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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. No, Yamato make toys, not model kits. Graham ...for now... (Ominous music plays in background)....
  2. RE:0 and the RE Make kick ass. Zelda is awesome. a fave of mine is NCAA 2004. good game.
  3. Awesome.
  4. if Nina Myers or Sherry Palmer looked like Jessica, i'd nominate them for the Nobel Peace Prize. someone should start a poll: Bigger Bitch: Nina, Sherry, or Ryan Good Episode tonight. Jack needs to kill Nina and get it over with. i was kinda hoping the Baby was Jack and Kate's kid, if only so Kate could come back.... Now that Jack is back at CTU, his ass is gonna be in a sling, along with Gael and Tony. i hope that Torture guy goes to work on Nina like that Secret service guy did with Stanton last season or those terrorist did with Jack, including the Soldering Iron treatment....
  5. dismiss her? she ought to be dragged out back by Tony and shot.
  6. this obviously means the end of Western Civilization.... *sigh* more HG crap.....up next: MPC Strike Packs and a fanservice like Reba West shower scene... *Shudders*
  7. is it like Grave of the Fireflies damaging, or Evangelion Damaging??
  8. You know it would have been one of the better eps this season... and thus, of course, Time Warner Cable in my area somehow went wacky and everyone in town was treated to 30 minutes of 24, followed by 30 minutes of "Reggae Spotlight" on the World Music station of MusicChoice... freaked me out, man! One minute Nina is testing the virus, the next minute I can't change the channel to stop the rasta vibes... Damn technology! Thank god for internet recaps. Without I would have to assume Jack, Chase, and the Delta teams were interecepted by Jamaican warriors armed with spliffs. you was Jammin, Mon...
  9. i have a heater just like that too...
  10. Jung, that thing kicks all the ass in the world.
  11. but if hes tough enough to cauterize the would with a branding iron, i imagine he could do better. Jack was tortured until he died last season, and in the final ep, he still managed to kill a whole lot of people....
  12. and the Gundam Zaku's were Green and GM's were all different colors.
  13. and still no Ez-8 or Gouf Flight.... *weeps bitterly*
  14. this was actually one of the better eps this season. finally Jack was kicking some ass instead of looking like a Junky and Kim's idiocy was kept to a minimum. Chase must be a crappy shot if he didn't kill Ramon with the first shot...
  15. [Fanboy Rant] Only if the headlasers work! [/Fanboy Rant]
  16. Is that Yamato´s new 1/48 project ? well , you know, if it ain´t 1/48 then that gun is not worth a penny. Dude, it's even better! It's 1:1! Perfect match with the helmet and their upcoming 1:1 VF-1A! [Fanboy Rant] But i want a 1:1 VF-1S [/Fanboy Rant]
  17. heck, Sailor Moon could probably have been part of RT, had it been out then....
  19. the A-10. toughest plane out there. gets the job done by getting down and dirty with a big ass gun. ain't nothing better.
  20. what they need to do is put the Max -1A 1/48 on sale....
  21. it would own to see some 1/72 VF-0 and 1's on the 'cats......
  22. eh...Still waiting for the Arch enemy EZ-8 and Gouf Flight....
  23. the more i think of it, i liked Char and Amuro's ending trying to hold back the asteroid in CCA. all those other Gundams and Geara Doga's trying to help out winda cool, too.
  24. i want a 1/1 model of this...
  25. the death of that slimy boar thing in Princess Mononoke.....just cause it looked cool.
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