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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. agreed, sithlord!
  2. looks like its time to sell plasma!! again... <_<
  3. ahahahaha ooooh yea that's Axe for sure lol. the piper is down, the piper is down!!!
  4. i still want that ever elusive Max -1S. <_<
  5. Drop a hint to Monster Garage. They may take up that challenge. http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/monsterg...de/episode.html I'd rather have the OCC boys make me a Macross theme bike. American Chopper rocks!!!
  6. yep, thats probably gonna happen sooner or later. eBay auction: MISB Yamato Valkyrie RARE variant, with velcro!!!
  7. Yea brother. Can I get an amen!?!?! FINALLY!!! someone else sees it like me!!
  8. I'm so happy, my wallet can't stop crying. those kick ass. good thing i just got a better job!!! Max -1J. damn that rocks!!!
  9. bah. lets get an Arch Enemy Ez-8 and a gouf flight/ custom.
  10. i know claudia's little bastard of a brother is gonna mess things up somehow. now that Claudia is dead, maybe Kate will come back...i hope anyways!! Sherry Palmer. i can't believe that bitch is back!! you gotta hand it to david. if hes gonna play dirty, hes gonna get the nastiest rat in the crapper to fight for him.
  11. I'm standing firm behind Flight Suit Millia! ah... you know what I mean... somebody should photoshop sydney's hair green, and she can be well endowed, dripping wet millia...
  12. now 400x more self loathing and angst!!
  13. i nominate: Sydney Savage!!!
  14. hooray for fanservice! now if only Jessica Biel could do the same in Blade 3.
  15. Supreme Power kicks ass. it started slow, but its really speeding up now. anyone who likes that should check out Powers by Brian Michael Bendis, who also writes Alias, Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate X-men, and about 50 other books, which are all great. 50, BTW, was an exageration.
  16. wow, it looks like shes married! * looks at ring on finger*
  17. awesome work. good job. i love those Yukikaze designs.
  18. it must have been awarded posthumously...
  19. Misa!! sweet. probably pick some of these up. i wonder why M+ figures have been made yet.....
  20. sweet. suikoden IV. NanoBreaker kinda reminds me of Strider....
  21. Don't tone it down. Keep that avatar. I don't find it distracting. it rocks.
  22. nice. i have the figure of her they released here in the states but had never seen that one. thanks for the pic!! Rinoa Forever!!!
  23. there was a Rinoa statue? and i didn't get it? NOOOOO!!!!
  24. lament of innocence rocks. i love the music, especially the anti soul mystery lab. this game kicks ass.
  25. HA! I thought that the Merovingians and Issac Newton had something to do with it! no. its the Illuminatus and Galileo, and thier incredible branding techniques. its bound to be called "Angels and Valkyries"
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