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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Bah. they should have continued Squall and Rinoa's story from FF VIII. The FF VIII liberation front strikes again!!
  2. yuck. Street Fighter is so... 1995. I think since the first Universal Soldier they have been seen as a team though. I really want to see the both of them in another high budget movie. at least they didn't bring him back in that awful Universal Soldier sequel with Goldberg and that Guy from Spawn as the ultimate Unisol. although it could hardly have been worse....
  3. for those who remember... Traveling in a fried-out combie On a hippie trail, head full of zombie I met a strange lady, she made me nervous She took me in and gave me breakfast And she said, Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder? Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover. Buying bread from a man in brussels He was six foot four and full of muscles I said, do you speak-a my language? He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich And he said, I come from a land down under Where beer does flow and men chunder Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover. Lying in a den in bombay With a slack jaw, and not much to say I said to the man, are you trying to tempt me Because I come from the land of plenty? And he said, Oh! do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah) Where women glow and men plunder? Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover.
  4. awesome work, EXO!! mad props!
  5. And that has what to do with my call for signing this petition? sorry buddy, there are no images in the Sig. its bad ju-ju.
  6. this ones a custom. i don't think anyone can buy a Yamato made one....yet....
  7. And if IMDB is correct: Holds a master's degree in chemical engineering. Was offered a Fulbright scholarship to study at MIT He may be a shitty actor, but you at least gotta give him props for not being a total moron like Van Damme, or a total fake like Seagal. no crap. He-man is a genius. thats pretty crazy!!
  8. i like: Clooney: Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a f**k how crazy they are.
  9. Awesome. damn, Yamato needs to get on with making that thing already!! i doubt it though, since Max is a low seller, unless hes a -1J.
  10. as much as i like the 1/60's. the 1/48 blows it out of the water. take a look at the both of them and buy what you like. but for me, its 1/48.
  11. Tam has them at Twin Moons.....with and without base.
  12. Heh... I actually saw that movie in the theater. Drunk. The crowd cheered when he died. Also I laughed my ass when one character said very dramatically, "We're going to have to call the president... [long pause, then looks directly at the camera] this has to be an EXECUTIVE DECISION." Golly, I love bad films! the thing that pisses me off about that movie is that people to this day think its the adaption of a Tom Clancy book..... and my response is always: "thats Executive Orders, numbnuts"
  13. yep, rumor is Whedon is gonna take over writing New X-Men after Grant Morrison's run is over....should be sweet....
  14. thats awesome, LTSO. great work.
  15. What all has he claimed to do with the CIA? I've heard little bits and pieces but nothing with any real detail. He claims that his past is much like that of most of the characters he plays in his movies. He always plays the mystery man with a shadowy past etc. Check out his trivia section on IMDB Seagal Trivia And here is a quote from that page, more specifically from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia: Seagal, who gives egodrenched interviews, enjoys making cryptic references to his shadowy past, indicating a former association with the CIA which investigative journalists have questioned Seagal is such a tool...
  16. isn't this the trend for Real Life aircraft as well? i know the F-22 has internal Bays, so does the Comanche helocopter....does the new F-35 have them as well? Maybe Kawamori is simply following the trend?? BTW, good observations, David
  17. mine sits. i sometimes transform, but i stickered mine up and i'm a bit afraid the stickers could come off.
  18. Awesome. glad you're liking them!! Heretics and Chapterhouse are great, and they won't disappoint! i hope that 7 won't either.....i hear they're using Frank's original notes for the basic layout, so it should be great!!
  19. that would be memorabilia worth having!! i'd even go 10x that!!
  20. yeah, but didn't Seagal beat up his that chick from wierd science (his ex-wife)??
  21. Lowest Common Denominator = $$$ And every station does it for the most part... I mean I watched a show on the Discovery Channel called "BIG THINGS" etc... Plus they have all those stupid ass reality shows... like people redecorating their damn house or getting married... *yawn* Hell, even Anime is getting more commercial. Sucks, but its part of living in today's world. agreed....speaking of which, did you ever finish the Dune books?
  22. i got the same one....
  23. You seem to forget the kind of crowd Fox draws. Vostok 7 American Idol, The Simple Life, Joe Millionare, anyone?? Fox seems to love going after the lowest denominator in searching out sources for entertainment.
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