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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Is that forum really capable of helping anyone? all it is . rt poster:Rootech RUUUULZ rt poster:I DIG that bro!!!!! newbie poster:i heard robotech was relaly 3 diffrent shwoes they merged it into one and they ahve good stories and aniamtion. and they have bette rproducts liek th eyamato valkyries. rt poster:No you LOOOOOSER Go away. RT RULZ you suck. rt poster: He is a lamer troll let's get amod to bann him. LONg LIVE TOYNAMIE rt poster:: Yeah ban that LOOOSER. what is thsi YAMaTO crap. We sunk tha tship in WWII newbie poster get's banned and goes to macross world and all is happy. its funny because its true...
  2. don't forget the pr0n and the not so hidden phalic symbols....
  3. Now that I would love to see. That way no one can piss and moan that something doesn't line up with the first series. well Mac2 isn't in line with the first show (and i know the Froating Head had nothing to do with it), and people still piss and moan about it....
  4. well, Van Helsing rocks, but its Van Helsing, NOT Van Hagar!! That's Van Halen II, Isamu, those were the Roth days, and that was Van Halen, not Van Hagar. i know duke, i was just making a joke!! they should have stayed with Diamond Dave!!!
  5. well, Van Helsing rocks, but its Van Helsing, NOT Van Hagar!!
  6. sweet. maybe they'll resolve what happens to the Excalibur....
  7. d00d! b00bz!!!
  8. just don't forget the Pats this weekend!!!
  9. there is no improving on perfection....
  10. i bet everyone who is complaining now will be on in a few months about how awesome yamato's vf-0 is and how they wanna buy more to customize. they ain't even out yet....how can we know they are gonna suck? <_<
  11. long live Alric the great!!!
  12. looks sweet. too bad i suck at things like that.....
  13. Milton was WAY better.
  14. sweet! Fox Hound kicks ass! too bad i already have a GC and i live in America..... <_<
  15. yes. but we'd probably get polls and topics like "Yamato's English page: frames, or no" "To Flash or not to Flash: Yammie Web Page Poll"
  16. i always liked that design. kinda like a larger scale CF. you know they ain't gonna make it, but you root for em anyway.
  17. Not all... but certainly all the ones by this OverDard guy http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KRS459 And yes, he's the guy who sculpted the Sara kit... chun li is gonna have chronic back problem carry those around all day... ....not that thats necessarily a bad thing.
  18. looks nice. but for 80 bucks? no way. not for something that small.
  19. MacrossWorld seems to be sliding down a slippery slope itself. there are still quality folks around here.
  20. that movie looks AWESOME!!! definately checking it out.....
  21. The Lot was definately different from Kings newer material. yes the pacing was different, but i also found it to be quite frightening in parts. i still hold it as one of his best, even though it has been eclipsed by Black House, Talisman, and the Dark Tower Books. Glad you liked the books, Blaine. good stuff. I personally loved the Talisman and the Black House, and i think you'll like them as well. it would be great to see Jack and Speedy again, just as it would be to catch up with old Wolf, who is supposed to come back like the Moon. after all, there ARE other doors... I'm With Blaine on wishing to see more of Jericho Hill and finding out how Roland alone survived against the Good Man's overwhelming odds. Say Thankya, Thankya big!!
  22. it was okay. not great, just okay. it could have been a platform for the long awaited D.B Sweeney comeback....
  23. that movie looks AWESOME!!! definately checking it out.....
  24. Butterfly effect 2: the Cocoon effect Ashton tries to save Wilford Brimley and Jessica Tandy from Aliens, with Steve Gutenberg at his side....
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