comeback in Energon, wearing his freaky, trippy, black-light friendly Halloween paint job. There's absolute heresy.. The Touch is a WONDERFUL and uplifting song. yeah....even the guy in Boogie Nights sings it.....
  9. Krull.....its so cheesy, yet i can't stop watching it......almost mesmerizing.
  10. The Authority is awesome. read only Warren Ellis's or Mark Millar's stuff. the new book is NOT the Authority. Watchmen owns. its probably the best GN of all time. never read Preacher, But if you want a total mind f---, try reading Grant Morrison's (New X-men) the Invisibles. great stuff.
  11. The Colony? If it wasn't for that big fag Rodman... it wouldn't have been half bad. But its sequel.... theres no emoticon that would help me express how awful it was. was that the name? i forget...they made a sequel!? if any movie didn't warrant a sequel it was that one.....i hope they never get around to making the Knockoff Sequel... <_<
  12. the one with Dennis Rodman was better....
  13. thats because Sauron or Sauron's old master made Orcs and Trolls as kind of an insult to Elves and Ents....when sauron is defeated, they start to loose power, just like the Nazgul.
  14. Yep. Try Fables, Stormwatch:Team Achilles, Losers, Queen And Country and Sleeper for stuff like that...
  15. American Ninja!!!
  16. I disagree. It was certainly not anticlimatic. If anything, it was the true climax of the story. It had been foreshadowed long before. It also did a great job of bringing the horror of war home to the characters; quite literally. All along they view the Shire as this untouchable place of peace that they're returning to, but then it's stripped away and they're forced to accept that no where is truly safe from evil. Oops, sorry I meant the homecoming in the movie was anti climactic and that I didn't notice the hobbits getting strange stares (except for that one old guy). I still didn't like the scouring of the Shire in the book tho and in both version I thought the Shirefolk were too oblivious. Moreso in the film. I like the fact that Pippin and Merry ( Gondor and Rohan respectively) were wearing their uniforms on coming back into the shire.
  17. first the door knob thing, now this?!! Kinky!!!
  18. imagine the possibilities in that....
  19. i used anasazi's stickers, and they look great. but i do know WM Cheng used Anasazi's Decals on one of his gorgeous builds....
  20. I started to read, then I saw the title and realized... *(internal voice) NO! You aren't supposed to listen, look at the member title.* at least you caught it in time!
  21. Yep. at least its entertaining.
  22. yep. also, Anasazi37 announces when he has his for sale, too, in the sales forum. check it out....
  23. Good cause I'm planning on killing both Max and Milkman X. So that's what happened to SuperO and AidanK....... What they didn't want to go away quietly like peter and Yoshi? vinnie they got into their boats and sailed away into the west....
  24. there are Much better stickers and Decals available. the Yammie ones suck. Anasazi37 and Takatoys both make excellent stickers that will make your Valks llook way better than the ones Yamato provide. i don't know if they have -1j 1/48's available, but they should be coming soon. I have a set of Anasazi's and it made my Low Vis looks awesome.
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